Ted Kennedy and senator Dodd raped a waitress.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
FLASHBACK: Teddy Kennedy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Waitress
"Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair"

November 3, 2017

Here's how the alleged incident at Washington hot-spot La Brasserie went down, via GQ:

It is after midnight and Kennedy and Dodd are just finishing up a long dinner in a private room on the first floor of the restaurant's annex. They are drunk. Their dates, two very young blondes, leave the table to go to the bathroom. (The dates are drunk too. "They'd always get their girls very, very drunk," says a former Brasserie waitress.) Betty Loh, who served the foursome, also leaves the room. Raymond Campet, the co-owner of La Brasserie, tells Gaviglio the senators want to see her.

As Gaviglio enters the room, the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound Kennedy grabs the five-foot-three, 103-pound waitress and throws her on the table. She lands on her back, scattering crystal, plates and cutlery and the lit candles. Several glasses and a crystal candlestick are broken. Kennedy then picks her up from the table and throws her on Dodd, who is sprawled in a chair. With Gaviglio on Dodd's lap, Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair. As he is doing this, Loh enters the room. She and Gaviglio both scream, drawing one or two dishwashers. Startled, Kennedy leaps up. He laughs. Bruised, shaken and angry over what she considered a sexual assault, Gaviglio runs from the room. Kennedy, Dodd and their dates leave shortly thereafter, following a friendly argument between the senators over the check.

The alleged victim did not comment on the story directly, but told GQ the account "is full and accurate."

FLASHBACK: Teddy Kennedy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Waitress

Don't worry, they were democrats. So, it was not a big deal then nor is it a big deal now.

I do think it is funny how Ted Kennedy is burning in hell with most of his godless family.
FLASHBACK: Teddy Kennedy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Waitress
"Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair"

November 3, 2017

Here's how the alleged incident at Washington hot-spot La Brasserie went down, via GQ:

It is after midnight and Kennedy and Dodd are just finishing up a long dinner in a private room on the first floor of the restaurant's annex. They are drunk. Their dates, two very young blondes, leave the table to go to the bathroom. (The dates are drunk too. "They'd always get their girls very, very drunk," says a former Brasserie waitress.) Betty Loh, who served the foursome, also leaves the room. Raymond Campet, the co-owner of La Brasserie, tells Gaviglio the senators want to see her.

As Gaviglio enters the room, the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound Kennedy grabs the five-foot-three, 103-pound waitress and throws her on the table. She lands on her back, scattering crystal, plates and cutlery and the lit candles. Several glasses and a crystal candlestick are broken. Kennedy then picks her up from the table and throws her on Dodd, who is sprawled in a chair. With Gaviglio on Dodd's lap, Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair. As he is doing this, Loh enters the room. She and Gaviglio both scream, drawing one or two dishwashers. Startled, Kennedy leaps up. He laughs. Bruised, shaken and angry over what she considered a sexual assault, Gaviglio runs from the room. Kennedy, Dodd and their dates leave shortly thereafter, following a friendly argument between the senators over the check.

The alleged victim did not comment on the story directly, but told GQ the account "is full and accurate."

FLASHBACK: Teddy Kennedy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Waitress

Don't worry, they were democrats. So, it was not a big deal then nor is it a big deal now.

I do think it is funny how Ted Kennedy is burning in hell with most of his godless family.

Deflection, deflection, deflection. Ted Kennedy is dead, not running for or holding office. The information is from an article published a year ago. Why didn't you make an issue of it then? Because you didn't care...it's only being used now for deflection. Pathetic.
FLASHBACK: Teddy Kennedy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Waitress
"Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair"

November 3, 2017

Here's how the alleged incident at Washington hot-spot La Brasserie went down, via GQ:

It is after midnight and Kennedy and Dodd are just finishing up a long dinner in a private room on the first floor of the restaurant's annex. They are drunk. Their dates, two very young blondes, leave the table to go to the bathroom. (The dates are drunk too. "They'd always get their girls very, very drunk," says a former Brasserie waitress.) Betty Loh, who served the foursome, also leaves the room. Raymond Campet, the co-owner of La Brasserie, tells Gaviglio the senators want to see her.

As Gaviglio enters the room, the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound Kennedy grabs the five-foot-three, 103-pound waitress and throws her on the table. She lands on her back, scattering crystal, plates and cutlery and the lit candles. Several glasses and a crystal candlestick are broken. Kennedy then picks her up from the table and throws her on Dodd, who is sprawled in a chair. With Gaviglio on Dodd's lap, Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair. As he is doing this, Loh enters the room. She and Gaviglio both scream, drawing one or two dishwashers. Startled, Kennedy leaps up. He laughs. Bruised, shaken and angry over what she considered a sexual assault, Gaviglio runs from the room. Kennedy, Dodd and their dates leave shortly thereafter, following a friendly argument between the senators over the check.

The alleged victim did not comment on the story directly, but told GQ the account "is full and accurate."

FLASHBACK: Teddy Kennedy Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Waitress

Don't worry, they were democrats. So, it was not a big deal then nor is it a big deal now.

I do think it is funny how Ted Kennedy is burning in hell with most of his godless family.

another "allegedly" thread from an idiot who always demands PROOF -

how do these morons find their way home after sundown?
Lol, Im thinking if the current sexual harassment brush fire takes off, you will hear plenty about it. Your Kennedys were nothing but drunk Mic's who used date rape drugs to get girls. You know, typical democrat senators. What I want to know is why no member of the press has asked for an accounting of the 'Hush money" funded by tax payers. where are all the woman on that ? where is Gloria Allred, Hillary and Gilly? Why no FOIA on who paid who to shut up? Lets find out who then deiced what to do with them.

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