Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive. Thats the first difference.
Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street
I don't think there is a VS there. they have more in common than not. Both are tired of being F'd by gov and big business.
Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street
I don't think there is a VS there. they have more in common than not. Both are tired of being F'd by gov and big business.

Hmmm....maybe. Both are angry at what they believe is corruption. I think the OWS people have more desire to be very intangled with the government in an attempt to make the world fair. Whereas the TP folks really want to be as far from the gov't tentacles as possible.
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive. Thats the first difference.

Please explain how they've been "violent". I seem to have missed that? Are they packing weapons and saying such things as "ballots or bullets"...? How many heads have the stomped?
Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street
I don't think there is a VS there. they have more in common than not. Both are tired of being F'd by gov and big business.

Hmmm....maybe. Both are angry at what they believe is corruption. I think the OWS people have more desire to be very intangled with the government in an attempt to make the world fair. Whereas the TP folks really want to be as far from the gov't tentacles as possible.

Then why are both entangling themselves?
Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street
I don't think there is a VS there. they have more in common than not. Both are tired of being F'd by gov and big business.

The CORRUPTION starts in Washington D.C.--not on two blocks of lower Manhattan. And that's why they're totally confused.

The Federal Government regulates WALL STREET.
The difference is that the tea party movement, generally, recognizes that these are problems of excessive government. The “occupiers,” ironically given the supposedly “anarchist” roots of the movement, think it’s the result of insufficient government.

Say Anything » Biden: Occupy Wall Street Has Similarities With The Tea Party Movement

Now which is it? Are they incoherent lacking a true cause or do they think there is not enough government? Funny, out of the littany of claims I have heard not one had to do with the size of government. You are not a spin meister are ya?
The difference is that the tea party movement, generally, recognizes that these are problems of excessive government. The “occupiers,” ironically given the supposedly “anarchist” roots of the movement, think it’s the result of insufficient government.

Say Anything » Biden: Occupy Wall Street Has Similarities With The Tea Party Movement

Now which is it? Are they incoherent lacking a true cause or do they think there is not enough government? Funny, out of the littany of claims I have heard not one had to do with the size of government. You are not a spin meister are ya?

Educate yourself, idiot.

Now which is it? Are they incoherent lacking a true cause or do they think there is not enough government? Funny, out of the littany of claims I have heard not one had to do with the size of government. You are not a spin meister are ya?

Educate yourself, idiot.

I don't know--this guy--a protester at the (Occupy Wall Street) doesn't appear to me to have any traits of a Tea Party Member--:cuckoo:

Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive. Thats the first difference.

Please explain how they've been "violent". I seem to have missed that? Are they packing weapons and saying such things as "ballots or bullets"...? How many heads have the stomped?

Well when the cops are swinging clubs and using pepper spray--that's a pretty good sign that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are not really following the laws---:cuckoo:

I thought people had to have permits to protest--I know the Tea Party has to have one to have one of their rally's.
Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street
I don't think there is a VS there. they have more in common than not. Both are tired of being F'd by gov and big business.
Hey while you bitch, HFT'ers are in profits yet you have problems with capitalism.

The braindead protesters still have to engage in capitalism...need to buy food , clothing and shelter.

Where do you stand?

How's the EU? Would you like to live thar?
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive. Thats the first difference.

Please explain how they've been "violent". I seem to have missed that? Are they packing weapons and saying such things as "ballots or bullets"...? How many heads have the stomped?

Stopping capitalism.

That's the problem or are you on another planet.

Like the convenience of internet, then take a stance and not participate.
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive. Thats the first difference.

Well the Tea Party goes home to their family, then goes to work the next day after their few hours of protest and Occupy Wall Street sits around camps out, does drugs and harasses working people getting on with their lives.

Occupy Wall Street is a collection of twenty-something loser career students - hardly the working class.

They have no life - their life is smoking pot, playing tribal instruments while begging for money...

I wouldn't even compare them to the good people of the tea party that support themselves unlike the idiots of Occupy Wall Street who the majority are supported by their parents...

Two different universes here...

Can't wait to see the bill for the damage they caused and I can't wait for the progressives to play it down or justify it....
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive. Thats the first difference.

Please explain how they've been "violent". I seem to have missed that? Are they packing weapons and saying such things as "ballots or bullets"...? How many heads have the stomped?

Stopping capitalism.

That's the problem or are you on another planet.

Like the convenience of internet, then take a stance and not participate.

Love your avatar...

RIP Probie...
Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street
I don't think there is a VS there. they have more in common than not. Both are tired of being F'd by gov and big business.

Official Occupy list of demands:

Eliminate Corporate Rights as Persons
Repeal of the Patriot Act
Forced Acquisition of the Federal Reserve for $1Billion USD by the US Congress
Restructure Campaign Finance Legislation
Forgive Student Loan Debt and Reform Funding for Education
End the War on Drugs

I dont think any of those are unreasonable. In fact I think we might be on to something.
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive. Thats the first difference.

They are mirror images of the same populist discontent.

the TPM understands that a corrupt government is in place.

The Wall Street Protestors understand that a corrupt WALL STREET works hand in hand with that corrupt government.

As a consequence we see the main stream media doing what to both?

Manipulating coverage to make BOTH GROUPS seem like hateful idiots.


So that those two great discontent groups think the OTHER group is the enemy, that's why.

EVery hear the story about the little man trapped in a tree by two sleeping giants?

He dropped pebbles on one giant and then the other setting them up to believe that the other was attacking him.

THAT is how most of our most patriotic partisans (leaning left OR right) are being manipulated.
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Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street
I don't think there is a VS there. they have more in common than not. Both are tired of being F'd by gov and big business.

Official Occupy list of demands:

Eliminate Corporate Rights as Persons
Does that include preventing the AFL-CIO union influence in funding elections, or is this more liberal hypocracy?
Repeal of the Patriot Act
I haven't found a supportive convincing argument where rights are in any more violation than tactics used by the DEA or FBI.
Forced Acquisition of the Federal Reserve for $1Billion USD by the US Congress
Bank regulations by the left have already taken a bad economy and made it worse.
Restructure Campaign Finance Legislation
President Obama has been "locked" into campaign finance mode to out do Republicans. You don't honestly think he is going to give all that up, do you?
Forgive Student Loan Debt and Reform Funding for Education
A cap on college tuition perhaps, but I've seen enough "entitlements" destroying this country.
End the War on Drugs
A rebirth of the tie-dye "hippy" generation, of those who want to kick back and live off the hard work of everyone else?
This thread has surely been done already, but since I avoid this site due to the large degree of liberal mental patients around here, I probably missed it. But, OWS vs TP, compare and contrast.

To start, the left wing OWS has become violent and disruptive.
Maybe it just SOUNDS that way.....to you folks who have problems with words that have....


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