Ted Cruz mocks Nanci Pelosi


This is Ted groveling for Trump.

This is what somebody who’s been emasculated looks like.

The guy Trump said his father helped kill JFK and called his wife names.

And now he’ll do anything for Trump.

Can you imagine the conversation Ted Cruz had with his father.

Dad.....he was just kidding.....nobody believes you helped.....kill......JFK.

But.....dad.....but....dad..... damn.....he hung up
I'm glad you have a good fantasy life. you'll need it for the next five years.

Of course, most people fantasize about women, but hey, nothing wrong with your daydreams.
Why did you ignore what the poster said about Ted Cruz??

These are all facts and you avoided all of them....why?
So tell me, has the poster I was addressing ever addressed the namecalling and insults Democrats have done to each other who then turned around and supported the people who called them names in the primary?

I can think of a recent situation in which Clinton smeared and demeaned Sanders, then afterward, there was Sanders, on the stump and rallying for Clinton.

This is politics. In the primary, you do what you have to in order to get the nomination. The insults can get pretty bad, on both sides. It is also why I would never get into politics as I wouldn't be civil about it. If Trump, or even Clinton, insulted me on stage, I'd just walk over and start kicking them to death.

The point is, they all insult each other trying to get the nomination, then they all support each other after the primary.

Making up a phony phone call (ala Schitt) isn't making a point. It is highlighting their very low intelligence.
I'm still watching Trump's "perfect" State of the Union, and all I see is her rudeness and whatever the hell she keeps doing with her mouth.

I'm now watching the Rush portion but in this video he's not shown. Just Trump, Pence and Piglosi.

This woman is vile!
If you can see Rush's response, he is blown completely out of the water.
I saw and posted that video. I'm watching Piglosi's rude behaviour now and I AM "blown out of the water"
Rude behavior?

What did you think when Donald Trump defiled the prayer breakfast?


Questioning peoples religious beliefs when you know he’s got no religious beliefs. I never met a person that said they thought Trump had religious beliefs.

This is Ted groveling for Trump.

This is what somebody who’s been emasculated looks like.

The guy Trump said his father helped kill JFK and called his wife names.

And now he’ll do anything for Trump.

Can you imagine the conversation Ted Cruz had with his father.

Dad.....he was just kidding.....nobody believes you helped.....kill......JFK.

But.....dad.....but....dad..... damn.....he hung up
I'm glad you have a good fantasy life. you'll need it for the next five years.

Of course, most people fantasize about women, but hey, nothing wrong with your daydreams.
Fantasy? What part was fantasy? The part where Trump accused Ted Cruz father of helping kill JFK or when Trump was making fun of Ted Cruz wife?

No the fantasy where people think you are relevant.

President Trump is politically stronger today than at anytime since entering politics. The Democrat Party-press and their Democrat comrades have failed miserably in their relentless and depraved coup efforts. No wonder they look manically depressed and sound insanely unhinged. They’re a force for darkness and despair, dystopia and chaos. Meanwhile, however, through it all, the president is racking up major accomplishment after major accomplishment, a steady stream of unprecedented successes. And due to his leadership, the nation is truly thriving. Americans are proud and overwhelmingly happy with their personal lives. Patriotism is back. Respect for America overseas is back. And I am sure if President Reagan were with us, he’d tip his hat to President Trump and with a smile tell him — terrific job my friend. Keep it up. It’s morning in America again.​

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