Ted(You're fired) cruz


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
You're fired!!!! Dumb fuck!

1. He wants to increase h1b's 500%
2. He wants to grant 11 million illegals legal residency
3. He supports trade deals like the tpp and doesn't give a damn about the American worker.
4. He sides with blacklivesmatters
5. He is endorsed by the estiblishment like Jeb Bush. Hell, George Bush was his boss a long time ago!
6. The bastard wants to undermine America's ability to compete in every way

Why would anyone vote for this piece of shit???
You're fired!!!! Dumb fuck!

1. He wants to increase h1b's 500%
2. He wants to grant 11 million illegals legal residency
3. He supports trade deals like the tpp and doesn't give a damn about the American worker.
4. He sides with blacklivesmatters
5. He is endorsed by the estiblishment like Jeb Bush. Hell, George Bush was his boss a long time ago!
6. The bastard wants to undermine America's ability to compete in every way

Why would anyone vote for this piece of shit???
I think Cruz is one of the worst candidates ever and I am shocked that he is even in contention... With that said, I think every one of your 6 points is BS. You could make a list of 20 real points of why Cruz sucks and that would be a much more effective to make your point. Try again but without the lies, there are enough of those in our politics
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You're fired!!!! Dumb fuck!

1. He wants to increase h1b's 500%
2. He wants to grant 11 million illegals legal residency
3. He supports trade deals like the tpp and doesn't give a damn about the American worker.
4. He sides with blacklivesmatters
5. He is endorsed by the estiblishment like Jeb Bush. Hell, George Bush was his boss a long time ago!
6. The bastard wants to undermine America's ability to compete in every way

Why would anyone vote for this piece of shit???
I think Cruz is one of the worst candidates ever and I am shocked that he is even in contention... With that said, I think every one of your 6 points is BS. You could make a list of 20 real points of why Cruz sucks and that would be a much more effective to make your point. Try again but without the lies, there are enough of those in our politics

How are they lies? I've posted news reports and youtube videos showing him supporting this stuff.
You're fired!!!! Dumb fuck!

1. He wants to increase h1b's 500%
2. He wants to grant 11 million illegals legal residency
3. He supports trade deals like the tpp and doesn't give a damn about the American worker.
4. He sides with blacklivesmatters
5. He is endorsed by the estiblishment like Jeb Bush. Hell, George Bush was his boss a long time ago!
6. The bastard wants to undermine America's ability to compete in every way

Why would anyone vote for this piece of shit???
I think Cruz is one of the worst candidates ever and I am shocked that he is even in contention... With that said, I think every one of your 6 points is BS. You could make a list of 20 real points of why Cruz sucks and that would be a much more effective to make your point. Try again but without the lies, there are enough of those in our politics

How are they lies? I've posted news reports and youtube videos showing him supporting this stuff.
Any collection of media can be skewed, pieced together and manipulated to tell any story you want. Those who take everything into consideration know what's really happening and what's a steaming pile
In other words, Cruz is just another fucking lying establishment Republican willing to say anything to get elected.
all american people,who can do me a faver,convey this chinese letter to Mr Dnold trump,i am not good at english..

