Texas denies anchor babies birth certificates

Where does it say you can come here illegally and have your kid?
that's undoubtedly an illegal act and the parent could be prosecuted and deported
doesn't change that the kid would be a citizen - unless you can point to a part of the 14th amendment that excludes the children of illegal immigrants?

There is no reason why we can't write laws that would exclude them.
Changing the status quo would appear to require a constitutional amendment, a number of legal scholars disagree, concluding that nothing in the plain language of the amendment requires the present, expansive interpretation of birthright citizenship, and noting that the peculiar phrase in Section 1 referring to persons who are “subject to the jurisdiction thereof…” would in fact seem to imply otherwise.
Diplomats aren't subject to our jurisdiction. They could get away with murder because we can't prosecute them. Aliens that are not diplomats do not enjoy that protection because they are under our jurisdiction.
You are absolutely right, Ravie, but why should illegals above everyone else get that protection via having a baby?
What laws do illegals get above everyone else by having a baby? What law says they aren't treated the same as if no baby was involved?
According to law they are treated the same with one expectation. An undocumented immigrant who can prove they have lived in this country illegally for over 10 years and who can also show to the courts ratification that removal of the parent from the US would cause extreme hardship on the child may be granted resident status. In most cases if there is a second parent or guardian, the appeal will fail. Or if the child is receiving financial support from the state and is being supervised by the state the appeal will fail. Also if the government show that parent has a criminal record, the appeal will fail. Of all the many defenses against deportation, using a dependent child who is a citizen as a sole defense is rarely successful.

Possible Defenses to Deportation of an Undocumented Alien | Nolo.com
that's undoubtedly an illegal act and the parent could be prosecuted and deported
doesn't change that the kid would be a citizen - unless you can point to a part of the 14th amendment that excludes the children of illegal immigrants?

There is no reason why we can't write laws that would exclude them.
Changing the status quo would appear to require a constitutional amendment, a number of legal scholars disagree, concluding that nothing in the plain language of the amendment requires the present, expansive interpretation of birthright citizenship, and noting that the peculiar phrase in Section 1 referring to persons who are “subject to the jurisdiction thereof…” would in fact seem to imply otherwise.
Diplomats aren't subject to our jurisdiction. They could get away with murder because we can't prosecute them. Aliens that are not diplomats do not enjoy that protection because they are under our jurisdiction.
You are absolutely right, Ravie, but why should illegals above everyone else get that protection via having a baby?
What laws do illegals get above everyone else by having a baby? What law says they aren't treated the same as if no baby was involved?
According to law they are treated the same with one expectation. An undocumented immigrant who can prove they have lived in this country illegally for over 10 years and who can also show to the courts ratification that removal of the parent from the US would cause extreme hardship on the child may be granted resident status. In most cases if there is a second parent or guardian, the appeal will fail. Or if the child is receiving financial support from the state and is being supervised by the state the appeal will fail. Also if the government show that parent has a criminal record, the appeal will fail. Of all the many defenses against deportation, using a dependent child who is a citizen as a sole defense is rarely successful.

Possible Defenses to Deportation of an Undocumented Alien | Nolo.com

And these extremely rare instances in no way mitigate the fact that there is no such thing as an 'anchor baby.'
There is no reason why we can't write laws that would exclude them.
Changing the status quo would appear to require a constitutional amendment, a number of legal scholars disagree, concluding that nothing in the plain language of the amendment requires the present, expansive interpretation of birthright citizenship, and noting that the peculiar phrase in Section 1 referring to persons who are “subject to the jurisdiction thereof…” would in fact seem to imply otherwise.
Diplomats aren't subject to our jurisdiction. They could get away with murder because we can't prosecute them. Aliens that are not diplomats do not enjoy that protection because they are under our jurisdiction.
You are absolutely right, Ravie, but why should illegals above everyone else get that protection via having a baby?
What laws do illegals get above everyone else by having a baby? What law says they aren't treated the same as if no baby was involved?
According to law they are treated the same with one expectation. An undocumented immigrant who can prove they have lived in this country illegally for over 10 years and who can also show to the courts ratification that removal of the parent from the US would cause extreme hardship on the child may be granted resident status. In most cases if there is a second parent or guardian, the appeal will fail. Or if the child is receiving financial support from the state and is being supervised by the state the appeal will fail. Also if the government show that parent has a criminal record, the appeal will fail. Of all the many defenses against deportation, using a dependent child who is a citizen as a sole defense is rarely successful.

Possible Defenses to Deportation of an Undocumented Alien | Nolo.com

And these extremely rare instances in no way mitigate the fact that there is no such thing as an 'anchor baby.'
The presumption that most people make is that Mom can become legal by just showing up in court with a birth certificate for their 'Anchor Baby". The fact is a judge can't even consider accepting this defense unless the parent can prove that she has been in the country illegally for 10 years. Time spent in the country with a work permit does not count, nor does any time she spent out of the country. If the parent can get past this hurtle, then she has to prove that support supplied by the family without her is insufficient to raise the child. Since the children are eligible for food stamps, Medicaid, TANF, and other programs because they are US citizens that can be difficult to prove. The result is that a relatively small number of undocumented immigrants can successfully use their children as a defense against deportation.
I hope this law won't be overlapped by the federal law. I'm sure liberals who are currently in charge aren't happy about the fact that some states have their own politics. Good job, Texas.
I hope this law won't be overlapped by the federal law. I'm sure liberals who are currently in charge aren't happy about the fact that some states have their own politics. Good job, Texas.
Immigration is a Federal, not a State, issue. The loss Texas is headed for is not even a question.
Texas Denies Birth Certificates to Children of Immigrants

Good job Texas! Leading the nation in common sense once again!
Why doesn't Texas go after the employers that hire illegals?
The place would fall apart. That's why Perry never pulled that Arizona crap.
So lets make them legal so Texas employers and the workers pay taxes. That's why Democrats want to make them legal.

