Ted Nugent Brags About Killing Hundreds Of Pigs From A Helicopter

This is horrid. You best know of what you speak and you better have evidence. This is so wrong if it's all political.

If you are just doing this for a joke there are repercussions. You cannot do this to a man.
Attention-seeking has-been Ted Nugent is at it again. He claimed at this past weekend’s NRA convention that if Barack Obama is elected, Nugent will either be in jail or dead. Neither of which would bother me. That this hypocritical draft-dodging, child predator father of eight kids with six different women is a “conservative hero” is sheer idiocy and shows that we have as many–or more–morons and double-standardites on the right as there are on the left. And if you like Ted Nugent, you are one, too.
-- Debbie Schlussel
The whole article seemed to be Schlussel using Nugent to justify the conduct of black rappers and their lifestyle.
Ok we have people saying on this forum that Ted Nugent is a child rapist.

Some one charge him will you. I'll stay awake for this. DO IT. I'm waiting. Tired of your bullshit.

Do it. File an official charge.

You have been saying the man is a child rapist.

What could be worse.

How can you say that about a man just because you don't like his political views?
Attention-seeking has-been Ted Nugent is at it again. He claimed at this past weekend’s NRA convention that if Barack Obama is elected, Nugent will either be in jail or dead. Neither of which would bother me. That this hypocritical draft-dodging, child predator father of eight kids with six different women is a “conservative hero” is sheer idiocy and shows that we have as many–or more–morons and double-standardites on the right as there are on the left. And if you like Ted Nugent, you are one, too.
-- Debbie Schlussel
The whole article seemed to be Schlussel using Nugent to justify the conduct of black rappers and their lifestyle.

I see your reading skills have continued to slide even more since you called me a racist for observing that the Fox Noise audience was predominantly white.

No, it's about hypocrisy. Let me quote you a couple of lines you missed while you were looking for the word "black"...

>> Despite all of this, Ted Nugent had the chutzpah to lecture Black people not to have so much sex and father kids out of wedlock in a chapter of his book, entitled, &#8220;Black Like Me.&#8221; He never mentions his own behavior or multiple progeny with multiple concubines. The thing is, even most Black NFL players with multiple kids with several women, whom we constantly (and rightfully) mock, don&#8217;t have as many kids with as many women as Ted Nugent does. Ask yourself why it&#8217;s okay when Nugent does it, but not when Black residents of the ghetto or employees of the NBA and NFL do it. And ask Nugent himself why it&#8217;s okay to attack Black America for the lifestyle he lives free of criticism or introspection. <<

This one's interesting for other reasons--
>> In his episode of &#8220;Behind the Music,&#8221; he mocked organized religion and the belief in G-d, and, in his book, he called the Catholic Church, &#8220;the in-house gang of pedophiles&#8221; (Pot. Kettle. Black. Ted Nugent, Guardian of Underage Girlfriend When He Was Age 30) and made vile statements on stage at a concert that rival the crudest rap artists, including telling the audience about his penchant for &#8220;eating p-ssy.&#8221; I have the copy of his &#8220;Behind the Music&#8221; episode, and, in the footage, he makes that exact statement on stage while simulating sex acts onstage with some women in lingerie. This is, after all, the proud author and performer of &#8220;Wang Dang Sweet Poontang.&#8221; If you object when Black hip hop hucksters do this, why do you give Ted Nugent a pass? <<

Hypocrisy.... comparisons. Get it now? Or is it just too deep?
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The whole article seemed to be Schlussel using Nugent to justify the conduct of black rappers and their lifestyle.

I see your reading skills have continued to slide even more since you called me a racist for observing that the Fox Noise audience was predominantly white.

No, it's about hypocrisy. Let me quote you a couple of lines you missed while you were looking for the word "black"...

>> Despite all of this, Ted Nugent had the chutzpah to lecture Black people not to have so much sex and father kids out of wedlock in a chapter of his book, entitled, “Black Like Me.” He never mentions his own behavior or multiple progeny with multiple concubines. The thing is, even most Black NFL players with multiple kids with several women, whom we constantly (and rightfully) mock, don’t have as many kids with as many women as Ted Nugent does. Ask yourself why it’s okay when Nugent does it, but not when Black residents of the ghetto or employees of the NBA and NFL do it. And ask Nugent himself why it’s okay to attack Black America for the lifestyle he lives free of criticism or introspection. <<