1 在经济上,贵国应联合其他民主国家对大陆经济采取坚壁清野的策略。不要怕影响老百姓,贵国即使对华最惠国待遇。。。老百姓啥也得不到,国家有无外汇,老百姓都得不到一点点利益和好处。中共没有外汇,撒币外交必受重创,尽量以不损伤贵国经济为前提。
2 中国大陆官员和富人向贵国移民日趋加剧,有大权的官员害怕下台后在内部或外部政治斗争中丢命或迫害,富人担心财产(大多数是非法得到)安全,移民美国成了他们生活的最高目标。贵国应在这方面制定中国大陆移民特别法案。a 在大陆有特别罪恶行为的官员不得入美国,已入美国,后被揭发有罪恶行为的官员,取消其美国国籍,并给予特殊惩罚。让现在大陆当权者做恶前有所顾忌。b 。在大陆无特别罪恶行为的官员,但又无任何为老百姓谋利的记录,坚决限制其子女,家属获得美国国籍,c 靠钱卖的美国国籍,其子女以后想入美国,仍需按当地市场价卖国籍。d 对于身在大陆裸官,采取株连政策,若该裸官在大陆胡作非为,取消或限制其本人在美国的子女配偶的权益。高调宣传上述政策。移民方面可以长期做文章。。
3 必须让台湾或明或暗的拥有核武器,若再继续对台湾,韩国实行禁核武政策,真是给大陆当局帮了个天大的忙。甚至可以考虑坐等大陆当局提出联合国解决台湾核问题。。。,台湾或明或暗的拥有核武器,对中共来说,相当于头上悬了根剑,这个战略招数现在得赶快用了,不能再等了。。。,贵国对台湾核问题采取默认也不牵扯过多国际舆论。既然一个中国,都应有核武。
4 对于文化方面的民主思想传播,中国内外的民主力量做的工作很大效果,大陆老百姓基本都觉醒了,对当局也有很大影响,但当局随变而变,以口粮和浅薄的人情面子卡着老百姓,13亿草民比鸭子还好驱赶,有一些老百姓团结起来与当局抗争一下,但绝大多数人民联合起来正面对抗中共的可能性几乎没有,。。。。其统制依然稳当。。。薄熙来。周永康政变失败后被公布他们财产的目的,是告诉草民:这么有钱都失败了,穷鬼们就别想了。茉莉花革命永远不可能在中国大陆发生。。
5 在贵国与中共斗争中,贵国政府应该以其人之道还治其人之身。。。适当采取中共特有的无赖和尖滑。而且可以美其名曰“针对中共的特别策略”。。中国人民会理解的。贵国对中共实施的各方面政策,可以到大陆网络上了解执行效果,听取贫苦老百姓的意见或建议,做相应调整。。。
I like watching Cruz folks thinking that if he gets the nod, wins the convention, he can actually, maybe, possibly, have a chance in the general election...

Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Look what we got with Barack Obama, an inexperienced person who only voted "present" on bill and issues. Look how those of us who did or didn't vote for him thought, "but he will surround himself with all the right/smart/good people who will help him with his on-the-job training. :lmao:

I wanted Newt for president, but voted for the nominee, Romney. I want Cruz for president now but will vote for any GOP nominee.

See ya! Time to get ready for work. :)
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Look what we got with Barack Obama, an inexperienced person who only voted "present" on bill and issues. Look how those of us who did or didn't vote for him thought, "but he will surround himself with all the right/smart/good people who will help him with his on-the-job training. :lmao:

I wanted Newt for president, but voted for the nominee, Romney. I want Cruz for president now but will vote for any GOP nominee.

See ya! Time to get ready for work. :)
well..yes.. lol
But look at what "experienced politicians" got us.. bullshit wars, less freedoms, more debt, higher deficits, amnesty and VISA increases etc.. Notice those are all thanks to the "republican establishment" like Cruz...
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Look what we got with Barack Obama, an inexperienced person who only voted "present" on bill and issues. Look how those of us who did or didn't vote for him thought, "but he will surround himself with all the right/smart/good people who will help him with his on-the-job training. :lmao:

I wanted Newt for president, but voted for the nominee, Romney. I want Cruz for president now but will vote for any GOP nominee.

See ya! Time to get ready for work. :)
It wasn't Obama's inexperience that made him such a bad president, It's his agenda. Experience is helpful but judgment, and vision is what makes them effective. It's the people he surrounds himself with that keep him from making mistakes. A smart president will hire knowledgeable advisers who will keep him on track. Obama hired advisers who look for ways to subvert the Constitution and undermine our freedom. Then when he did something to damage the country, he claimed he wasn't aware it was happening. He was never interested in making the country better, only tearing it down.
Trump is the opposite. He's a patriot and he wants to make the country better, not tear it down. He'll hire the right people to advise him, then make the final decisions like a good executive does, and he won't have to worry about returning any favors. We NEED somebody who ISN'T a politician right now and Trump is the only true outsider running. He's the only choice.
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Look what we got with Barack Obama, an inexperienced person who only voted "present" on bill and issues. Look how those of us who did or didn't vote for him thought, "but he will surround himself with all the right/smart/good people who will help him with his on-the-job training. :lmao:

I wanted Newt for president, but voted for the nominee, Romney. I want Cruz for president now but will vote for any GOP nominee.

See ya! Time to get ready for work. :)
Both Cruz and Trump have less experience than Obama had when he ran in 2008. Cruz is only a first term senator who has spent half of that time campaigning. They are both full of hot air, spewing talking points and they have nothing of substance to back it up.
You're fired!!!! Dumb fuck!

