Texas Officials Clear 43 People After Ebola Monitoring


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
Breathing a sigh of relief, Texas officials said Monday that 43 people who had contact with a man who died of Ebola, Thomas Eric Duncan, were cleared of twice-daily monitoring, and they urged residents to accept those people back into the community.

At a news conference, Judge Clay Jenkins, Dallas County’s top elected official, said that the 43 were part of an initial 48 people who were being monitored because they had contact with Mr. Duncan before he was admitted to the hospital on Sept. 28.

Source: Texas Officials Clear 43 People After Ebola Monitoring - eReporter
Now they can go out and get the flu...

A sigh of relief? The last time someone was cleared she got on a flight to Cleveland with ebola. 43 people means 86 new cases in a matter of weeks, followed by 172 followed by 344. Do you really trust the fate of our nation with TEXANS?

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