Tennessee Judge Who Illegally Jailed Children Faces Renewed Scrutiny


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A Rutherford County judge illegally jailed children even when there was no crime committed. According to a report from WPLN and Propublica, Judge Donna Scott Davenport instituted a policy that all children charged with crimes be processed at the detention center. Commissioners – one of whom worked in a post office, and none of whom have law degrees or experience – created “laws” in Rutherford County, Tenn., which resulted in the illegal arrest and jailing of juveniles for decades.

Officials placed the juveniles in jail for not breaking up fights at school. Most of the kids were Black and as young as 6. In September, the county agreed to pay $11 million to settle a class-action lawsuit brought on behalf of the juveniles. After years of investigation, the authors discovered that the judge had been directing police on what she called “our process” for arresting children. She appointed the jailer, who employed a “filter system” to determine which children to hold.

How is it illegal?? If a judge does it, police sign off on it -- it is by definition legal....Seems like a pretty good idea by the judge in fact.... You don't need laws on the books for everything, sometimes its a good thing for law enforcement to improvise..and these are just kids, they don't really have the same rights as adults anyway.......Like those kids who were watching 2 other kids have a fight.....what kind of kids would just stand there and watch that?? Of course they should have been locked up; they're criminally responsible for what happened.

But instead of supporting her, lawmakers in the state called for a federal investigation....the county folded and paid out millions to the parents of these thugs...one of those lawmakers said this about it:

There is no rational justification for any of this in our society. Both the state and county have obviously failed children and families, predominantly Black individuals, in this and countless other ways. This has notably been true throughout American history in our legal and penal system, and it’s way past time to reevaluate the structural framework which allows such instances of inequity and injustice.

That is nothing more than literal Marxist Communist CRT talking points....trying to claim these kids were treated unfairly or that it is something systemic is non-sense..
48% of the kids who came thru that Judge's court were locked up in juvenile detention as opposed to 5% for the rest of the state -- have they once thought about the fact that maybe the kids in her court are just more deserving of being locked up than the rest of the kids in the state?
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"A Rutherford County judge illegally jailed children even when there was no crime committed. According to a report from WPLN and Propublica, Judge Donna Scott Davenport instituted a policy that all children charged with crimes be processed at the detention center. Commissioners – one of whom worked in a post office, and none of whom have law degrees or experience – created “laws” in Rutherford County, Tenn., which resulted in the illegal arrest and jailing of juveniles for decades.

Officials placed the juveniles in jail for not breaking up fights at school. Most of the kids were Black and as young as 6. In September, the county agreed to pay $11 million to settle a class-action lawsuit brought on behalf of the juveniles. After years of investigation, the authors discovered that the judge had been directing police on what she called “our process” for arresting children. She appointed the jailer, who employed a “filter system” to determine which children to hold.

How is it illegal?? If a judge does it, police sign off on it -- it is by definition legal....Seems like a pretty good idea by the judge in fact.... You don't need laws on the books for everything, sometimes its a good thing for law enforcement to improvise..and these are just kids, they don't really have the same rights as adults anyway.......Like those kids who were watching 2 other kids have a fight.....what kind of kids would just stand there and watch that?? Of course they should have been locked up; they're criminally responsible for what happened.

But instead of supporting her, lawmakers in the state called for a federal investigation....the county folded and paid out millions to the parents of these thugs...one of those lawmakers said this about it:

There is no rational justification for any of this in our society. Both the state and county have obviously failed children and families, predominantly Black individuals, in this and countless other ways. This has notably been true throughout American history in our legal and penal system, and it’s way past time to reevaluate the structural framework which allows such instances of inequity and injustice.

That is nothing more than literal Marxist Communist CRT talking points....trying to claim these kids were treated unfairly or that it is something systemic is non-sense..
48% of the kids who came thru that Judge's court were locked up in juvenile detention as opposed to 5% for the rest of the state -- have they once thought about the fact that maybe the kids in her court are just more deserving of being locked up than the rest of the kids in the state?
If there was no crime committed---then how were the kids charged with crimes then. Why were the cops called in the first place. Your article is already nonsense---manipulative and spinning shit.

