Teacher kicks students out of class over Trump shirt you can't wear a Swastika to school

If I were running the school, I'd just ban all political clothing. Wearing a Trump t-shirt nowadays is equivelant to wearing red in a Crip neighborhood in some areas.

Ah yes a sterile environment.
I don't know about sterile, just try to keep the drama to a minimum. Just as schools banned gang affiliated clothing, might as well do the same with political t-shirts.

Sort of shits all over the First, not a great example for students
Meh, the school has the right to try to tamp down on clothing that may cause distractions or conflict. The kids are there to learn, not advertise their parent's political affiliations or be fashion statements.

That's the exact reason schools are turning out snowflakes.
I disagree. There's a time and place for everything, and school is the place to learn. Dress codes help to stop stupid distractions and conflict. Not having dress codes and just letting kids "express themselves" is why kids are catching STDs and killing each other over pairs of expensive shoes.
Ah yes a sterile environment.
I don't know about sterile, just try to keep the drama to a minimum. Just as schools banned gang affiliated clothing, might as well do the same with political t-shirts.

Sort of shits all over the First, not a great example for students
Meh, the school has the right to try to tamp down on clothing that may cause distractions or conflict. The kids are there to learn, not advertise their parent's political affiliations or be fashion statements.

That's the exact reason schools are turning out snowflakes.
I disagree. There's a time and place for everything, and school is the place to learn. Dress codes help to stop stupid distractions and conflict. Not having dress codes and just letting kids "express themselves" is why kids are catching STDs and killing each other over pairs of expensive shoes.

I disagree, you're creating snowflakes, intolerance and closing discussion
I don't know about sterile, just try to keep the drama to a minimum. Just as schools banned gang affiliated clothing, might as well do the same with political t-shirts.

Sort of shits all over the First, not a great example for students
Meh, the school has the right to try to tamp down on clothing that may cause distractions or conflict. The kids are there to learn, not advertise their parent's political affiliations or be fashion statements.

That's the exact reason schools are turning out snowflakes.
I disagree. There's a time and place for everything, and school is the place to learn. Dress codes help to stop stupid distractions and conflict. Not having dress codes and just letting kids "express themselves" is why kids are catching STDs and killing each other over pairs of expensive shoes.

I disagree, you're creating snowflakes, intolerance and closing discussion
Well, I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
If trumpanzees alternate between saying teachers have it easy and that they are all lefties....why aren't trumpanzees getting their teaching credentials to fix that disparity? Is that college degree thingee a road block?

Idiot. Like government and the media, all of the commies who RUN the board of education simply don't hire you if you don't dance to their tune! Degree has nothing to do with it. If they even suspect you are conservative, your life is mud!
the stoopidity of your flag just hammers home just how fucking ignorant the left truly is.

You guys must get paid to remain so uninformed.
Wow, the teacher makes it sound like what is on the shirt is the worst thing that could be on one.

God bless you and the kids always!!!


P.S. What would the teacher rather see, something uplifting or something nasty?
You know that fucker would have been singing a different tune, if this time last year the student had been wearing a "Hope and Change" t shirt with jug ears emblazoned on it.
While I support the kids right to wear whatever they want, considering the rather large political divide that is currently in this country, I can also see where a shirt like that could be disruptive in class.

But, if the teacher was actually worth their salt, they could have used that as a teaching moment to get a dialogue started with the students as to what they thought about the whole situation. And, if she was able to keep them civil towards one another, there could be a moment that people could see things from the other point of view rather than just yelling names and insults.
Wearing a shirt with the nation's President on it could be disruptive? In America? Somehow I can Just tell you wouldn't consider any such nonsense had this been a year ago, and the shirt been in support of Obama...
Back in the 90's I loved wearing to school my cannibal corpse: butchered at birth concert t-shirt which was a trillion times more offensive than a MAGA shirt and I never got in trouble for it.

