Ted Cruz is the man.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Let the record show that as usual, Rush is right.

In fact, I challenge anybody reading this to make an objective case there is a more principled candidate in the race than Mr. Cruz — because you can’t. I also work for an organization called Conservative Review, which gives regularly scheduled proctology exams to the records of politicians by charting how they vote on a full spectrum of conservative issues via our “liberty scorecard.” Mr. Cruz currently has our second-highest score at 96 percent, which is second only to Mike Lee.

I've been a Ted Cruz fan since he ran for the senate. His candidacy upset the ambitions of RINO David Dewhurst and he has stuck to the principles he campaigned on. Very few political whores go to DC and govern as they said they would. Cruz has maintained a top tier slot, not rising or falling and I truly hope he is the GOP nominee.

I truly hope he is not the nominee. He could do a lot of damage to our nation with his radical positions.
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I truly hope he is not the nominee. He could do a lot of damage to our nation with his radical positions.

Like what? Scaling back burdensome regulations and and letting people keep their own money?

The horror....

I truly hope he is not the nominee. He could do a lot of damage to our nation with his radical positions.

Like what? Scaling back burdensome regulations and and letting people keep their own money?

The horror....

You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?
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You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

That's bullshit and you know it. No one wants that done.

We do need regulation reform, and to eliminate redundant bureaucracies.

You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

That's bullshit and you know it. No one wants that done.

We do need regulation reform, and to eliminate redundant bureaucracies.

What do you think unregulated fracking does to our water? Cruz wants to remove regulations from fracking. Do you trust corporations to fracking responsibly if they are not required to? I sure don't. History shows that resource extraction companies don't give a damn about the environment unless they're forced to give a damn.
You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

That's bullshit and you know it. No one wants that done.

We do need regulation reform, and to eliminate redundant bureaucracies.

Umm...Hmmmm.....No, no one wants that done but it is done. Duke Energy coal ash pollution in NC, BP is back drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, Oklahoma has had over 500 earthquakes last year from fracking wastewater .

Cruz will get on his knees for them and they won't even have to unzip their own pants.

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What do you think unregulated fracking does to our water? Cruz wants to remove regulations from fracking. Do you trust corporations to fracking responsibly if they are not required to? I sure don't. History shows that resource extraction companies don't give a damn about the environment unless they're forced to give a damn.

I don't believe you.

First of all, the hysteria over fracking was bullshit invented by environuts, and whatever damage is done is minimal and worth the economic gains. Cruz isn't going to remove regulations that put people at risk.

Corporations do give a damn when they get sued.

Countries like the United Kingdom and South Africa have lifted their bans and Germany has announced draft regulations that would allow using hydraulic fracturing except near wetlands.

Something most people forget, or ignore, is that Cruz is by far the smartest person in the race for either side. He is educated in an Ivy League school; went to law school, thereafter clerking for a US Supreme Court justice (how many people can say that they did THAT?); became attorney general in Texas and argued 7 cases in front of the US Supreme Court.

Cruz is clearly the intellectual in the race - for either side. Some try to paint Paul as an intellectual. In reality, Paul is a fucking weirdo better suited for waxing philosophical at a college party where everyone is high. I assess Bernie Sanders as exactly the same as Paul, though of a different ideological persuasion.
Something most people forget, or ignore, is that Cruz is by far the smartest person in the race for either side. He is educated in an Ivy League school; went to law school, thereafter clerking for a US Supreme Court justice (how many people can say that they did THAT?); became attorney general in Texas and argued 7 cases in front of the US Supreme Court.

Cruz is clearly the intellectual in the race - for either side. Some try to paint Paul as an intellectual. In reality, Paul is a fucking weirdo better suited for waxing philosophical at a college party where everyone is high. I assess Bernie Sanders as exactly the same as Paul, though of a different ideological persuasion.

uh-huh we got an Ivy League educated lawyer "intellectual" in the White House right now, how's that working out for us? ;)
I truly hope he is not the nominee. He could do a lot of damage to our nation with his radical positions.

Like what? Scaling back burdensome regulations and and letting people keep their own money?

The horror....

You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

Dying to hear you expound some specifics, instead of just vague, all-or-nothing generalizations. Can't wait to see all your masses of proof that Ted Cruz wants to totally abolish any and all regulations on pollution.
Something most people forget, or ignore, is that Cruz is by far the smartest person in the race for either side. He is educated in an Ivy League school; went to law school, thereafter clerking for a US Supreme Court justice (how many people can say that they did THAT?); became attorney general in Texas and argued 7 cases in front of the US Supreme Court.

