Testimony of the Believers

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Isaiah 52:7
This man kept his life a secret from his wife and children. After years of being addicted to alcohol and drugs (even Meth) while holding down a job - he couldn't go on any longer. He decided that he was going to commit suicide. His family had no idea. Watch what happens next:

How can anyone explain this man's complete change now? From depression to joy, from addiction to total freedom, from suicidal to embracing life and now reaching out to others to reveal the answer the world needs. It's Jesus.
This young man was an atheist and a sold-out evolutionist. He was so convinced of his belief system that he would say, Thank Darwin! And when someone said, Thank God, this man would say, Thank who? He was extremely entrenched in the teachings of evolution and confident that no one could prove him wrong. Then one day his friend brought him a video tape challenging the facts of evolution and this is what happened......

Watch this:
This Hindu Priest and his family worshiped the snake god. This is his testimony of how he came to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. His mother was very upset about this news and at first said he must leave the house. Then she began doing witchcraft in hopes of turning her son away from his faith in God. Her witchcraft didn't work. Then she went to temple and was dancing like a snake (she was possessed by demons). Her son prayed for her and she discovered that her son was serving the One true God who is all powerful. This young man's entire family was saved. Today he is winning the lost to Jesus Christ in Northern India, Nepal, also Southern India, wherever the Spirit of God leads him. This man has such a beautiful testimony. You must listen to what he has to say!

Some readers may not realize that the Hindu religion is witchcraft. If you are practicing yoga, you are involved in a demonic activity and opening yourself up to demons. Demonic possession is a very serious matter as you will learn in the former Hindu Priest Jeeva testimony. Have nothing to do with yoga or the study of any such things.
This woman was beaten and neglected by her father even into her adult years. In college she became a Christian and her elder brother joined their father in beating her and persecuting her with false accusations to their Hindu community.... when they saw that none of this was making the girl leave Christianity they took extreme measures against her as you will learn about in the video.

This is the power of Jesus Christ. Today her father and her younger brother are followers of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory.
This man felt led to share his testimony of how he became a born again Christian on you tube just recently. He has been a born again Christian for many years. He was not raised in a Christian home and was never taught anything about the Lord while he was growing up. Later his father was saved and as a young man he attended a church service which is what led to his later deciding to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He is very soft spoken spoken so you'll have to listen closely. I'm going to be posting two videos from him. The first video is of his testimony and the second one is about what God has shown him concerning the churches.

In this second video, he describes what he has been watching take place inside the church. His church is in Europe and the same thing is happening in America's churches. I do agree with him about the spiritual barrenness of the church having been an eyewitness to it. Born again believers who refuse to stop sinning are going to end up in hell. This man clearly has been given eyes to see and ears to hear. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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These are the testimonies of people who said the sinners prayer as a child in Sunday School or with their Pastor, attended church every Sunday, led ministries, only to find out as adults that they were never truly born again. They were "false converts." Today America's churches are full of people who believe they are saved but are not saved. Watch this powerful video and be sure to share it with others. Thank you.

Uploaded on Aug 4, 2009
These four testimonies represent millions of untold people in America who believe themselves to be right with God because they have bought in to an easy form of Christianity that is nothing more than an insurance policy to save a person from hell. Christ's power is not only to save one from hell, but to change His followers by giving them new hearts and making them more like Him in a lifelong process called sanctification. If you didn't change, then you are not one of His. Please watch these testimonies and examine your own testimony.
This young Romanian man gives his testimony from a life of sin to surrendering his life to Jesus Christ and becoming a born again Christian. His testimony will greatly encourage you! What God has done for this young man He desires to do for you!

This is a most powerful testimony of a Romanian man who was taught growing up that there was no God. He did not believe there was a God. When he was a child his country he lived under a communist regime. This is his story. It is important for people who have never lived under a communist regime to understand what this means. Today he is a born again Christian and a Pastor. To God be the glory! Even if you are a Christian today - please listen to his testimony.

Uploaded on Nov 10, 2011
Florin Vasiliu grew up under communist rule and accepted the atheism presented to him in school. As a young adult, he pursued yoga to improve his performances as a runner and in order to learn control over his body. When introduced to the story of Jesus, he dismissed it as a mere fable. But when yoga ultimately left him powerless and weak, and he saw first hand the lives of a few, true believers, God opened his eyes to his need for a Savior. Watch this amazing testimony of how God pursued Florin until He made him His own.
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This girl survived an abusive childhood. Throughout her life God was watching over her and keeping her alive. She later suffered with depression due to the suffering she had endured. She has a sixth grade education because she was too depressed to go to school. She got into drug addiction trying to suppress the anger she felt towards others and numb the pain she was in. If you come from an abusive childhood? You need to listen to this girl and hear her story. All of it.

