Ted Cruz Shoots AOC With Two Friendly Finger Guns.....AOC Hospitalized


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
AOC thinks Republicans are out to murder her:

'I've Been Shot!' Screams AOC As Ted Cruz Greets Her With Set Of Friendly Finger Guns

January 29th, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Sources at the Capitol confirmed today that a significant brouhaha broke out between Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ted Cruz.

The incident occurred as Ocasio-Cortez was walking out of the Capitol Building and passed by Cruz, who smiled and shot her a set of cool-guy finger guns. "Howdy, AOC! How's my favorite socialist rep? Haha, just playin' with ya, kid."
"Help! I've been shot in a violent attack!" she screamed as Ted Cruz gave her the customary Texas greeting of finger guns. She flopped to the ground and began going into convulsions. "The violence! The horror! He's trying to have me murdered! ATTEMPTED MURDER! I AM IN NO WAY EXAGGERATING THIS SITUATION FOR ATTENTION!"
"COME AND SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM!" Ocasio-Cortez then exploded a ketchup packet she keeps on hand for these occasions, screaming, "THE BLOOD! SO MUCH BLOOD! GOODBYE, CRUEL WORLD FILLED WITH COUNTLESS SYSTEMIC OPPRESSIONS!"
Capitol security rushed over and caught Cruz red-handed holding the finger guns. After a brief struggle and lots of sawing, they were able to disarm him. Ocasio-Cortez then popped up and walked into the building, whistling John Lennon's "Imagine."

AOC thinks Republicans are out to murder her:

'I've Been Shot!' Screams AOC As Ted Cruz Greets Her With Set Of Friendly Finger Guns

January 29th, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Sources at the Capitol confirmed today that a significant brouhaha broke out between Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ted Cruz.

The incident occurred as Ocasio-Cortez was walking out of the Capitol Building and passed by Cruz, who smiled and shot her a set of cool-guy finger guns. "Howdy, AOC! How's my favorite socialist rep? Haha, just playin' with ya, kid."
"Help! I've been shot in a violent attack!" she screamed as Ted Cruz gave her the customary Texas greeting of finger guns. She flopped to the ground and began going into convulsions. "The violence! The horror! He's trying to have me murdered! ATTEMPTED MURDER! I AM IN NO WAY EXAGGERATING THIS SITUATION FOR ATTENTION!"
"COME AND SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM!" Ocasio-Cortez then exploded a ketchup packet she keeps on hand for these occasions, screaming, "THE BLOOD! SO MUCH BLOOD! GOODBYE, CRUEL WORLD FILLED WITH COUNTLESS SYSTEMIC OPPRESSIONS!"
Capitol security rushed over and caught Cruz red-handed holding the finger guns. After a brief struggle and lots of sawing, they were able to disarm him. Ocasio-Cortez then popped up and walked into the building, whistling John Lennon's "Imagine."

AOC thinks Republicans are out to murder her:

'I've Been Shot!' Screams AOC As Ted Cruz Greets Her With Set Of Friendly Finger Guns

January 29th, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Sources at the Capitol confirmed today that a significant brouhaha broke out between Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ted Cruz.

The incident occurred as Ocasio-Cortez was walking out of the Capitol Building and passed by Cruz, who smiled and shot her a set of cool-guy finger guns. "Howdy, AOC! How's my favorite socialist rep? Haha, just playin' with ya, kid."
"Help! I've been shot in a violent attack!" she screamed as Ted Cruz gave her the customary Texas greeting of finger guns. She flopped to the ground and began going into convulsions. "The violence! The horror! He's trying to have me murdered! ATTEMPTED MURDER! I AM IN NO WAY EXAGGERATING THIS SITUATION FOR ATTENTION!"
"COME AND SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM!" Ocasio-Cortez then exploded a ketchup packet she keeps on hand for these occasions, screaming, "THE BLOOD! SO MUCH BLOOD! GOODBYE, CRUEL WORLD FILLED WITH COUNTLESS SYSTEMIC OPPRESSIONS!"
Capitol security rushed over and caught Cruz red-handed holding the finger guns. After a brief struggle and lots of sawing, they were able to disarm him. Ocasio-Cortez then popped up and walked into the building, whistling John Lennon's "Imagine."