This one's interesting for other reasons--
>> In his episode of “Behind the Music,” he mocked organized religion and the belief in G-d, and, in his book, he called the Catholic Church, “the in-house gang of pedophiles” (Pot. Kettle. Black. Ted Nugent, Guardian of Underage Girlfriend When He Was Age 30) and made vile statements on stage at a concert that rival the crudest rap artists, including telling the audience about his penchant for “eating p-ssy.” I have the copy of his “Behind the Music” episode, and, in the footage, he makes that exact statement on stage while simulating sex acts onstage with some women in lingerie. This is, after all, the proud author and performer of “Wang Dang Sweet Poontang.” If you object when Black hip hop hucksters do this, why do you give Ted Nugent a pass? <<

Hypocrisy.... comparisons. Get it now? Or is it just too deep?
Thanks for reposting her hyprocisy. She condemned Nugent for his sexual misconduct but instead of condemning black rappers right along with him, she excused THEIR behavior based on his hypocrisy. If she hadn't done that, I would have agreed with her. Understand? I didn't think you would, dumbshit.
The whole article seemed to be Schlussel using Nugent to justify the conduct of black rappers and their lifestyle.

I see your reading skills have continued to slide even more since you called me a racist for observing that the Fox Noise audience was predominantly white.

No, it's about hypocrisy. Let me quote you a couple of lines you missed while you were looking for the word "black"...

>> Despite all of this, Ted Nugent had the chutzpah to lecture Black people not to have so much sex and father kids out of wedlock in a chapter of his book, entitled, &#8220;Black Like Me.&#8221; He never mentions his own behavior or multiple progeny with multiple concubines. The thing is, even most Black NFL players with multiple kids with several women, whom we constantly (and rightfully) mock, don&#8217;t have as many kids with as many women as Ted Nugent does. Ask yourself why it&#8217;s okay when Nugent does it, but not when Black residents of the ghetto or employees of the NBA and NFL do it. And ask Nugent himself why it&#8217;s okay to attack Black America for the lifestyle he lives free of criticism or introspection. <<

This one's interesting for other reasons--
>> In his episode of &#8220;Behind the Music,&#8221; he mocked organized religion and the belief in G-d, and, in his book, he called the Catholic Church, &#8220;the in-house gang of pedophiles&#8221; (Pot. Kettle. Black. Ted Nugent, Guardian of Underage Girlfriend When He Was Age 30) and made vile statements on stage at a concert that rival the crudest rap artists, including telling the audience about his penchant for &#8220;eating p-ssy.&#8221; I have the copy of his &#8220;Behind the Music&#8221; episode, and, in the footage, he makes that exact statement on stage while simulating sex acts onstage with some women in lingerie. This is, after all, the proud author and performer of &#8220;Wang Dang Sweet Poontang.&#8221; If you object when Black hip hop hucksters do this, why do you give Ted Nugent a pass? <<

Hypocrisy.... comparisons. Get it now? Or is it just too deep?
Thanks for reposting her hyprocisy. She condemned Nugent for his sexual misconduct but instead of condemning black rappers right along with him, she excused THEIR behavior based on his hypocrisy. If she hadn't done that, I would have agreed with her. Understand? I didn't think you would, dumbshit.

You are truly illiterate. The words are right there in your own post, yet you actually want to pretend they say the opposite of what they say -- even though anybody who looks up to read them can readily see it.

I mean.... Duh.

By the way you can't excuse someone's behavior based on someone else's hypocrisy. Not possible. Hypocrisy doesn't "excuse". It condemns.
Double duh.

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I see your reading skills have continued to slide even more since you called me a racist for observing that the Fox Noise audience was predominantly white.

No, it's about hypocrisy. Let me quote you a couple of lines you missed while you were looking for the word "black"...

>> Despite all of this, Ted Nugent had the chutzpah to lecture Black people not to have so much sex and father kids out of wedlock in a chapter of his book, entitled, “Black Like Me.” He never mentions his own behavior or multiple progeny with multiple concubines. The thing is, even most Black NFL players with multiple kids with several women, whom we constantly (and rightfully) mock, don’t have as many kids with as many women as Ted Nugent does. Ask yourself why it’s okay when Nugent does it, but not when Black residents of the ghetto or employees of the NBA and NFL do it. And ask Nugent himself why it’s okay to attack Black America for the lifestyle he lives free of criticism or introspection. <<

This one's interesting for other reasons--
>> In his episode of “Behind the Music,” he mocked organized religion and the belief in G-d, and, in his book, he called the Catholic Church, “the in-house gang of pedophiles” (Pot. Kettle. Black. Ted Nugent, Guardian of Underage Girlfriend When He Was Age 30) and made vile statements on stage at a concert that rival the crudest rap artists, including telling the audience about his penchant for “eating p-ssy.” I have the copy of his “Behind the Music” episode, and, in the footage, he makes that exact statement on stage while simulating sex acts onstage with some women in lingerie. This is, after all, the proud author and performer of “Wang Dang Sweet Poontang.” If you object when Black hip hop hucksters do this, why do you give Ted Nugent a pass? <<

Hypocrisy.... comparisons. Get it now? Or is it just too deep?
Thanks for reposting her hyprocisy. She condemned Nugent for his sexual misconduct but instead of condemning black rappers right along with him, she excused THEIR behavior based on his hypocrisy. If she hadn't done that, I would have agreed with her. Understand? I didn't think you would, dumbshit.