Published on Aug 2, 2016
This is a short version of my testimony that I pray can help many souls turn to Jesus. Because Jesus is the way and the truth!
I love this sister. She is so precious! Her honesty, her sincerity, she's 100% real. I pray God's greatest blessings on her life all the days of her life.

p.s. she just published her testimony on you tube yesterday! What timing, right? God is always right on time!
This testimony is from an ex-Catholic who is now sharing the truth about Catholicism and seeking to win the lost people inside the Roman Catholicism. Listen to him! He is a very precious man of God! He's really studied the KJV Holy Bible and he knows the truth!

Hey Look, you are running out of testimonies!
This Muslim woman felt Allah was very far away. Although she was faithful in her prayers to Allah, she became deeply depressed. Her mother was very ill. One day she told her mother, I'm going to kill myself. Her mother said, If you are going to kill yourself you must kill me too. What you are about to hear is truly miraculous. Listen to this!

This man kept his life a secret from his wife and children. After years of being addicted to alcohol and drugs (even Meth) while holding down a job - he couldn't go on any longer. He decided that he was going to commit suicide. His family had no idea. Watch what happens next:

How can anyone explain this man's complete change now? From depression to joy, from addiction to total freedom, from suicidal to embracing life and now reaching out to others to reveal the answer the world needs. It's Jesus.

This is a message that Bill Larkin gave some time after his testimony about his salvation, seeing hell and being rescued by Jesus Christ.

This is the testimony of an Iranian Muslim's journey to Christianity. A dear friend of mine sent it to me today. Perhaps this will help a Muslim who may be reading today - to learn about the great love that Jesus Christ has for them. Wouldn't that be a wonderful blessing?

Convert explains journey to Christianity, and why he left Iran
Published: Aug. 11, 2016

The Fatema Mæ'sume shrine in Qom, a religiously conservative city 150km south of Tehran.
World Watch Monitor

In Iran, converting from Islam to Christianity can land you in prison or even get you killed. However, many Iranians – considered “Muslims” regardless of personal beliefs – still “convert”. World Watch Monitor spoke to one such “convert”, a 27-year-old now living in Europe, about the challenges he faced along the way, and why he left Iran.
“[My family] were Muslims, but never very strict. We had a good life; my parents were both teachers and my father had some small businesses aside from that. My father was always busy finding ways to earn more and more money. He always followed Islam, except when it had to do with money; money was more important than religion.

“Like my dad, I also loved money. Money gives you friends, respect and fun. I just wanted to have fun growing up. Every night I spent time with my friends, going from place to place in the city; at the same time I genuinely tried to be a good Muslim. But it was hard. Sometimes I would try to say my prayers regularly, but I soon forgot about them or skipped them to sleep in, or have fun with friends. As a Muslim, I often had the feeling that I was failing on so many sides. Then I thought, ‘I’m lacking in so many ways. I will not go to heaven anyway. What is the point?’

“I was sent to a religious leader - trained especially to help Christian converts from a Muslim background return to Islam - by a friend who was worried about my sudden interest in Christianity.”

“I was surprised when one day I found myself having a strange thought: ‘Go and find out about Christianity’. I was startled. Why would I find out about Christianity? I didn’t know any Christians, and from what I’d heard, it was an old-fashioned religion and Christians were weird people. On top of that, it was dangerous. Why would I choose the chance of imprisonment and death above having fun?

“Time passed, but the thought didn’t go away. So one day I thought: ‘I’ll just do it. I will go and talk to some of those weird guys.’ So I took the bus to a church in a different part of the city. When I finally found the church, I asked the porter if I could ask him a question. ‘No,’ he replied curtly. I remember thinking all the way back to the bus: ‘Wow, what I’ve heard is right. These are seriously weird guys.’ It was only much later that I found out that the government had actually forbidden church members to answer any questions about Christianity to me or any other Muslim.

“I tried to go to other churches, but I got the same response there. I had already given up when one night the thought came back in a very intense way. I can’t find words to describe it. The thought reoccurred in my mind: ‘Go and find out about Christianity and learn how these people think about God.’ The feeling confused me. Did I drink too much alcohol? I had trouble sleeping that night because I was thinking how I could find out more.

Iran is overwhelmingly Islamic. As far as the country's leading religious leaders are concerned, to be Iranian is to be Muslim.
World Watch Monitor

“Then I remembered my friend. He worked for a security force investigating illegal ‘underground’ activities. His job was to track all underground activities, including ‘underground’ Christianity and illegal evangelism. Asking him was my last chance. I knew that my friend could get into a lot of trouble by helping me to contact with someone who could tell me more about Christianity, so I decided to bring up the issue playfully so he wouldn’t notice I was actually being serious. My plan worked. My friend gave me the address of a church that he knew was open to Muslims.

