Texas family slaughtered in RV

So he killed his family and then offed himself. Little bastard shot both the dogs as well. Another American exercising his 2nd rights.
I wonder what caused him to do that ?
Having said that they are probably better off where they are now than living in Texas.

Moron....people are moving to Texas in droves.......California is losing more and more people to Texas........you really are dumb, aren't you?

So he killed his family and then offed himself. Little bastard shot both the dogs as well. Another American exercising his 2nd rights.
I wonder what caused him to do that ?
Having said that they are probably better off where they are now than living in Texas.

That's awfully considerate of them. Imagine being killed somewhere less comfortable.
You have to accept the collateral damage as the price of freedom. Apparently.

Yes......when people are free they can do good or evil...when you have the left in charge of most cultural and education institutions, you can always expect more evil.........

Teenagers can do great evil no matter where you live..

Three more teenagers have been charged with murder after a 15-year-old boy died in a stabbing in south-east London.

But it was easier to just shoot them. Thats why your murder rates are so excessive.

No....our murder rates are high because the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians keep releasing the most violent, known, repeat gun offenders over and over again....

We have 600 million guns and over 19.4 million Americans can carry those guns for self defense in public...

over 27 years our gun murder rate went down, not up by 49%....our gun crime rate went down 75%....so what you just posted is not true or accurate....

Guns do not cause gun crime or murder......democrats releasing violent criminals over and over again no matter how many crimes they commit causes crime...
Heavily armed nuts at that.

You have them too....

The Cumbria shootings was a shooting spree which occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, taxi driver Derrick Bird, killed twelve people and injured eleven others before killing himself in Cumbria, England, United Kingdom.

A gunman in southwest England killed five people, including a young girl, before turning his weapon on himself, police say. It's the deadliest mass shooting in Britain in more than 10 years.

That's where the bulk of murders occur

That is a lie......the majority of murder in this country, 70-80% is criminals with long histories of crime and violence murdering other criminals, also with long histories of crime and violence......and they do this primarily in democrat party controlled cities....and the killers are majority young black men murdering other young black men.......
They have far less than we do

Because their welfare state hadn't destroyed their nuclear families...till now.......World War 2 set the British back decades in the destruction of their nuclear families....we didn't experience the trauma of WW2 the way they did, so our nuclear families started to fall apart in the 60s.....they are now experiencing the same fatherless homes in their communities that we did.....and this is causing more and more violence from their fatherless boys...
You can escape from a burning house.

Try escaping from someone shooting you from 10 ft away

Guns aren't death rays, moron. You would be amazed how hard it can be to actually shoot someone even that close...
Of course you didn't know...

"The Office for National Statistics data between June 2016 and March 2020 showed per person crime had increased by 31% in England and by a lower margin of 18% in London since 2016. These statistics only count crime recorded by police, and it's estimated by that overall crime continues to decrease."

The British police are also undercounting violent crimes........
Yes......when people are free they can do good or evil...when you have the left in charge of most cultural and education institutions, you can always expect more evil.........

Teenagers can do great evil no matter where you live..

Three more teenagers have been charged with murder after a 15-year-old boy died in a stabbing in south-east London.

The little girl who was slaughtered didnt really have much of a chance to enjoy her freedom. The 2nd did fuck all for her.
Meh...who expects to defend themselves from a loved one.

You have to trust some people in this world. Occasionally the trust is misplaced.

Blame the killer...not the weapon. He could have poisoned them, run a pipe in from the exhaust or grabbed the wheel and steered them off a cliff or into the path of a semi.

It's the person that needs fixed... Not the 2nd amendment...

There are government stats on familicides. Its not pretty or unusual.
Ya gotta love that second.

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