A few years ago, #2 wore a plain white t-shirt that had a small 'beer' logo on the left upper side about the size of a half dollar.......and he was kicked out :banghead:
If trumpanzees alternate between saying teachers have it easy and that they are all lefties....why aren't trumpanzees getting their teaching credentials to fix that disparity? Is that college degree thingee a road block?

Idiot. Like government and the media, all of the commies who RUN the board of education simply don't hire you if you don't dance to their tune! Degree has nothing to do with it. If they even suspect you are conservative, your life is mud!
repubs run the State board of education in 39 of the 50 states
What a dumb bitch. I swear 99% of public school teachers are total retards.

Extremist Much???

"The River Ridge High School math teacher on Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017 erroneously told two students their shirts with campaign slogans were not permitted in class. Her actions were wrong, as the “Make America Great Again” shirts worn by the students are not a violation of our School District dress code. The teacher additionally — and inappropriately — shared her personal opinion about the campaign slogan during class.

The school’s Principal immediately met with and apologized to these students and their families. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower is deeply sorry that this incident happened in one of our schools; it does not reflect his expectation that all students be treated equally and respectfully by our employees.

While we cannot discuss disciplinary action against a teacher, we can assure you that the students face no disciplinary action. The Superintendent also is instructing all Principals to meet with their teachers and staff to review the dress code and remind them that their political opinions should not be shared with students.

As people across the country are being encouraged by some social media sites to contact the school, we anticipate a potentially high call volume over the next week. If possible, please avoid calling the front office during this time, and instead email the person you are trying to reach; emails are published on the school website at River Ridge High School. A plan is in place to ensure staff will continue to be able to make outgoing calls without issues.

Thank you for entrusting us with your children each day. We care about them and their future success!

Barbara P. Jacoby
Chief Communications Officer
Cherokee County School District"
If I had school age kids at home, I would not be sending them to any school. I would home school them. Nowadays, its just too dangerous, plus there are too many idiots teaching.
If trumpanzees alternate between saying teachers have it easy and that they are all lefties....why aren't trumpanzees getting their teaching credentials to fix that disparity? Is that college degree thingee a road block?

Is actually working in the real world a road block for lefties?
The response from the school was classic. Barbara P. Jacoby, Chief Communications Officer for the Cherokee County School District put the blame where it belonged. According to the link, in a letter addressed to the parents of all the students she stated:

“In this regard, a River Ridge High School on Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017 erroneously told two students their shirts with campaign slogans were not permitted in class. Her actions were wrong, as the “Make America Great Again” shirts worn by the students are not a violation of our School District dress code. The teacher additionally — and inappropriately — shared her personal opinion about the campaign slogan during class......The school’s Principal immediately met with and apologized to these students and their families.

“While we cannot discuss disciplinary action against a teacher, we can assure you that the students face no disciplinary action. The Superintendent also is instructing all Principals to meet with their teachers and staff to review the dress code and remind them that their political opinions should not be shared with students.”

Now, that's the way to run a school. Great job, Jacoby.
Wow, a pleasant and unusual surprise.

I think people are starting to realize that if you don't stand up to the attempted silencers they just get stronger and stronger.
While I support the kids right to wear whatever they want, considering the rather large political divide that is currently in this country, I can also see where a shirt like that could be disruptive in class.

But, if the teacher was actually worth their salt, they could have used that as a teaching moment to get a dialogue started with the students as to what they thought about the whole situation. And, if she was able to keep them civil towards one another, there could be a moment that people could see things from the other point of view rather than just yelling names and insults.

Exactly, while I do not find the shirt the best choice for school, if it is allowed, the teacher cannot ban it, also, she was too open. This is a matter to be discussed privately with the student.

Discuss what? The shirt didn't violate dress code, the teach can pound sand

The option if the shirt did violate school policy; her actions were wrong either way.

It didn't violate, the teacher's only option is to tolerate

Johnny C approves of your statement!


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