Teacher could be fired for making students breakfast during PSSA test...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Lancaster teacher could be fired for making students breakfast during PSSA tests

A teacher in Lancaster County could be out of a job after making pancakes for his students while they took the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) last week.

Teacher Kyle Byler told LancasterOnline he was suspended without pay on April 10 after assistant principal Marian Grill walked past Byler's class and asked why he was making breakfast for his students.

Byler, 38, brought an electric griddle into class and made each student one whole-grain pancake to eat during their test, according to the report.

He was called into a meeting with administrators a day later, where he was told he would be terminated for causing a distraction during the test, according to the report.

"I don't understand what I did wrong, to be honest with you," Byler said. "There was no infraction whatsoever. At no point was it any distraction for any of the students. They worked their butts off."

Officials with School District of Lancaster declined to comment to LancasterOnline, saying the matter was a personnel matter.

Byler told LancasterOnline the school board is expected to approve his firing at its meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m.

He's being fired for causing a distraction during a test. Who knew children eating breakfast was such a distraction?
I think eating during test time is ridiculous.
Eating popcorn is a movie theater is a distraction... and that is a MOVIE not an academic test.
I think eating during test time is ridiculous.
Eating popcorn is a movie theater is a distraction... and that is a MOVIE not an academic test.

You realize you aren't supposed to get high before academic tests...
Why couldnt they have just done it before?
IDK i just think thats stupid. Kids are EASILY distracted. I think its ignorant to think nobody was distracted. I say that because it is an assessment test which leads me to believe the kids are young.
Of course eating during the test is a distraction.

How low of a bar are we setting if we don't think a kid can handle a pancake and a test at the same time?
Every bite is time away from taking the test.

It's one pancake. :lol:
It's one test.

I know the liberal goal is a dumbed down population but this is extreme.
assessment tests usually last for days because they are so long.
When i was in school, it was 3 days. My son is doing it now and its 5 days.
Firing? No, I think that's extreme. But telling the teacher to make the pancakes before or after the test is legit. But not during the test. I can see how that would distract.
Firing? No, I think that's extreme. But telling the teacher to make the pancakes before or after the test is legit. But not during the test. I can see how that would distract.

I agree he should have at least been reprimanded, but firing is way too extreme a punishment. The Pennsylvania Department of Education even pretty much said he violated no rules.

Hand Middle School teacher likely to be fired for making pancakes during PSSAs

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, there is no rule against serving or preparing food during the PSSAs; however, “those activities would likely interfere with ‘actively monitoring’ the assessment, which is a key task,” spokeswoman Nicole Reigelman said.
Whole grain pancakes

THAT'S why he was fired.

I had a teacher in HS who used to bring in home made brownies and whoopie pies during exams and she wasn't fired

Nothing better than a sugar boost in the 3rd hour of a 4 hour exam
Maybe if we had more responsible parents that saw to it that their kids had breakfast BEFORE school, this teacher wouldn't be in this situation.
And it is founded students do better when they have had breakfast before a test.
Lancaster teacher could be fired for making students breakfast during PSSA tests

A teacher in Lancaster County could be out of a job after making pancakes for his students while they took the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) last week.

Teacher Kyle Byler told LancasterOnline he was suspended without pay on April 10 after assistant principal Marian Grill walked past Byler's class and asked why he was making breakfast for his students.

Byler, 38, brought an electric griddle into class and made each student one whole-grain pancake to eat during their test, according to the report.

He was called into a meeting with administrators a day later, where he was told he would be terminated for causing a distraction during the test, according to the report.

"I don't understand what I did wrong, to be honest with you," Byler said. "There was no infraction whatsoever. At no point was it any distraction for any of the students. They worked their butts off."

Officials with School District of Lancaster declined to comment to LancasterOnline, saying the matter was a personnel matter.

Byler told LancasterOnline the school board is expected to approve his firing at its meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m.

He's being fired for causing a distraction during a test. Who knew children eating breakfast was such a distraction?

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