Cruz is clearly the intellectual in the race - for either side. Some try to paint Paul as an intellectual. In reality, Paul is a fucking weirdo better suited for waxing philosophical at a college party where everyone is high. I assess Bernie Sanders as exactly the same as Paul, though of a different ideological persuasion.

uh-huh we got an Ivy League educated lawyer "intellectual" in the White House right now, how's that working out for us? ;)
At least Cruz has held a job!
uh-huh we got an Ivy League educated lawyer "intellectual" in the White House right now, how's that working out for us? ;)

Point taken, but I have never seen Cruz use a teleprompter, like the moonbat messiah has to in order to even sound coherent. He's a stuttering clusterfuck without it. Unless of course he's among a crowd of fellow travelers. Then he will wax eloquently about disarming the population, the sacrament of abortion and marxist dogma.

That's the difference between the two. Cruz earned his degree and put it into good use. He practiced the craft.

The Brahman of Bullshit was handed a degree and became a community agitator.

I truly hope he is not the nominee. He could do a lot of damage to our nation with his radical positions.

Like what? Scaling back burdensome regulations and and letting people keep their own money?

The horror....

You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

Dying to hear you expound some specifics, instead of just vague, all-or-nothing generalizations. Can't wait to see all your masses of proof that Ted Cruz wants to totally abolish any and all regulations on pollution.

You won't get any specifics from me. I am here to troll.
You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

That's bullshit and you know it. No one wants that done.

We do need regulation reform, and to eliminate redundant bureaucracies.

What do you think unregulated fracking does to our water?

I think the question is, what do YOU think it does, and what's your proof?

Cruz wants to remove regulations from fracking. Do you trust corporations to fracking responsibly if they are not required to? I sure don't. History shows that resource extraction companies don't give a damn about the environment unless they're forced to give a damn.

History shows that environmental activist groups are egregiously dishonest sacks of shit, but I'll bet money you're not aware of that, don't care, or both.
I truly hope he is not the nominee. He could do a lot of damage to our nation with his radical positions.

Like what? Scaling back burdensome regulations and and letting people keep their own money?

The horror....

You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

Dying to hear you expound some specifics, instead of just vague, all-or-nothing generalizations. Can't wait to see all your masses of proof that Ted Cruz wants to totally abolish any and all regulations on pollution.

You won't get any specifics from me. I am here to troll.

Excuse me while I have a heart attack and die from that surprise.
uh-huh we got an Ivy League educated lawyer "intellectual" in the White House right now, how's that working out for us? ;)

Point taken, but I have never seen Cruz use a teleprompter, like the moonbat messiah has to in order to even sound coherent. He's a stuttering clusterfuck without it. Unless of course he's among a crowd of fellow travelers. Then he will wax eloquently about disarming the population, the sacrament of abortion and marxist dogma.

That's the difference between the two. Cruz earned his degree and put it into good use. He practiced the craft.

The Brahman of Bullshit was handed a degree and became a community agitator.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Ted Cruz personally, he may actually be the best choice among a field of bad choices, I think the United States can do better but those worthy of the job won't run (or are dead).

As far as "practicing his craft" he's a lawyer and as far as I'm concerned lawyers are useless. :D

You mean burdensome regulations like preventing corporations from polluting our air and water?

That's bullshit and you know it. No one wants that done.

We do need regulation reform, and to eliminate redundant bureaucracies.

What do you think unregulated fracking does to our water?

I think the question is, what do YOU think it does, and what's your proof?

Cruz wants to remove regulations from fracking. Do you trust corporations to fracking responsibly if they are not required to? I sure don't. History shows that resource extraction companies don't give a damn about the environment unless they're forced to give a damn.

History shows that environmental activist groups are egregiously dishonest sacks of shit, but I'll bet money you're not aware of that, don't care, or both.

All I know is I'm glad there are regulations to limit pollution. The capitalists don't care about the environments they plunder as long as they can make their corporate decisions in far away, climate controlled, air filtered office buildings.

Cruz wants fracking regulation to be purely the purview of the states. So in Texas there will be polluted water.

He also wants fracking in our national parks. Leave the parks alone, you jackasses.
What do you think unregulated fracking does to our water? Cruz wants to remove regulations from fracking. Do you trust corporations to fracking responsibly if they are not required to? I sure don't. History shows that resource extraction companies don't give a damn about the environment unless they're forced to give a damn.

I don't believe you.

First of all, the hysteria over fracking was bullshit invented by environuts, and whatever damage is done is minimal and worth the economic gains. Cruz isn't going to remove regulations that put people at risk.

Corporations do give a damn when they get sued.

Countries like the United Kingdom and South Africa have lifted their bans and Germany has announced draft regulations that would allow using hydraulic fracturing except near wetlands.

The fracking industry is in shambles from the low oil prices so the whole point is moot.

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