1. He wants to increase h1b's 500%
2. He wants to grant 11 million illegals legal residency
3. He supports trade deals like the tpp and doesn't give a damn about the American worker.
4. He sides with blacklivesmatters
5. He is endorsed by the estiblishment like Jeb Bush. Hell, George Bush was his boss a long time ago!
6. The bastard wants to undermine America's ability to compete in every way

Why would anyone vote for this piece of shit???
All those reasons and more. He looks like a wimp, a weasel, and maybe a nut case. He goes on CNN and tries to show he s a great father, lets his 5 yr old listen to her favorite song BAD BLOOD by Taylor Swift. For a conservative, religious guy quite the contradiction. He s always so dramatic, tonight on CNN , I didn t find a horses head in my bed, its exaggerated, why do people buy in to his melodramatic crap. I don t get it.
Every answer from his wife wasn t natural, always leading to a point about her husband and how great he is. They all hate him in his work place.
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Look what we got with Barack Obama, an inexperienced person who only voted "present" on bill and issues. Look how those of us who did or didn't vote for him thought, "but he will surround himself with all the right/smart/good people who will help him with his on-the-job training. :lmao:

I wanted Newt for president, but voted for the nominee, Romney. I want Cruz for president now but will vote for any GOP nominee.

See ya! Time to get ready for work. :)
Both Cruz and Trump have less experience than Obama had when he ran in 2008. Cruz is only a first term senator who has spent half of that time campaigning. They are both full of hot air, spewing talking points and they have nothing of substance to back it up.

^^^ delusional liberal nonsense. Go ahead post Obamatards resume so we can mock and laugh at you.
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Look what we got with Barack Obama, an inexperienced person who only voted "present" on bill and issues. Look how those of us who did or didn't vote for him thought, "but he will surround himself with all the right/smart/good people who will help him with his on-the-job training. :lmao:

I wanted Newt for president, but voted for the nominee, Romney. I want Cruz for president now but will vote for any GOP nominee.

See ya! Time to get ready for work. :)
Both Cruz and Trump have less experience than Obama had when he ran in 2008. Cruz is only a first term senator who has spent half of that time campaigning. They are both full of hot air, spewing talking points and they have nothing of substance to back it up.

^^^ delusional liberal nonsense. Go ahead post Obamatards resume so we can mock and laugh at you.
What's not true about my statement??
Cruz will mop the floor with Hillary in the general debates. Trump wouldn't stand a chance with her. Outside of business, he hasn't enough knowledge or experience in foreign OR domestic affairs. It would take him years to learn as much as she has up her corrupt sleeves. Trump=not ready for prime-time. A vote for Trump in the general election guarantees victory for HRC in '16.More liberal Justices would be coming our way. There goes America and her Constitution of the United States. Welcome sharia.
While I get what you are saying, I don't agree with it.. You are basically saying the President is only qualified if he/she is a politician.
Isnt that one of the biggest problems we have?
Look what we got with Barack Obama, an inexperienced person who only voted "present" on bill and issues. Look how those of us who did or didn't vote for him thought, "but he will surround himself with all the right/smart/good people who will help him with his on-the-job training. :lmao:

I wanted Newt for president, but voted for the nominee, Romney. I want Cruz for president now but will vote for any GOP nominee.

See ya! Time to get ready for work. :)
Both Cruz and Trump have less experience than Obama had when he ran in 2008. Cruz is only a first term senator who has spent half of that time campaigning. They are both full of hot air, spewing talking points and they have nothing of substance to back it up.

^^^ delusional liberal nonsense. Go ahead post Obamatards resume so we can mock and laugh at you.
What's not true about my statement??

Your entire statement is false. Are you a liberal? I ask because that's typically what liberals do, post blatantly false claims.
You're fired!!!! Dumb fuck!

1. He wants to increase h1b's 500%
2. He wants to grant 11 million illegals legal residency
3. He supports trade deals like the tpp and doesn't give a damn about the American worker.
4. He sides with blacklivesmatters
5. He is endorsed by the estiblishment like Jeb Bush. Hell, George Bush was his boss a long time ago!
6. The bastard wants to undermine America's ability to compete in every way

Why would anyone vote for this piece of shit???

Well to be fair, you have to let us know who the other choice is. Hillary or Ted.....give me Teddy.
Lucky Republicans in Colorado don't have to ponder such things, they have party officials who tell them who they get.

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