Temperature and heat are the same things?


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
One gets the feeling that ideologists are trying to reduce everything to the thermodynamic motion of particles, while heat is also formed by wave phenomena, moreover, it is dependent on humidity. It all looks like a scam
Feels like temperature do not play a significant role at all in the formation of heat. At the same temperature in winter and summer, we experience completely different sensations.
In their reports, they usually rely only on thermodynamic indicators.
Temp is a measurement, heat is not.

Specifically, the classical definition of temperature is the measure of total average kinetic energy of the molecules involved, usually a full mole ... this includes the motion of the electrons around the nuclei, the vibrations of the molecules itself as well as its motion through space ... I'm sure there are other things in motion which add to the total kinetic energy ...

Heat is more properly called thermal energy, as to distinguish this from things like electrical energy or radiative energy ... and energy it is, it must follow three laws at all times, no exceptions ...

In their reports, they usually rely only on thermodynamic indicators.

Yes ... it's called "physics" ... very explicitly avoiding human feelings and sensations ... everything is hot during sex, but population explosions aren't what we mean by "global warming" ...
One gets the feeling that ideologists are trying to reduce everything to the thermodynamic motion of particles, while heat is also formed by wave phenomena, moreover, it is dependent on humidity. It all looks like a scam
Feels like temperature do not play a significant role at all in the formation of heat. At the same temperature in winter and summer, we experience completely different sensations.
In their reports, they usually rely only on thermodynamic indicators.
Temperature is nothing more than a measure of heat.
TEMPERATURE: the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch.

HEAT: the form of energy crossing the boundary of a thermodynamic system by virtue of a temperature difference across the boundary. A thermodynamic system does not contain heat. Nevertheless, the term is also often used to refer to the thermal energy contained in a system as a component of its internal energy and that is reflected in the temperature of the system. For both uses of the term, heat is a form of energy.
Leftist stains don't accept proof.
Stains? Stains??? Is that what you meant to type? First, I asked you for evidence, not proof. Because, as everybody knows, there are no proofs in the natural sciences. But, it's pretty obvious you're just making excuses because you haven't got a damned thing. I could make some suggestions.

1) Show that CO2 doesn't actually absorb IR radiation
2) Show that humans aren't responsible for the increased CO2 in the atmosphere
3) Show that the world has not actually warmed.
Blah blah blah

All we know for 100% certain is that American CO2 is melting the polar ice caps and tipping Guam over
You say it over and over.
there's an other connection, it's the fact that heat moves from a hotter temperature to a colder temperature. We know the changes of heat flow by measuring temperatures.

This is where all my convo's w/ AGW advocates break down because nobody knows the temperatures. To my knowledge w/o temperatures we can't know heat flow.
there's an other connection, it's the fact that heat moves from a hotter temperature to a colder temperature. We know the changes of heat flow by measuring temperatures.

This is where all my convo's w/ AGW advocates break down because nobody knows the temperatures. To my knowledge w/o temperatures we can't know heat flow.

Close enough ... though I might have phrased it as "without thermometers" ...

More important to climate is that matter moves from high pressure to low pressure ... and this happens with a drop in temperature ... even though energy levels remain the same, what the egg-heads call "adiabatic cooling" ... that, and latent heat, wreaks these definitions above ... meh ...

Here's a one hour video ... a very serious look at the ideal gas law ... you'll need to brush up on your freshman physics ...
there's an other connection, it's the fact that heat moves from a hotter temperature to a colder temperature. We know the changes of heat flow by measuring temperatures.

This is where all my convo's w/ AGW advocates break down because nobody knows the temperatures. To my knowledge w/o temperatures we can't know heat flow.
But they claim to know the temp 10000 years ago...
Close enough ... though I might have phrased it as "without thermometers" ...

More important to climate is that matter moves from high pressure to low pressure ... and this happens with a drop in temperature ... even though energy levels remain the same, what the egg-heads call "adiabatic cooling" ... that, and latent heat, wreaks these definitions above ... meh ...

Here's a one hour video ... a very serious look at the ideal gas law ... you'll need to brush up on your freshman physics ...
All I want to know is what the concern is. I'm aware of the fact that there are lots of temp proxies, the length of the mercury in a tube is one proxy for temperature as well as the % radioisotopes can be also. Which proxy is not as important (to me) as what do we know.

To me, the fact that I'm a bad guy because my "freshman physics" is not up to your high standards doesn't change the world and how heat flows. Lot's of folks wave their arms and make grandiose pronouncements about impending catastrophes, but when it goes down to what the hell is going on all I ever hear is that the reason I don't see it is because I'm a bad guy.

Please forgive my rant, it seems that the understanding of temp/heat in today's issues seems to shift into quarrels way too often.
But they claim to know the temp 10000 years ago...
In my experience that's the easy part. We know the oceans existed 10,000 years ago so that tells us that the average surface temp of the earth was some place between 0C and 100C. That part's easy. The hard part (to me) is somehow going from there to believing that buying an SUV will make Guam capsize.
But they claim to know the temp 10000 years ago...
And what's funny is their argument, ice cores. Well the ice cores are merely a representative average of temperatures. There are no max or minimum temps like the ones being collected today!!!!

That is the failure of their entire argument. average temps that have no real standing due to limitations of readings.

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