Bet if you looked at each individually, that the kids deserved to be locked up. There are some really evil bad kids out there now----psychopaths start off as children and the drug culture is producing some really evil kids that start early being bad.

Black or whatever color doesn't matter------you need to start going after the criminals even young ones (atleast some sort of early intervention might save one or two of them) and getting the kids in the system with a judge who can see the parents as well is actually their best hope for saving and the best hope for protecting others from these little monsters.
If there was no crime committed---then how were the kids charged with crimes then. Why were the cops called in the first place. Your article is already nonsense---manipulative and spinning shit.

Bet if you looked at each individually, that the kids deserved to be locked up. There are some really evil bad kids out there now----psychopaths start off as children and the drug culture is producing some really evil kids that start early being bad.

Black or whatever color doesn't matter------you need to start going after the criminals even young ones (atleast some sort of early intervention might save one or two of them) and getting the kids in the system with a judge who can see the parents as well is actually their best hope for saving and the best hope for protecting others from these little monsters.
What they were charge with, is not a crime in my state, under the Tennessee State Code Annotated, so the kid broke no law in the State of Tennessee,
What this means is that these "woke" members of society can scream and yell into a bullhorn...have riots and parades and designate months dedicated in name of their various causes and since everyone already knows they are ridiculous they don't listen to one thing they say.
Because they know that they don't have anything genuine to say about any real problems america is facing....

That's why.
If there was no crime committed---then how were the kids charged with crimes then. Why were the cops called in the first place. Your article is already nonsense---manipulative and spinning shit.

Bet if you looked at each individually, that the kids deserved to be locked up. There are some really evil bad kids out there now----psychopaths start off as children and the drug culture is producing some really evil kids that start early being bad.

Black or whatever color doesn't matter------you need to start going after the criminals even young ones (atleast some sort of early intervention might save one or two of them) and getting the kids in the system with a judge who can see the parents as well is actually their best hope for saving and the best hope for protecting others from these little monsters.
Show me the statute in Tennessee state law that highlights "“criminal responsibility for conduct of another”"??

Instead of the county paying out 11m; they should have just asked you where that statute was...because they couldn't find it...

and no, black or whatever color does matter......because this is targeted towards black children.....

Because I know got-dayum well if cops arrested your 6 yr old and sent him or her to jail for watching a fight; you would lose your shit...

How do I know? Because your goofy ass lost your shit just from a school making kids wear a fucking mask....but putting them in jail for made up laws, perfectly ok
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Show me the statute in Tennessee state law that highlights "“criminal responsibility for conduct of another”"??

Instead of the county paying out 11m; they should have just asked you where that statute was...because they couldn't find it...

and no, black or whatever color does matter......because this is targeted towards black children.....

Because I know got-dayum well if cops arrested your 6 yr old and sent him or her to jail for watching a fight; you would lose your shit...

How do I know? Because your goofy ass lost your shit just from a school making kids wear a fucking mask....but putting them in jail for made up laws, perfectly ok

It's cool with TurtleGirl if kids get tossed in jail for crimes that don't exist - Just so long as they're black. ;)
This bitch needs to be disbarred - PRONTO :mad:

I did not look at your link, Dr, though agree or at least agree she should be permanently taken out of that position or any position of control in any part of criminal justice in my state.
Did your link show the stats on rates of juvenile incarceration by county across the state of Tennessee? Rutherford, (her county) was several times higher (in some cases 10 times higher) than all but one county, which was equal to Rutherford County. That other county would be Madison County, where I have lived for about 40 years. Not sure what that means, if anything.
Who better than a Judge to decide on a kids innocence or guilt ?

I mean that is literally their job. Have I missed something FFS ?
This bitch needs to be disbarred - PRONTO :mad:

I've seen other stories about that judge. If she gets 2 years in jail, they'd be too lenient. She deserves at least 15-20. Human rights abuser, like from any 3rd World dictatorship, or possibly even worse.

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