The place wouldn't fall apart it would just cut into profits.
So lets make them legal...
Good plan...
My problem is I agree we are overcrowded and don't need more people we need less. But seems we do need these workers. Both to do cheap menial labor and to pay taxes so we can pay baby boomer ss.

Since they are already here, may as well make them legal so they pay their fair share in taxes and the illegal employers who hire them.
The 14th amendment didn't apply to Indians or children of foreign ambassadors in 1870....

It didn't apply to slaves in 1850, either.

But that was found to be unconstitutional.

Please stahp being stoopid.

You are showing your ignorance the 14th amendment only applied to slaves.....t

She was wrong- since the 14th Amendment didn't exist in 1850 but you are showing your ignorance too- since the 14th Amendment applies to everyone born or naturalized in the United States- not just slaves.
Man you need to do you homework before you call someone ignorant. The Civil Rights act of 1865 was passed to make sure the children of the newly freed slaves would be US citizen it had a different phrase and stated ,"not subject to any foreign jurisdiction." Republicans at the time feared this federal law could get overturned, therefore they proposed the 14th amendment and one of the framers of the amendment changed the language to subject to the jurisdiction thereof. It is well known that the birthright clause was established to protect the children of newly freed slaves and not the children of illegal immigrants!

Please do you homework, especially if you plan on attacking someone!

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I hope this law won't be overlapped by the federal law. I'm sure liberals who are currently in charge aren't happy about the fact that some states have their own politics. Good job, Texas.
I don't believe this is a law but rather a regulation as to type of identification that is acceptable for birth certificates. The purpose of the identification is to verify the name of the parent and has nothing to do with the citizenship of the child because by law, Texas and the United States recognize the child is a citizen by birth..

The only thing that denying a birth certificate does is create more people without documentation. If many states follow Texas example, then undocumented immigrants will claim they were born in a state where their parents didn't have the proper documentation available for their birth certificate. It will actually make deportation more difficult.
Texas Denies Birth Certificates to Children of Immigrants

Good job Texas! Leading the nation in common sense once again!
Why doesn't Texas go after the employers that hire illegals?
Because fast food joints, hotels, motels, construction companies, lawn and domestic services are loaded with Latinos that would have difficulty producing proper documentation.
Yeppers. And they do the real work there. Illegals there are also known as employees...
The 14th amendment didn't apply to Indians or children of foreign ambassadors in 1870....

It didn't apply to slaves in 1850, either.

But that was found to be unconstitutional.

Please stahp being stoopid.

You are showing your ignorance the 14th amendment only applied to slaves.....t

She was wrong- since the 14th Amendment didn't exist in 1850 but you are showing your ignorance too- since the 14th Amendment applies to everyone born or naturalized in the United States- not just slaves.
Man you need to do you homework before you call someone ignorant. The Civil Rights act of 1865 was passed to make sure the children of the newly freed slaves would be US citizen it had a different phrase and stated ,"not subject to any foreign jurisdiction." Republicans at the time feared this federal law could get overturned, therefore they proposed the 14th amendment and one of the framers of the amendment changed the language to subject to the jurisdiction thereof. It is well known that the birthright clause was established to protect the children of newly freed slaves and not the children of illegal immigrants!

Please do you homework, especially if you plan on attacking someone!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If the congress was only concerned with the children of slaves, they could have easily passed a law specific to slavery, just as they passed the Naturalization acts of 1790, 1795, and 1798.

What was needed and what framers of 14th amendment gave us was a principal for determining citizenship, that could be applied universally, " All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." This was a simple elegant statement of principal that made every person born in the US with the exception of representatives of other nations US citizens. The citizenship clause abolish the many and varied requirements for US citizenship that were established by the states.
Texas Denies Birth Certificates to Children of Immigrants

Good job Texas! Leading the nation in common sense once again!
Why doesn't Texas go after the employers that hire illegals?
Because fast food joints, hotels, motels, construction companies, lawn and domestic services are loaded with Latinos that would have difficulty producing proper documentation.
Yeppers. And they do the real work there. Illegals there are also known as employees...
Yep. It's estimated that 7% of population of Texas and California are undocumented.
Texas Denies Birth Certificates to Children of Immigrants

Good job Texas! Leading the nation in common sense once again!
Why doesn't Texas go after the employers that hire illegals?
Because fast food joints, hotels, motels, construction companies, lawn and domestic services are loaded with Latinos that would have difficulty producing proper documentation.
Yeppers. And they do the real work there. Illegals there are also known as employees...
Yep. It's estimated that 7% of population of Texas and California are undocumented.
Clearly the economy can handle them. So lets document them so they pay taxes and into the aca.
Texas Denies Birth Certificates to Children of Immigrants

Good job Texas! Leading the nation in common sense once again!
Why doesn't Texas go after the employers that hire illegals?
Because fast food joints, hotels, motels, construction companies, lawn and domestic services are loaded with Latinos that would have difficulty producing proper documentation.
Yeppers. And they do the real work there. Illegals there are also known as employees...
Yep. It's estimated that 7% of population of Texas and California are undocumented.
Clearly the economy can handle them. So lets document them so they pay taxes and into the aca.
Actually they do pay taxes. Sales tax of course but also Social Security, Medicare even though they are not eligible for benefits from either. It's estimate that undocumented persons pay 90 billion a year in taxes and receive less the 5 billion in benefits. Social Security reports over 20 billion paid in 10 years that they will never collect.
You're right document them. Undocumented persons are a huge problem to law enforcement as well social services.

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