“I was so excited! I’d learned that Sunday was the day of the Christians, so the next Sunday I went to the address my friend gave me. When I got closer I saw that there was a worship service going on. At the time I knew nothing about Christianity, so I didn’t know exactly what they were doing. I didn’t know how long it would take. But I just decided to wait outside until someone came out.

“When the service ended a man came out. ‘Can I ask you a question?’ I asked him. He looked at his watch and replied, ‘Sorry, I am in a hurry now, but please come back next week and ask for me. I thought he might be acting out of politeness, but I decided to try anyhow.

“The week after, I stood by the door of the church again. I was looking for the man, but didn’t see him. I started to feel quite uncomfortable. Then someone came to me and asked: ‘Can I help you?’ I told him I was looking for the man who had told me to come back. He said: ‘Unfortunately, he is not here right now.’

“I was about to walk away, when he asked me a dangerous question: ‘Do you want to come in and enjoy the service?’ Now, I have to explain to you that this is something you just don’t do as a Muslim in Iran. So, my first thought was: ‘No, no, no!’ But at the same time I knew this was the moment. So I took a deep breath and said yes.

“My parents weren’t happy about my new faith, but they didn’t give me a lot of trouble. It was because of the people who discipled me that I eventually chose to leave the country. If the authorities would have found me, it would have led to those people, and they would have been in big trouble.”

“The man opened the door for me. I had seen many mosques from the inside. Big ones, small ones, old and modern. But the feeling I had when I entered the church was something I’ve never felt before. It wasn’t even the way it looked.

“I had seen churches on TV. So it wasn’t so much the sight that startled me, it was the way it felt. It felt so peaceful. Walking past the pews I felt like I was in an aquarium; it was like I had a lot of weight on my shoulders. I sat there and felt overwhelmed. I stood up when everyone stood up and sat down when everyone else did. I don’t remember anything from the first sermon, I was too consumed with my feelings.

“After the service there was coffee and tea. A man asked me: ‘You’re here for the first time, right?’ I said yes. I asked him if I could ask him questions about God. He said: ‘Not here, but please come to my home’.

“So I went to his home. I came with a lot of questions. The answers were strange, but in a good way. It was, for instance, the way he talked about heaven. ‘A place in God’s absolute presence,’ he [called it]. ‘A place in which your spirit is at peace totally with your creator.’

Pictures of Iran's current and former Supreme Leaders, Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei, left, and Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini, right, are everywhere in Iran.
World Watch Monitor

“In Islam heaven is a place where you can have all sorts of things you can’t have on earth – different sorts of women for your satisfaction, wine, etc. I hadn’t heard about the Christian idea of heaven before, but somehow his words about heaven made complete sense to me.

“[He] also told me that God isn’t a far-away person but someone who created the earth and put us as humans in the centre. He made us in his image. He even gave us a piece of his very own Spirit. I compared him to Allah, who was far away and got angry about the little things. But with the Christian God I was welcome the way I was. He created me with my weaknesses, he even used my weaknesses to be more like Him. This was a big difference from Allah, who would punish me for any small thing. No, God was my Father, someone who knew me as a person.

“Still, my Muslim background was too strong to just let go. It took a lot of struggling. I told God: ‘If you really care, please show me the way.’

“The funny thing is that apart from that church member, one of the people who helped me understand Christianity during that period was someone who had exactly the opposite intention – a ‘mini-Ayatollah,’ as I call him. This religious leader was trained especially to help Christian converts from a Muslim background return to Islam. I was sent to him by a friend who was worried about my sudden interest in Christianity. But with everything the religious leader said about Islam, I found an alternative in the Bible that was much better.

“It wasn’t a specific moment, a lightning flash or a dream. It happened gradually that I became a Christian. It was like the curtains that had been hanging in front of the truth for a long time had been opened for me. What I saw was beautiful.

“I didn’t tell my family: ‘Surprise! I am a Christian now!’ They discovered gradually. I had always been a bad boy and I started behaving differently. For instance, I brought the [dramatized life of] “Jesus” DVD home and watched it with my little brother. They’d expected me to go on drugs, or get in trouble with the police. They didn’t expect me to become a Christian.

“My parents weren’t happy about my new faith, but they also didn’t give me a lot of trouble. It was because of the people who discipled me that I eventually chose to leave the country. If the authorities would have found me, it would have led to those who discipled me, and they would have been in big trouble.

“I was 18 when I left home. Now I am 27. I haven’t been back in Iran since. I haven’t seen my family in 10 years. It’s a big sacrifice. But despite everything, I am undoubtedly happy and thankful.”

Convert explains journey to Christianity, and why he left Iran
Rap Artist testimony on leaving Christian luciferianism & thus Conversion to Judaism

This story is so powerful that when you listen to this mans life you will be amazed. If you listen to one testimony today, make it this one.


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