Terrorist Attack Pakistani Airport


VIP Member
May 12, 2014
I haven't even seen this mentioned on the US news, but terrorists targeting airports make me think that they are still going to be trying to take airplanes to use as weapons, even though that does not appear the direct motive here.

The government there says no planes destroyed, but you can tell there is a plane on fire in the vid and I have read elsewhere that at least 7 aircraft were damaged or destroyed.

BBC News - Gunmen kill 13 at Karachi's Jinnah International Airport

Heavily armed gunmen have attacked Karachi international airport in Pakistan, killing 13 people.

An army spokesman said all 10 of the gunmen who attacked Jinnah International Airport's old terminal had also been killed.

Army commandos were called in, and gunfire lasted for more than five hours before the airport was secured.

But all operations at the terminal remain suspended and all flights are being diverted to other airports.

Staff and passengers were evacuated.

At least 14 people were wounded.
I posted a thread on this yesterday, was CNN's top story also.
Those planes would have to refuel in-flight to make it to the U.S.

Maybe Obama will loan them some KC-135's. :dunno:

They wouldn't have to refuel to hit American targets overseas
Karachi Airport: Nowhere in Pakistan is Safe - TIME
Insurgent violence exploded in Karachi again on Sunday. Armed militants rocked Pakistan’s largest city in an attack that was as gruesome as it was symbolic as terrorists proved their ability to penetrate deep into the country’s commercial nerve center, far from their tribal strongholds.


28 Dead in Attack On Pakistan AirportGunmen Attack Pakistan’s Karachi Airport
At least 28 people*were killed*during the fighting at Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport after militants disguised as policemen stormed one of the facility’s terminals.“The ghastly attack on Karachi airport is symbolic, for it aimed to convey a message to the Pakistani state as it plans to fight the Pakistani Taliban,” Raza Rumi, a U.S.-based Pakistan analyst and senior fellow at Jinnah Institute, told TIME. “The choice of Karachi is also strategic as the act of terror gained global attention.”Conflicting reports swirled early on Monday as authorities claimed to have killed at least 10 militants in the retaking of the hijacked terminal, while accounts of fresh gunfire continued to raise doubts over whether all the terrorists had been cleared from the besieged building.Pakistani officials identified the militants as foreigners, with reports surfacing that the gunmen were ethnic Uzbeks or Chechens. No independent confirmation of the militants’ nationalities has been confirmed.The Pakistsani Taliban, or Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, took little time in taking credit for the assault
Army commandos were called in, and gunfire lasted for more than five hours before the airport was secured.
I really hope the nuclear facilities have better security than the airport. Having the Taliban in a country with nuclear weapons is literally playing with fire.
Terrorist attack? How passé.

I'm sure you mean workplace violence.

Or merely a demonstration against a YouTube video that got out of hand.

Couldn't be a terrorist attack.
I posted a thread on this yesterday, was CNN's top story also.

I didn't see anything on it at all on CNN, MSDNC, or Fox, but sorry I missed your thread.

No problem; shame we didn't finish the job against al Qaeda before wandering into Iraq. A disgrace.

I did see some stuff on the news about it today. Yes it is a shame, but on the bright side, it will make it easier for us to blow up Iran if and when the time comes that Exxon wants their oil too.
Taliban behind attack. Attack occurs the day after Lurch Kerry makes 'baloney' comment about Taliban. An incompetent appointed by an incompetent. Our administration a total 'ship o' fools'.
I haven't even seen this mentioned on the US news, but terrorists targeting airports make me think that they are still going to be trying to take airplanes to use as weapons, even though that does not appear the direct motive here.

The government there says no planes destroyed, but you can tell there is a plane on fire in the vid and I have read elsewhere that at least 7 aircraft were damaged or destroyed.

BBC News - Gunmen kill 13 at Karachi's Jinnah International Airport

Heavily armed gunmen have attacked Karachi international airport in Pakistan, killing 13 people.

An army spokesman said all 10 of the gunmen who attacked Jinnah International Airport's old terminal had also been killed.

Army commandos were called in, and gunfire lasted for more than five hours before the airport was secured.

But all operations at the terminal remain suspended and all flights are being diverted to other airports.

Staff and passengers were evacuated.

At least 14 people were wounded.

Dear Pakistan: This is what happens when you DON'T crack down on Islamic Terrorists and instead ignore the problem in hopes that it goes away!
Dear Pakistan: This is what happens when you DON'T crack down on Islamic Terrorists and instead ignore the problem in hopes that it goes away!

Easier said than done. The Pak government only controls portions of the country--a lesson to be learned if the democrats continue to try to allow Washington DC to dictate every facet of life in the US.

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