Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam


Sep 8, 2016
The Logic of Suicide Terrorism

Terrorism is due to countries being occupied. Even Bin Laden said the reason for 9/11 was US occupation of Saudi Arabia and Middle east.

"Republicans" are so fucking wrong it's ridiculous, this is a Republican writing the article by the way!

Very well researched.
Muslims have been a violent people since the beginning of time
The Logic of Suicide Terrorism

Terrorism is due to countries being occupied. Even Bin Laden said the reason for 9/11 was US occupation of Saudi Arabia and Middle east.

"Republicans" are so fucking wrong it's ridiculous, this is a Republican writing the article by the way!

Very well researched.

Actually, Bin Laden's rationalizations included passages about our culture as well as the usual laundry list of other grievances.

Always nice to have yet another mindless leftist child here who agrees with Bin Laden, though. That must make about a hundred or more.
The Logic of Suicide Terrorism

Terrorism is due to countries being occupied. Even Bin Laden said the reason for 9/11 was US occupation of Saudi Arabia and Middle east.

"Republicans" are so fucking wrong it's ridiculous, this is a Republican writing the article by the way!

Very well researched.

Saudi is not "occupied". Bin Laden wanted his family to supplant the House of Saud as the leaders there. It's a power grab for him, coupled with a desire to control Mecca, which contains Religious Power.

Enjoy your (short) stay, sock, troll or whatever you are.
Oh good grief! Next someone will be telling us that the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

Oh wait.....................
The ones in charge are using superstition to convince them the sacrifice their lives. Why? Because after WW1 the allies carved their lands up in the spoils or war. Guided suicide bombs are their only hope.
Hope it's a permanent ban. We have enough insane clown lefties on this forum as it is.
OP- True, and Israel screwing with Palestinians and our blind support. Also the Booosh World Depression ongoing in the ME and the resulting many idle young men looking for money in any way....great job the last 35 years...
OP- True, and Israel screwing with Palestinians and our blind support. Also the Booosh World Depression ongoing in the ME and the resulting many idle young men looking for money in any way....great job the last 35 years...

Make that 101 mindless leftist children who agree with Bin Laden.
The Logic of Suicide Terrorism

Terrorism is due to countries being occupied. Even Bin Laden said the reason for 9/11 was US occupation of Saudi Arabia and Middle east.

"Republicans" are so fucking wrong it's ridiculous, this is a Republican writing the article by the way!

Very well researched.

your are utterly clueless

I think it is worse than that. He's a complete nitwit. It's like saying rain has nothing to do with water.
OP- True, and Israel screwing with Palestinians and our blind support. Also the Booosh World Depression ongoing in the ME and the resulting many idle young men looking for money in any way....great job the last 35 years...

Make that 101 mindless leftist children who agree with Bin Laden.
Understanding them (MEers) is not agreeing with them, doofus dupe. There's also blind GOP support for tyrants like the Saudi family and Gaddafi...
Hope it's a permanent ban. We have enough insane clown lefties on this forum as it is.
OP- True, and Israel screwing with Palestinians and our blind support. Also the Booosh World Depression ongoing in the ME and the resulting many idle young men looking for money in any way....great job the last 35 years...
Well, speak of the devil and look who pops up...... :cuckoo:

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