Texas Latina says she dates only white men doesnt date hispanics

Liberal Jewish Parents freak if their Daughters date Brothers ...


It serves them right.

They spent 100 years fighting tooth and nail to "diversify" America and now "diversity" comes back to bite them in the ass.
Liberal Jewish Parents freak if their Daughters date Brothers ...


It serves them right.

They spent 100 years fighting tooth and nail to "diversify" America and now "diversity" comes back to bite them in the ass.

I dont think many Jews freak out, a handful maybe, i think for them it is more important that the guy is jewish then "white". Isnt Mark Zuckerberg married to a asian woman? In Israel many are married to asian and black jews. The jewish law or rabbinical court allows interracial marriages if both are jews, but doesnt allow marriages if one is not a jew, they have to marry outside israel.
If you’re a white guy with a decent job, you have to beat back the black and Latina women from poor families with a stick.

They’re looking to move on up in the world in an economic sense.

Plus maybe they just like white guys.
If you’re a white guy with a decent job, you have to beat back the black and Latina women from poor families with a stick.

They’re looking to move on up in the world in an economic sense.

Plus maybe they just like white guys.

Not always true but you do make a point.
The Hispanic girl I was engaged to dumped me because I wasn't ready to grow up.
After that I became a machinist and made more money than she could ever hope to make.
This was 35 years ago before I met my current wife.
She contacted me a year ago on facebook,she asked me about my life and I told her I'd been married for 32 years.
While she had two kids from one man and had been married two other times.
She was my first true Love and I still think of her today.
In the end I made the right decision.

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