Texas Gov. Abbot to load illegals on busses and drop them on Capital Hill.

So as long as those illegals aren’t on your plane to the ski resort you don’t give a shit.
I wouldn't know if they were. I am sure he could charter a flight and load them up, hundred at a time at DFW, in the middle of the night and drop them in DC, 2 hours and 43 minutes later, leaving them on their own recognizance and only have to deal with the aftermath.
Hoof. You remind me of people I usually run into at get-togethers. These people usually button-hole me and talk my ear off. All I have to do is ask about the weather and they will spend an hour giving me a lecture on Socrates and the meaning of life. <sigh>
From your choice of words I'd say people like me would not be making much effort to talk to you, although a polite nod would be feasible. Those you mentioned who have "button-holed" you at get-togethers must share your mindset in some fashion to be discussing deeper subjects than your go-to weather topic

I can spot a doom and gloom type from about 100 yards. I cannot relate to anyone who looks for the bad in order to be right about everything being bad. Those types are contagious with their negativity. You might qualify as a nothing is ever going to be good because it's always been bad type, but I don't claim to know. What I do know is I avoid people who enjoy talking about the weather. lol
I could explain it. I could break it down into neat little packages that even a retard like you can understand but then... how will you ever improve?

This is what you do. Read my posts a few times, then when you are done, read them a couple more times. Eventually, you will get it. I have faith in you. Ok, sweetheart? :itsok:
Shut the fuck up. You do nothing but talk past everybody OFF TOPIC. Take your bullshit schtick somewhere else.
Please explain your so called "logic". You think these illegals will be shipped to DC, somehow find their way back to Texas because they enjoyed the bus ride to DC so much they want to do it again?

If you had one more brain cell you would would have enough to rub two together, Moron.
Do you cloud nine halfwits ever tire of complaining?
From your choice of words I'd say people like me would not be making much effort to talk to you, although a polite nod would be feasible. Those you mentioned who have "button-holed" you at get-togethers must share your mindset in some fashion to be discussing deeper subjects than you go-to weather topic

I can spot a doom and gloom type from about 100 yards. I cannot relate to anyone who looks for the bad in order to be right about everything being bad. Those types are contagious with their negativity. You might qualify as a nothing is ever going to be good because it's always been bad type, but I don't claim to know. What I do know is I avoid people who enjoy talking about the weather. lol
Awww... did I hurt your liddle feelings. Aww... I am sorry. You can bore me to tears any day of the week. Happy?
Awww... did I hurt your liddle feelings. Aww... I am sorry. You can bore me to tears any day of the week. Happy?
Anyone who comes to a message board with "feelings" or "I can't take a joke about myself" is yet to be educated about message boards. You are a peon and not even a good peon. Good peons don't exaggerate their sense of self like you've demonstrated. It explains your need for Magnus as your user name - no real power in life. Sad! lol
Anyone who comes to a message board with "feelings" or "I can't take a joke about myself" is yet to be educated about message boards. You are a peon and not even a good peon. Good peons don't exaggerate their sense of self like you've demonstrated. It explains your need for Magnus as your user name - no real power in life. Sad! lol
LOL. Good try. Next time, go in for a bit more personal name-calling. A peon, really? Best you can do? Come on, try again. Give it a good punch. We will make you a mean one, yet. :itsok:
The Saudis solved their problem with illegals ten years ago without violence or abuse. The US could as well. We'd rather fight about a useless border wall than solve the problem. I'm sick of these prancing pissants.
How do we solve the problem?
He doesn't sound like much of an American.

Oh? So, it's okay to allow illegal alien wetbacks into America and Biden and company ship them by plane and bus throughout America to cities.
Now suddenly the fed-up Governor of Texas decides to treat Washington in kind, and you make that specious claim.
Shame on you.
"We are sending them to the United States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border," Abbott said.
Needless to say, that along with the wetbacks the flow of drugs into the U.S. has tripled since Joey Xi Bai Dung was fraudulently elected.

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Good. It's about time. Biden has been dumping Fauci Flu infested illegals all over the country. Abbott is about to send a caravan of busses with these illegals to DC and drop them at the Capital steps.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott directs use of buses to drop off migrants at steps of Capitol in DC​

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that undocumented migrants released into his state will be shipped to the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C., as border checkpoints struggle to manage the flow of people attempting to enter the United States and the Biden administration's move to eliminate the Title 42 expulsion provision.

The state will provide charter buses to drop off migrants – many released into small Texas communities that officials say are overwhelmed – in Washington, the Republican governor said in a news conference.

"We are sending them to the Unites States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border," Abbott said.

He noted that cities along the Texas-Mexico border have bused migrants to San Antonio.

"So I said I got a better idea. As opposed to busing these people to San Antonio, let's continue the ride all the way to Washington D.C.," Abbott said.

The first location where migrants will be dropped off is the U.S. Capitol, officials said.

W. Nim Kidd, chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management, said his agency will "use as many buses as we need" to follow Abbott's directive. In past emergencies, up to 900 buses have been activated for evacuations, he said.

1. is it true?

2. can he pull it off?
I wouldn't know if they were. I am sure he could charter a flight and load them up, hundred at a time at DFW, in the middle of the night and drop them in DC, 2 hours and 43 minutes later, leaving them on their own recognizance and only have to deal with the aftermath.
Isn’t that exactly what the feds are doing?
How? Tell me.
OMG. Trump had it solved. A wall and wait in Mexico for your hearing. Simple.
The democrats want open borders to flood the US with new democrat voters.
LOL. Good try. Next time, go in for a bit more personal name-calling. A peon, really? Best you can do? Come on, try again. Give it a good punch. We will make you a mean one, yet. :itsok:
Almost all US voters are peons; don't let your sense of self-importance gloss over the reality. My first response to you I addressed you as a "fellow peon" so tagging it as "name-calling" is an interesting take. Try reading other posts before making false conceptions.

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