Today the Democrats called a surprise attack on an AZ Congressman who had put a Cartoon of AOC being shot, and received a censure. Wonder if it was this same deal. I watched it for 2 hours this afternoon. Not once did these Democrats mention Maxine Waters vicious stalking and getting in faces of President Trump for crimes Hillary Clinton committed but decided to concoct a very serious political lie (for five years and counting after the Washington Post announced it found the Steele Dossier was a purchased pack of lies including the salacious peeing the bed with hookers claim). Hillary Clinton needs to be tried for treason along with Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, et al. Also, I hope somebody comes up with all the other me too's who lied about President Trump and tried to destroy him with their brazen dishonesty and a hundred million of our tax money that supported these lying Russia-loving house apes who played the game even when they found out they had committed treason against the American people just like Joe Biden who was videotaped claiming how clever he was for extorting a billion dollars from the Ukraine using his position as Vice President of the USA. Then he went on to have few show up for his presidential campaign speeches but not to worry Hillary's wealthy "pals" who likely she has FBI files on made sure they had seamless cheater vote programs that would give Biden his greatly undeserved presidency with Hillary calling every stinking shot Biden took against President Trump. Those dirty bums.
Today the Democrats called a surprise attack on an AZ Congressman who had put a Cartoon of AOC being shot, and received a censure. Wonder if it was this same deal. I watched it for 2 hours this afternoon. Not once did these Democrats mention Maxine Waters vicious stalking and getting in faces of President Trump for crimes Hillary Clinton committed but decided to concoct a very serious political lie (for five years and counting after the Washington Post announced it found the Steele Dossier was a purchased pack of lies including the salacious peeing the bed with hookers claim). Hillary Clinton needs to be tried for treason along with Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, et al. Also, I hope somebody comes up with all the other me too's who lied about President Trump and tried to destroy him with their brazen dishonesty and a hundred million of our tax money that supported these lying Russia-loving house apes who played the game even when they found out they had committed treason against the American people just like Joe Biden who was videotaped claiming how clever he was for extorting a billion dollars from the Ukraine using his position as Vice President of the USA. Then he went on to have few show up for his presidential campaign speeches but not to worry Hillary's wealthy "pals" who likely she has FBI files on made sure they had seamless cheater vote programs that would give Biden his greatly undeserved presidency with Hillary calling every stinking shot Biden took against President Trump. Those dirty bums.
The OP was a parody on Babylonbee.
AOC has accused several members of congress of attacking her.
I think she needs to be removed and put in a mental ward.

AOC thinks Republicans are out to murder her:

'I've Been Shot!' Screams AOC As Ted Cruz Greets Her With Set Of Friendly Finger Guns

January 29th, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Sources at the Capitol confirmed today that a significant brouhaha broke out between Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ted Cruz.

The incident occurred as Ocasio-Cortez was walking out of the Capitol Building and passed by Cruz, who smiled and shot her a set of cool-guy finger guns. "Howdy, AOC! How's my favorite socialist rep? Haha, just playin' with ya, kid."
"Help! I've been shot in a violent attack!" she screamed as Ted Cruz gave her the customary Texas greeting of finger guns. She flopped to the ground and began going into convulsions. "The violence! The horror! He's trying to have me murdered! ATTEMPTED MURDER! I AM IN NO WAY EXAGGERATING THIS SITUATION FOR ATTENTION!"
"COME AND SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM!" Ocasio-Cortez then exploded a ketchup packet she keeps on hand for these occasions, screaming, "THE BLOOD! SO MUCH BLOOD! GOODBYE, CRUEL WORLD FILLED WITH COUNTLESS SYSTEMIC OPPRESSIONS!"
Capitol security rushed over and caught Cruz red-handed holding the finger guns. After a brief struggle and lots of sawing, they were able to disarm him. Ocasio-Cortez then popped up and walked into the building, whistling John Lennon's "Imagine."

You think that's hysterical, don't you? Admit it.
The OP was a parody on Babylonbee.
AOC has accused several members of congress of attacking her.
I think she needs to be removed and put in a mental ward.

Could be she is embarrassed about how many computer-generated heads-up will be needed for her next run for Congress if she cares to "win" again.
The OP was a parody on Babylonbee.
AOC has accused several members of congress of attacking her.
I think she needs to be removed and put in a mental ward.

Cortez put on quite the eye-rolling narrative today in her faux victimy act as she participated in ruining the Arizona Representative's reputation after years of service. She is a lying piece of snake snot just like her role models in Congress who expressed their faux sympathy for the poor little creature who disappeared shortly after one of the more composed Republican House members spoke his opinion about the failure of the speaker to go through a disciplinary committee. I am sorry they didn't play the alleged "threat" to let the American people see what kind of monsters would seriously threaten the life of a fellow congressperson, and not one single person mentioned the heinous stalking order Congresswoman Maxine Waters used on President Trump about the conspiratorial lie Hillary Clinton used on Donald Trump along with the salacious crap she and her lying dossier charged against him all because Hillary Clinton is a loser who screamed at one of her aides in the White House and the next thing you know someone found his suicided body in a park area in the vicinity of DC.

