Terrorist Pals Launch Hundreds Of Rockets at Civilians

one day wait till the guilty feelz white suburban and urban Americans get a taste of conflict
theyre not gonna like it

"For 100 years, the leaders of the invented people incite their subjects against the Jews and against Israel.
Look at these Sunnis in Gaza: They have no electricity, no past, no future, but they dance in the face of the rockets fired at Israel.

Meanwhile, about 10K young people leave Gaza every month. Why so little, because Hamas allows only 400 people to leave every day, through the Rafah crossing (Sisi opened), and the "siege" is already self imposed.
"Peace"? They're already on the island of the dead."

- Dr. Guy Bechor

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A Muslim rocket blew up and killed a woman and her infant. Sick culture of death. These vermin aren't ready for a nation yet.
A Muslim rocket blew up and killed a woman and her infant. Sick culture of death. These vermin aren't ready for a nation yet.

Those savages, that Israel decided to build their nation upon.

Dupeaganda, is what you support.
I support the only democracy in the Middle East. I support a nation of people that has contributed more to the world culture and science than the Islamic culture of death ever will.


First civilian car hit by a Qassam rocket 2nd by a direct hit by a Kornet anti-tank missile,
launched by the PIJ from Gaza at a civilian car standing still on a highway change.
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A Muslim rocket blew up and killed a woman and her infant. Sick culture of death. These vermin aren't ready for a nation yet.

I do not condone the dehumanizing language of calling people "vermin", BUT I agree that this type of vile violence against innocents demonstrates clearly that these people are not ready for sovereign independence.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad footage of launching of the anti-tank (Kornet) missile hitting an Israeli vehicle today

That's the shorter version, without the banners and songs of glory.
One thing though, the upper part of the video is clearly edited, the trains were stopped on that section already yesterday, but it clearly shows the none-sense of the people who planned the disengagement.

Good thing Israel is civilized and merciful. If they were as barbaric as their Muslim trash neighbors they'd annihilate them.
RE: Terrorist Pals Launch Hundreds Of Rockets at Civilians
⁜→ rylah, et al,

The trick here is to put the Fear of Justice in the Arab Palestinian Leadership heart.

First civilian car hit by a Qassam rocket 2nd by a direct hit by a Cornet AT rocket.

One way, but certainly not the only way, is to capture and place on public trial --- using Israeli domestic law --- for threats, coercion, grievous bodily and murder of Israeli civilians in a campaign of terror against the state.

This would require the simultaneous apprehension of several 21st Century HAMAS leaders and key officials.

Most Respectfully,

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