Tennessee to make it more difficult to protest by making obstructing highway a felony gives immunity to drivers who mistakenly kill folks in the way

protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Fuckin' tRumplings have lost all touch with reality. Legalizing murder for protesting? In another thread they're telling me the saudi prince's murder of a journalist is just capital punishment, and they're still cheering on that murdering little shit rittenhouse.

They're all insane.

How is accidentally hitting and killing some douchebag who's trying to block traffic "murder"?
just like abortion!
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

this is COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!
1. get the f out of my way
2. how would you like it if I came to your driveway, or your family's, and blocked it???!!!!!HUH????
3. blocking highways is NOT a sacred right--you lost it right there
a. we have a lot of ''rights''' that are restricted--for COMMON SENSE reasons
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

this is COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!
1. get the f out of my way
2. how would you like it if I came to your driveway, or your family's, and blocked it???!!!!!HUH????
3. blocking highways is NOT a sacred right--you lost it right there
a. we have a lot of ''rights''' that are restricted--for COMMON SENSE reasons
what if it's Jesus whose blocking you?
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Fuckin' tRumplings have lost all touch with reality. Legalizing murder for protesting? In another thread they're telling me the saudi prince's murder of a journalist is just capital punishment, and they're still cheering on that murdering little shit rittenhouse.

They're all insane.
once again, you people sound so ridiculous--no one is legalizing murder---hahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhah
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

this is COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!
1. get the f out of my way
2. how would you like it if I came to your driveway, or your family's, and blocked it???!!!!!HUH????
3. blocking highways is NOT a sacred right--you lost it right there
a. we have a lot of ''rights''' that are restricted--for COMMON SENSE reasons
what if it's Jesus whose blocking you?
fk him----
who the fk is he anyway for you to post about him?
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

this is COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!
1. get the f out of my way
2. how would you like it if I came to your driveway, or your family's, and blocked it???!!!!!HUH????
3. blocking highways is NOT a sacred right--you lost it right there
a. we have a lot of ''rights''' that are restricted--for COMMON SENSE reasons
what if it's Jesus whose blocking you?
last time I will ask, how would you like that??? [ I KNOW the answer ]
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

this is COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!
1. get the f out of my way
2. how would you like it if I came to your driveway, or your family's, and blocked it???!!!!!HUH????
3. blocking highways is NOT a sacred right--you lost it right there
a. we have a lot of ''rights''' that are restricted--for COMMON SENSE reasons
what if it's Jesus whose blocking you?

You wouldn't know Jesus if he bitched slapped you

That was beyond stupid
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protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

this is COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!
1. get the f out of my way
2. how would you like it if I came to your driveway, or your family's, and blocked it???!!!!!HUH????
3. blocking highways is NOT a sacred right--you lost it right there
a. we have a lot of ''rights''' that are restricted--for COMMON SENSE reasons
what if it's Jesus whose blocking you?
Then Jesus (pronounced "hay-SOOS") saved us the trouble of deporting him.....

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protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

I think it is an outstanding law.
Only complaint is why did it take so long.
Hopefully other states join in the common sense.
It certainly is a right to protest, but there are no rights to infringe on everyone else's rights and privilege's - obstruct their lives for every wannabe protester and their perpetual outrage syndrome.
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Well, it still wouldn't be a safe bet to run people over even if this passes. There are many scenarios where it would be easy for the prosecution to prove that you did intentionally run people over.
The good news is even in a panic, a driver (or passenger) of a car surrounded by an angry mob could whip out their cell phone and film what’s going on for evidence and then immediately/simultaneously proceed to “floor it” if it comes to that.... meaning, i.e. car windows are being smashed in and the obvious conclusion is they are out for blood. Showing a weapon could escalate things to solidifying a deadly outcome, so it seems to me fleeing the scene, when no other option is available, is best where life might still be preserved.
Shouldn't have needed this law but but it certainly is now.


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protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Protesting does not give anyone the "Right" to block public highways which in turn denies the right of the public to use the public highways they bought and paid for.
"We're saying that we can run over protesters now without being held responsible."

What changed?
protesting is a sacred right. this is the wrong choice, my friends

Idiot, blocking a road is not protesting. I don't agree with killing them but I would like to see the police properly engage them, and remove them. Now if they are blocking the road and are stopping you from taking a person to a hospital for a life or death emergency, then run them down!

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