I am sick and tired of Hillary and her lying cheating creepy friends in Congress who think men should be emasculinated. The humorless female dogs in Congress are perpetrating non crimes into death threats and a means to destroying debates of merit. I hope they lose their majority forever.
The OP was a parody on Babylonbee.
AOC has accused several members of congress of attacking her.
I think she needs to be removed and put in a mental ward.

Thanks, Mr. Mudwhistle. I couldn't find a thread on the badly done censure on a member of congress when everything that should have taken a month to prepare had to experience this spring attack against the 4th Republican man the Democrats have taken away chairmanships in the past year. The Democrats are sick, sick people and they let Biden's theft of a billion dollars of taxpayer funded foreign aid to the Ukraine the Russians are planning another genocide two or three generations since WWII murders of Ukrainians by organized starvation in the millions while nobody was paying attention to Stalin's trail of blood with Hitler was wiping six million European jews off the face of the earth. That is why I am against socialist bullies who promote oligarchies where a handful of smooth operators fall into a kind of groupthink entity when they must kill off every internal dissenter within the country along with most of its neighbors like Husseinian Iraq. Saddam Hussein killed a million of his Iranian neighbors because he coveted a 25 square mile of Iranian beachfront property lying on the other side of the Iran-Iraq border. There was nobody in Iraq to end this kind of a war that fear societies use against their neighbors and heaven help those who take freedom of speech and opinion away from free men and women. We are headed in that direction and Hillary Clinton who has ordered Democrats around like Bill, Barack, and now Joe--it's got her clawlike fingerprints all over the insanity and chaos they are perpetrating on this nation right now and have since Hillary put her filthy hands on all those FBI writeups on the sins of their rivals. Plus when she can't find anything on a rival she destroys them with lies and slander. She has absolutely zero respect for anyone who tells her no. She doesn't respect fair debates either. Read David Horowitz book Blitz. You'll get it about her claw prints on being all over America's recent freefall globally.
You think that's hysterical, don't you? Admit it.
Bodie, it is hard to know anyone else's hearts but we on the right are praying for those who prey upon the people of this nation. It was helpful for the Washington pPost to acknowledge their mistake of jumping on the hate Trump bandwagon. They put their employees who wrote that garbage on the line, but at least we know somebody who is honest over there did the right thing.

Our time of anger is over, and I am going to try harder to support President Trump to be given back what was stolen from him due to a corrupt cabal of newspersons conspiring with corrupt politicians to destroy the Presidency. Sometimes by the overnight changes in President Biden tells me he has zero regard for the American and Ukrainian people's safety. Stalin had the KGB engage in starving millions of Ukranian farmers who were sick of his evil doings, and instead of learning mercy, Biden went for the national purse of the Ukraine because the cabal who told him to raise money in that sinister way are still telling him what to say and do or they will turn on him just like Hillary did to Vince Foster the day his suicided body was found in a remote area. Y'all won't listen to us, but as the saying goes, time wounds all heels whether on heaven or earth. It is not mine to say but I wish you'd reconsider the mire your party has gotten all of you into by ignoring that the entertainment industry has no business encouraging others to engage in self worship, but they did it anyhow because they could. Who is going to pay the price for harrassing President Trump out of office because the press and his unsuccesful rivals painted him in the worst of darkness while he was struggling to bring peace on earth starting with himself. People who claim to be Christians forgot Christ's example of forgiving a man who was sorry for his faults and made revenge for Hillary Clinton the liar their golden calf. Christ was forgiving his killers as they were nailing him to a cross. There hasn't been a drop of mercy from the Democrats for anybody but their lying leaders who thrive on calumny. Please look up the specific meaning of the word calumny. It is cheerless but ruled the nation for four years of liars clawing their way into undeserved power that yields all its spoils to people who wouldn't care to help this nation because their heads are in the caverns of everyone else's patoots. Ugh did I just say that. :rolleyes-41:
Oh yea. And what are you going to tell us next, you were there?
Didn't need to be. Trump made Cruz his cuck when he insulted his wife and father, and then forced him to come to the White House to kiss the ring.
It's one of the reasons Cruz will never be President. No one respects him.

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