tell us how you have been '''racially'' discriminated


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
tell USMB members how you have been screwed over at shops/restaurants/etc = ''racially discriminated...true stories only time, I made an appointment, the night before, for 9 am to have my car fixed ...I dropped it off around 845 and then got some breakfast....around 1030 when I got back to the shop I asked if my car was ready.....!!!!!! the clerk looked at me like I was crazy...he said ''when did you drop it off/did you have an appointment/etc??!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe too many whites will have any stories because whites never get screwed over at shops/restaurants/etc..... time I was at a restaurant, the server was terrible and dressed like a bum
can you believe it--me a white guy and the black server was terrible..I know this is so hard to believe--but it is true
...I'm sure not many here have had terrible waiters/waitresses
one time I painted a toy sword to look real for a pirate costume
the neighbors called the cops on me
a cop came up to me with his hand on his holster...and 2 other cops came up
I went to a small country restaurant, it was a black owned restaurant, they charged me more than the black customers that got same exact order, there were 4 of us and they charged us all extra, we never went back.

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I was racially discriminated against because my whole life, I've been fed a bullshit line by the media, arts, and entertainment industry and the educational system, that being white is inferior to being a minority.

This has caused me years of going out of my way to make other people think that I'm "cool" and "non-racist", which frankly, caused me to do a whole lot of stupid things throughout my lifetime: Like slumming in black neighborhoods where I had no business being, doing drugs, becoming a musician and wasting the better part of my life trying to imitate black musicians, hanging out with people whom which I had nothing in common with, and in general, acting like some chimp thug during the younger times of my life.

But I'm over that now. I seriously don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
I was racially discriminated against because my whole life, I've been fed a bullshit line by the media, arts, and entertainment industry and the educational system, that being white is inferior to being a minority.

This has caused me years of going out of my way to make other people think that I'm "cool" and "non-racist", which frankly, caused me to do a whole lot of stupid things throughout my lifetime: Like slumming in black neighborhoods where I had no business being, doing drugs, becoming a musician and wasting the better part of my life trying to imitate black musicians, hanging out with people whom which I had nothing in common with, and in general, acting like some chimp thug during the younger times of my life.

But I'm over that now. I seriously don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
almost sounds like Elvis
I went to a small country restaurant, it was a black owned restaurant, they charged me more than the black customers that got same exact order, there were 4 of us and they charged us all extra, we never went back.

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did you think instead of you being over charged, it was just reparations??
you were getting your just deserts/desserts--pun intended ?
..when I was at McDonald's the black clerk treated me like crap while the white manager was nice
..undeniably racially discriminated
I was racially discriminated against because my whole life, I've been fed a bullshit line by the media, arts, and entertainment industry and the educational system, that being white is inferior to being a minority.

This has caused me years of going out of my way to make other people think that I'm "cool" and "non-racist", which frankly, caused me to do a whole lot of stupid things throughout my lifetime: Like slumming in black neighborhoods where I had no business being, doing drugs, becoming a musician and wasting the better part of my life trying to imitate black musicians, hanging out with people whom which I had nothing in common with, and in general, acting like some chimp thug during the younger times of my life.

But I'm over that now. I seriously don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
almost sounds like Elvis

Yeah. I guess there's nothing left to do but shoot up some dope and have a heart attack while crapping on my toilet.

Not really. :biggrin:
I was racially discriminated against because my whole life, I've been fed a bullshit line by the media, arts, and entertainment industry and the educational system, that being white is inferior to being a minority.

This has caused me years of going out of my way to make other people think that I'm "cool" and "non-racist", which frankly, caused me to do a whole lot of stupid things throughout my lifetime: Like slumming in black neighborhoods where I had no business being, doing drugs, becoming a musician and wasting the better part of my life trying to imitate black musicians, hanging out with people whom which I had nothing in common with, and in general, acting like some chimp thug during the younger times of my life.

But I'm over that now. I seriously don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
almost sounds like Elvis

Yeah. I guess there's nothing left to do but shoot up some dope and have a heart attack while crapping on my toilet.

Not really. :biggrin:
he identified as black--I think
I was racially discriminated against because my whole life, I've been fed a bullshit line by the media, arts, and entertainment industry and the educational system, that being white is inferior to being a minority.

This has caused me years of going out of my way to make other people think that I'm "cool" and "non-racist", which frankly, caused me to do a whole lot of stupid things throughout my lifetime: Like slumming in black neighborhoods where I had no business being, doing drugs, becoming a musician and wasting the better part of my life trying to imitate black musicians, hanging out with people whom which I had nothing in common with, and in general, acting like some chimp thug during the younger times of my life.

But I'm over that now. I seriously don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.
almost sounds like Elvis

Yeah. I guess there's nothing left to do but shoot up some dope and have a heart attack while crapping on my toilet.

Not really. :biggrin:
he identified as black--I think

Cultural-appropriation. Elvis was just a hillbilly pretty-boy who got rich by imitating black folks. Young white girls liked him because it was rebellious against their parents. The practice of slumming in black neighborhoods wasn't something young white girls did back in the 50's, so idolizing a white entertainer who imitated black folks was a form of catharsis, as it eased their white guilt and pissed off their parents at the same time.
I'm surprised this thread isn't 50 pages long with black problems

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