Terry McAuliffe gets 4 Pinochios for outlandish Covid claims.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
This guy is losing it. Anyone who doesn't like the CRT scam is a "racist", and now he repeats this proven lie.

Washington Post hits McAuliffe with four Pinocchios for 'wildly' inflating Virginia's coronavirus numbers

Virginia gubernatorial candidate has repeatedly given wrong information about number of children hospitalized with coronavirus​

Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's repeated false statements about the number of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations in the state came to a head Tuesday as The Washington Post awarded him its worst possible falsehood rating of four Pinocchios.

"The pandemic will continue to be a serious policy challenge for the next Virginia governor but there’s no reason for McAuliffe to hype the numbers. He earns Four Pinocchios," wrote The Post's resident fact-checker, Glenn Kessler after outlining each instance McAuliffe repeated the false figures. "He offers wildly inflated figures for child hospitalizations, suggesting again that these were daily figures and claiming twice that these many children were in ICUs. Instead, he appears to be citing a figure for all of the children hospitalized with covid-19 in Virginia over the past 19 months — which is still inflated."



What the heck is a Penochios?

Terry McAuliffe gets 4 Penochios for outlandish Covid claims.​

This guy is losing it. Anyone who doesn't like the CRT scam is a "racist", and now he repeats this proven lie.

Washington Post hits McAuliffe with four Pinocchios for 'wildly' inflating Virginia's coronavirus numbers

Virginia gubernatorial candidate has repeatedly given wrong information about number of children hospitalized with coronavirus​

Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's repeated false statements about the number of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations in the state came to a head Tuesday as The Washington Post awarded him its worst possible falsehood rating of four Pinocchios.

"The pandemic will continue to be a serious policy challenge for the next Virginia governor but there’s no reason for McAuliffe to hype the numbers. He earns Four Pinocchios," wrote The Post's resident fact-checker, Glenn Kessler after outlining each instance McAuliffe repeated the false figures. "He offers wildly inflated figures for child hospitalizations, suggesting again that these were daily figures and claiming twice that these many children were in ICUs. Instead, he appears to be citing a figure for all of the children hospitalized with covid-19 in Virginia over the past 19 months — which is still inflated."

This is a pattern with these folks.
They actually called a black man a White Supremacist in the California recall election.
The closer they get to election day....the more they lie.
The Dominion Voting machines will be programmed to apply the appropriate scale factor to Youngkin votes that will reduce his vote total just enough to lose. Because that is what we want in voting machines right? The ability to manipulate integer vote totals with floating point math.
McAuliffe is totally corrupt and dishonest, but he has always gotten away with his crimes just like Hillary Clinton has always.
You only have to watch him speak for about 1 minute and you can tell that he is a crooked lying con man.
The VA Democrats will still vote for him anyway because the Democrat Party is a crazy cult.
If we had an honest MSM he could never be elected.

Terry McAuliffe’s Involvement in Contribution Scandal ...

Democrat Terry McAuliffe was deeply involved in a 1990s scheme to illegally aid in the election of a major union boss in exchange for large contributions from the union to the Democratic Party’s ...

Donor to Clinton Foundation, McAuliffe caught up in ...

Wang Wenliang, a Chinese billionaire and donor to the Clinton Foundation and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, has been expelled from China’s top legislature after being caught up in a widespread ...

Scandal-Ridden Terry McAuliffe Ties His Corrupt Little ...

The bilked EB-5 “investors” are suing. The State of Mississippi is suing to get back 6.7 million in Taxpayer money. And we’ve got Terry McAuliffe, despite the illegal foreign donor scandals, ties to the corrupt Clinton Foundation, and a long list of questionable endeavors, stumping in New Hampshire for Democrat Gubernatorial candidate ...

Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology ...

McAuliffe helped a company called Loral Space get seats on official trade missions. He reportedly convinced the Clinton administration to overrule national security officials in order win approval for a Loral deal that gave Red China critical missile technology.
It would be fun to see a Reporter ask McAuliffe if his conscience bothers him about selling the Chinese critical missile technology.
If China invades Taiwan and we get in a war, would McAuliffe be considered to be a traitor?
Folk, its that time again..............for your 12th booster. Can y'all form some type of line.......any semblance of sanity?


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