Ted Cruz Plots Government Shutdown Fight Over Planned Parenthood


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
He said both parties want "an empty show vote" on defunding the family planning provider.

Washington -- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) thinks Republican leaders are bluffing when they say they want to defund Planned Parenthood, so he is enlisting Christian pastors across the nation to help mobilize voters to force his colleagues' hands and threaten a government shutdown.

Cruz implored more than a thousand pastors and religious leaders on Tuesday to "preach from the pulpit" against Planned Parenthood and rally public support for an amendment defunding the family provider in the must-pass federal budget bill in November. If Congress attaches the defunding amendment to the budget instead of holding a vote on the standalone bill, it cannot keep funding Planned Parenthood without shutting down the whole federal government.

"Here is the challenge," the presidential hopeful explained on the national conference call. "The leadership of both parties, both the Democrats and Republicans, want an empty show vote. They want a vote on Planned Parenthood that has no teeth or no consequence, which allows Republicans to vote for defunding, Democrats to vote for continuing funding, and nothing to change. But the leadership of both parties have publicly said they do not want the vote tied to any legislation that must pass."

Senate Republicans held one such "show vote" on defunding Planned Parenthood earlier this month, and Democrats predictably blocked it. GOP leaders are reportedly hoping to avoid the embarrassment of a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding and are searching for an alternate plan.

“We’ve been down this path before,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told reporters earlier this month. “This is a tactic that’s been tried going back to the ’90s, frequently by Republican majorities that always have the same ending: that the focus is on the fact that the government is shut down, not on what the underlying issue that is being protested is."

Cruz said pastors should tell their congregations to call their members of Congress and insist that Republicans use the federal budget to defund Planned Parenthood. He said it would be President Barack Obama's fault if the government shuts down -- not the GOP's.

"It will be a decision of the president's and the president's alone whether he would veto funding for the federal government because of a commitment to ensuring taxpayer dollars continue to flow to what appears to be a national criminal organization," Cruz said.

Planned Parenthood receives about $500 million in annual public funding, which it uses to provide family planning services and Medicaid reimbursements to low-income patients. Abortions at Planned Parenthood are paid for separately -- the Hyde Amendment has prevented taxpayer dollars from being used toward abortions for more than four decades.

More: Ted Cruz Plots Government Shutdown Fight Over Planned Parenthood

I can't remember when Cruz tried to do anything to actually help America - instead of obstructing it.
If he does then I plan to fight for the democrats in 2016! Tired of seeing our national parks shut down, our science institutions short changed for a bunch of whining babies.
What sanctimonious, self serving bullshit .... 53 million lives. That's 8 times the deaths during the Holocaust. You don't want to have an intelligent discussion about the issue; you don't want to allow the people to speak. You don't want to be inconvenienced; you don't want to be troubled.

It is time to draw the line, and find out which side you stand on. Put the bill on the table; make everybody take a stand. If it passes, send it to the White House - force the administration to shut down the government, if they want.
"Ted Cruz Plots Government Shutdown Fight Over Planned Parenthood"

Further evidence that most republicans are hostile to, and incapable of, responsible governance.

Quite the contrary --- it is time that Republicans stand up and DEMAND responsible representation.

You accept governance ... I demand representation. We are at opposite ends of the spectrum. I like my freedom ... you've given it away.
If he does then I plan to fight for the democrats in 2016! Tired of seeing our national parks shut down, our science institutions short changed for a bunch of whining babies.

Oh palaese.. all the ever happens is that gubmint employees get extra vacation... don't worry, you'll get your check.
"Senate Republicans held one such "show vote" on defunding Planned Parenthood earlier this month, and Democrats predictably blocked it. GOP leaders are reportedly hoping to avoid the embarrassment of a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding and are searching for an alternate plan."

And further evidence that democrats are advocates of responsible governance.

What's sad and telling is that GOP leaders live in fear of being embarrassed by fellow republicans.
If he does then I plan to fight for the democrats in 2016! Tired of seeing our national parks shut down, our science institutions short changed for a bunch of whining babies.

Oh palaese.. all the ever happens is that gubmint employees get extra vacation... don't worry, you'll get your check.

That's probably Shitting Bull's huge concern
Good on Cruz! Shut the bitch down. Cease all entitlement payments, food stamps, welfare, and other government freebies. Let the FreeShitArmy riot in the streets and get shot down like the dogs they are. I'll be safe and sound in my well-armed compound out in the sticks.
IF Cruz shuts her down he has MY VOTE. screw you people on the left. If your checks are late bitch at your PRESIDENT for not Negotiating

I think everyone who's in the know who was the REASON it shut down the last time.

and it's was YOUR snake party playing games WITH ALL OUR LIVES.

THEY didn't vote out your party from control of Congress FOR NO REASON.

you people seriously think you still have the upper hand in everything. you better start thinking again
"Senate Republicans held one such "show vote" on defunding Planned Parenthood earlier this month, and Democrats predictably blocked it. GOP leaders are reportedly hoping to avoid the embarrassment of a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding and are searching for an alternate plan."

And further evidence that democrats are advocates of responsible governance.

What's sad and telling is that GOP leaders live in fear of being embarrassed by fellow republicans.

Shut it down. It's time to take a stand ... and to force others to do the same.
If he does then I plan to fight for the democrats in 2016! Tired of seeing our national parks shut down, our science institutions short changed for a bunch of whining babies.

Innocent babies trumps your now almost comical rants about infrastructure
Innocent babies?
"Nearly 99 percent of abortions occur before 21 weeks, but when they are needed later in pregnancy, it’s often in very complex circumstances — the kind of situations where a woman and her doctor need every medical option available."
Zygotes aren't babies, nor are fetuses, emotional bullshit.
"Senate Republicans held one such "show vote" on defunding Planned Parenthood earlier this month, and Democrats predictably blocked it. GOP leaders are reportedly hoping to avoid the embarrassment of a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding and are searching for an alternate plan."

And further evidence that democrats are advocates of responsible governance.

What's sad and telling is that GOP leaders live in fear of being embarrassed by fellow republicans.

It's responsible government to rack up $18,000,000,000,000 in debt and $60,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities?

I think not...

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