Ted Cruz, favored by right-wing extremists?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Judging by this article on rightwing news.com if you're Christian, opposed to gay rights (mention in the beginning then end saying 'saved the worst for last...' and think ignoring the law is justified, you're a supporter of Ted Cruz.

The End Of Constitutional Government | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Site has a copy n paste blocker or something going on, but after the big centerfold of Ted Cruz with his quote, the article's author says,

"This is why I support Ted Cruz - he stands for something and isn't afraid to walk the walk. And the Left fears and hates him for it."

Then below that it goes into how much the author at least hates the Supreme Court's legalisation of gay marriage.
nobody is afraid of any of the clowns from the right. The minority fringe candidates out pace the mainstream republican candidates..... big deal, none of them will ever get the gop nomination ... you know it, they know it, the country knows it.

The End.
an Hispanic who left-wing losers say isnt even an American citizen is "favored" by the people the left lables as racist bible-thumpers??

you get stupider by the post dummy
A the right wingers do is shit all over America .

Crazy paranoid freaks .

you were brainwashed into regurgitating that by people that are using you

how sad to be such a useful idiot for somebody else's agenda

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