New Report Exposes Biden Had Two Real Chances to Prevent Kabul Airport Suicide Bombing


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What an inexcusable man Joe Biden is.

And no wonder Gold Star families recently lambasted Biden. Something the equally rotten MSM basically ignored as they cover up Bden's messes.

Nearly two years after an ISIS-K suicide bomber attacked the Kabul Airport, killing 13 service members and injured many more, Pentagon officials insist the attack was “not preventable.”

But a new report alleges that U.S. military commanders were not only aware of the threat ahead of time, but they also missed two chances to eliminate the deadly terrorist network behind the attack.

First reported by the Daily Mail, the findings come from a new book, 'Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden's Fiasco and the American Warriors Who Fought to the End,' authored by Jerry Dunleavy and James Hasson, and published on August 15, the two-year anniversary of the Taliban takeover.

Dunleavy and Hasson obtained information through freedom of information requests, Pentagon documents and interviews with military personnel involved in the attack in order to analyze the bombing.

Their report shows that nine days prior to the attack, U.S. officials gathered intelligence showing ISIS-K planned to strike U.S. and international forces at the airport. Dunleavy and Hasson point to the Pentagon’s own bombing report, which included a sworn statement from an officer with 'target engagement authority' to conduct strikes defending American forces.

“Intelligence indicated that I.S.I.S.-K planned to attack international forces and the Taliban in order to disrupt the 'establishment of stability and governance,” the officer testified.

In response, the officer “conducted a targeting effort focused on ISIS K threats leading into Kabul,” and requested strike permission.


For his part, Hasson blasted U.S. leadership.

"Leaders in D.C. made one unforced error after another throughout the withdrawal, and each mistake compounded the risk to the men and women on the ground,” Hasson told the Daily Mail.

"Ultimately, it led to U.S. commanders tailoring decisions to the desires of Taliban leaders who had them surrounded, and to the loss of thirteen brave Americans."

Joey Xi not only screwed the pooch before and during the bombing he further compounded it by killing 10 innocent civilians in an air strike in a futile effort of revenge.

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