Ted Cruz touts his courageous record of opposing Trump for the past two minutes!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Stating that he has “made no secret of my differences with this President,” Senator Ted Cruz touted his courageous record of opposing Donald J. Trump for the past two minutes.​
“Anyone who knows me knows that I object to Donald Trump’s incendiary and unacceptable rhetoric, and that is as true now as was when I first said it, a hundred and twenty seconds ago,” he said.​
The senator from Texas added that “history will judge those harshly” who have not had the courage, as he has, to oppose Trump for two minutes running.​
“I think when the history books are written, my behavior over the past two minutes will be hailed for its valor,” he said.​
Just moments after those comments, however, Senator Lindsey Graham took issue with Cruz, calling his remarks “weak sauce.”​
“Let the record show that I have been opposed to Donald Trump for three minutes,” Graham asserted.​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Stating that he has “made no secret of my differences with this President,” Senator Ted Cruz touted his courageous record of opposing Donald J. Trump for the past two minutes.​
“Anyone who knows me knows that I object to Donald Trump’s incendiary and unacceptable rhetoric, and that is as true now as was when I first said it, a hundred and twenty seconds ago,” he said.​
The senator from Texas added that “history will judge those harshly” who have not had the courage, as he has, to oppose Trump for two minutes running.​
“I think when the history books are written, my behavior over the past two minutes will be hailed for its valor,” he said.​
Just moments after those comments, however, Senator Lindsey Graham took issue with Cruz, calling his remarks “weak sauce.”​
“Let the record show that I have been opposed to Donald Trump for three minutes,” Graham asserted.​

I saw his little speech yesterday, what a complete dumb fuck.
Where was Senator Cruz when the Senate chambers was invaded? ... shaking like a yellow bellied coward in the basement ... yeah, Texas be a bunch of chickens ...
I saw his little speech yesterday, what a complete dumb fuck.

Entirely cringe-worthy wasn't it? Of course, Creepy Ted makes me cringe on sight.


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Stating that he has “made no secret of my differences with this President,” Senator Ted Cruz touted his courageous record of opposing Donald J. Trump for the past two minutes.​
“Anyone who knows me knows that I object to Donald Trump’s incendiary and unacceptable rhetoric, and that is as true now as was when I first said it, a hundred and twenty seconds ago,” he said.​
The senator from Texas added that “history will judge those harshly” who have not had the courage, as he has, to oppose Trump for two minutes running.​
“I think when the history books are written, my behavior over the past two minutes will be hailed for its valor,” he said.​
Just moments after those comments, however, Senator Lindsey Graham took issue with Cruz, calling his remarks “weak sauce.”​
“Let the record show that I have been opposed to Donald Trump for three minutes,” Graham asserted.​

Remember how nasty Trump was to Ted about his ugly wife and his father being a part of the Kennedy assassination?

Donald Trump on Saturday floated the idea of suing his presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, over his eligibility to run for president.

“Should I do it just for fun?” Trump asked at a campaign rally here.

“It’s so nasty though,” Trump added. “Ugh, I’m so good at that stuff.”

Trump has repeatedly suggested that Cruz may not be eligible to serve as president because he was born in Canada, raising the question of whether Cruz meets the Constitutional requirement that the president be a natural-born citizen.

Cruz has insisted that he meets that bar because he was born to an American mother, making him an American citizen by birth.

Most legal experts have agreed with Cruz’s assessment, but the issue has never been settled in federal court, and Trump noted Saturday that he would have legal standing to sue Cruz over the issue as an opponent for the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump began suggesting earlier this month that Cruz’s Canadian birth could endanger Republicans’ chances of winning the White House, arguing that Democrats would sue to keep Cruz out of the White House.

Cruz held dual citizenship until he officially renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014.
Remember how nasty Trump was to Ted about his ugly wife and his father being a part of the Kennedy assassination?

Donald Trump on Saturday floated the idea of suing his presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, over his eligibility to run for president.

“Should I do it just for fun?” Trump asked at a campaign rally here.

“It’s so nasty though,” Trump added. “Ugh, I’m so good at that stuff.”

Trump has repeatedly suggested that Cruz may not be eligible to serve as president because he was born in Canada, raising the question of whether Cruz meets the Constitutional requirement that the president be a natural-born citizen.

Cruz has insisted that he meets that bar because he was born to an American mother, making him an American citizen by birth.

Most legal experts have agreed with Cruz’s assessment, but the issue has never been settled in federal court, and Trump noted Saturday that he would have legal standing to sue Cruz over the issue as an opponent for the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump began suggesting earlier this month that Cruz’s Canadian birth could endanger Republicans’ chances of winning the White House, arguing that Democrats would sue to keep Cruz out of the White House.

Cruz held dual citizenship until he officially renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014.

I've a hunch that Donald will be too busy with other court cases of his own for the next few years. By 2022, I'll bet he's spending time in Club Fed. :)
This guy is a fucking snake and I'm amazed that more people don't notice.
just busted republicans. Right now they are saying trump is not responsible for the rioters. But if he and they are right and the election was truly rigged, those people were all patriots And they did what any of us would have done if we truly believed the election was stolen.

But today trumps defense is he didn’t send those rioters and he’s not responsible for their actions.

If the election was really rigged I think trump should be sticking to that argument.

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