You are truly illiterate. The words are right there in your own post, yet you actually want to pretend they say the opposite of what they say -- even though anybody who looks up to read them can readily see it.

I mean.... Duh.

By the way you can't excuse someone's behavior based on someone else's hypocrisy. Not possible.
Double duh.

Like I said, I didn't expect you to understand. You're either too fucking stupid or you can't see it because you have your head too far up your ass. Bottom line, she didn't condemn the rappers. Her bias is clear, as is your ignorance.
As he should. Hitting a moving target that small from a moving vehicle, especially a helicopter, is a good feat of marksmanship.
Thanks for reposting her hyprocisy. She condemned Nugent for his sexual misconduct but instead of condemning black rappers right along with him, she excused THEIR behavior based on his hypocrisy. If she hadn't done that, I would have agreed with her. Understand? I didn't think you would, dumbshit.


You are truly illiterate. The words are right there in your own post, yet you actually want to pretend they say the opposite of what they say -- even though anybody who looks up to read them can readily see it.

I mean.... Duh.

By the way you can't excuse someone's behavior based on someone else's hypocrisy. Not possible.
Double duh.

Like I said, I didn't expect you to understand. You're either too fucking stupid or you can't see it because you have your head too far up your ass. Bottom line, she didn't condemn the rappers. Her bias is clear, as is your ignorance.

She didn't bring up rappers at all except as a comparison to demonstrate Nugent's hypocrisy, denialist cretin. Much like I'm typing this sentence to demonstrate your stupidity. Here is the grand sum and totality of everything in the article about these rappers you're obsessed with:

>> If you object when Black hip hop hucksters do this, why do you give Ted Nugent a pass? <<​

That's it. Where's the value judgement?
Dumbass. If it were there you could quote it. You can't. Hence: DUH.
And once again, nobody can "excuse" one party based on the hypocrisy of another. Can't be done. Period.

She is biased, yes. She's a conservative. But unlike you, an honest one.

Oh it does note this at the end:

Ted Nugent is an IQ test for conservatives. If you like him, you are officially an imbecile.

Thanks for playing. Now go learn to read.
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Umm... that's not "whining" Harry. That's sarcasm.
Sorry I had to spell it out but most people get it.

sorry around here its called crying......if the usual crowd of posters were here you would have been negged about 7 more times just for posting that......

Look, I really don't give a shlying fit about your neuroses or sophomoric idle threats. Once again, Wankier102 did me a favor, giving me material to demonstrate the desperation of those who can't come up with enough brain cells to make an argument. So I put his own words up to mock him -- which he fully deserves, since what he negged was simply pointing out what the thread is.

You did me a favor too by bumping it, which just repeats the mocking. Thanks for that, but the only "whining" going on is from you.

But I've taken up enough of your time, I know you have 562 more posts to put up in an endless diarrhea of obfuscation to take the spotlight off Ted Nugent. Clever ploy btw, I'm sure nobody sees the intent. :clap2:

im the one whining.....and yet you wrote down 10 times what i did.....like i said....quite your fucking crying.....

You have been saying the man is a child rapist.

What could be worse.

How can you say that about a man just because you don't like his political views?
Notice how the ones who are doing it, are the weakest, most miserable posters on the board.

there isnt anyone more miserable than Dudley......he must walk around with a turd in his depends....
As he should. Hitting a moving target that small from a moving vehicle, especially a helicopter, is a good feat of marksmanship.

He's awesome. He's one of the best. And he never ever goes for the kill unless he knows he can take it.

ETA: for those vegans with suede coats....you never go for the kill unless you can hit the pump house.
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You have been saying the man is a child rapist.

What could be worse.

How can you say that about a man just because you don't like his political views?
Notice how the ones who are doing it, are the weakest, most miserable posters on the board.

there isnt anyone more miserable than Dudley......he must walk around with a turd in his depends....

I've been in a lot of political battles. But I never once accused a man of being a child rapist because I didn't like his political views.

How can anyone do that? This is beyond disgusting.

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