Tea Party Freshman John Walsh (R-IL) Ows $117,000 in child support!

Ted Kennedy did leave that poor women to drown in the car and nothing was ever done. That was wrong. Bill Cliton should have been thrown out of office and wasn't and that was wrong.

But here I am talking about children who need support from their father. And him not providing for his children, in my opinion is unethical and immoral.

Just because there wasn't standards in the past Rep or Dem--we need to hold our representatives to some standard. And that is what I wanted to discuss here--but was shouted down by personal attacks.

Surely, this is not getting any issue debated.
Ted Kennedy did leave that poor women to drown in the car and nothing was ever done. That was wrong. Bill Cliton should have been thrown out of office and wasn't and that was wrong.

But here I am talking about children who need support from their father. And him not providing for his children, in my opinion is unethical and immoral.

Just because there wasn't standards in the past Rep or Dem--we need to hold our representatives to some standard. And that is what I wanted to discuss here--but was shouted down by personal attacks.

Surely, this is not getting any issue debated.

for the childreeeeen folks..
Ted Kennedy did leave that poor women to drown in the car and nothing was ever done. That was wrong. Bill Cliton should have been thrown out of office and wasn't and that was wrong.

But here I am talking about children who need support from their father. And him not providing for his children, in my opinion is unethical and immoral.

Just because there wasn't standards in the past Rep or Dem--we need to hold our representatives to some standard. And that is what I wanted to discuss here--but was shouted down by personal attacks.

Surely, this is not getting any issue debated.

Well there's not much to debate. You haven't proven your assertion. The man has not been convicted of anything. So your premise 'Guilty till proven innocent' is a non-starter for any real debate. We don't know what's going on with this man and his wife. When or if he's convicted of a crime,we can have that discussion then. But it still doesn't matter so i probably wont join that discussion.
lol! It's always for the poor childen. Smear the guy relentlessly,convict him before you know shit about anything,and then claim it's all for the poor childen. Truly classic Message Board lunacy. This really was a good laugh but i gotta bail on this one now. Have fun. :)
Ted Kennedy did leave that poor women to drown in the car and nothing was ever done. That was wrong. Bill Cliton should have been thrown out of office and wasn't and that was wrong.

But here I am talking about children who need support from their father. And him not providing for his children, in my opinion is unethical and immoral.

Just because there wasn't standards in the past Rep or Dem--we need to hold our representatives to some standard. And that is what I wanted to discuss here--but was shouted down by personal attacks.

Surely, this is not getting any issue debated.

Well there's not much to debate. You haven't proven your assertion. The man has not been convicted of anything. So your premise 'Guilty till proven innocent' is a non-starter for any real debate. We don't know what's going on with this man and his wife. When or if he's convicted of a crime,we can have that discussion then. But it still doesn't matter so i probably wont join that discussion.

If you don't want to discuss anything that is fine. I never said he was convicted of a crime. I did say that he needs to pay his child support in the amount of $117,000 and needs to be sactioned.
Is it not a crime to owe back-taxes?

I remember back in NYC, they'd post at least once a year the worst dead bead dad cases.

One year a politician made the papers.

That was funny.

Looks like it would be Walsh if they did it in his city.
Ted Kennedy did leave that poor women to drown in the car and nothing was ever done. That was wrong. Bill Cliton should have been thrown out of office and wasn't and that was wrong.

But here I am talking about children who need support from their father. And him not providing for his children, in my opinion is unethical and immoral.

Just because there wasn't standards in the past Rep or Dem--we need to hold our representatives to some standard. And that is what I wanted to discuss here--but was shouted down by personal attacks.

Surely, this is not getting any issue debated.

Well there's not much to debate. You haven't proven your assertion. The man has not been convicted of anything. So your premise 'Guilty till proven innocent' is a non-starter for any real debate. We don't know what's going on with this man and his wife. When or if he's convicted of a crime,we can have that discussion then. But it still doesn't matter so i probably wont join that discussion.

If you don't want to discuss anything that is fine. I never said he was convicted of a crime. I did say that he needs to pay his child support in the amount of $117,000 and needs to be sactioned.
Funny. My fiancee's ex said he owed about that amount, too, and she sued him for it.

She filed a suit. That is the same situation here.

What's even funnier is, months later when it actually went to trial, it was found that my fiancee had overpayed her a significant amount. She left the courtroom owing him money.

But, hey. If you want to declare a lawsuit that's just on file as fact, go for it. :thup:
I wasn't replying to you, was I dipshit?

God you are a fuckstain....

Well if you were paying attention-you would have clearly seen the FoxNews article post on this thread-but you didn't. If you're only defense is "I wasn't replying to you...", that's really sad. I honestly feel bad for you, must be hard with that big head being so empty.

I can't help you if you are too fucking stupid to realize that replys are to individual posts...

Crooks and Liars is a leftwingnut hack site...

You can pretend it isn't if you want....

Where did I ever say it wasn't?
Yep! One of American's sweet heart Tea Party Freshman owe is ex-wife $117,000 in child support. Since he was voted in last year he has still refused to pay his child support although he is making over six figures a year.

This man needs to be put in jail. He needs to step up and support his children. Maybe he thinks that the rest of us should pay for his kids.

Here is yet another example of -- the do as I say not as I do mentality.

How does one get away with not paying child support so long? Shouldn't they take his drivers license or revoke his passport?

I am searching your paltry OP in vain for your source on this subject. At the moment, this is basically you telling us something on the strength of your word alone, which is to say, you're wasting time and space.
As two of the "kids" are adults, one is 20 and one is 23, this "complaint" is starting to get a little smell. One child is 16.

Bet this whole thing has more to do with other disputes and a chancy bid for child support to punish dad because he got a girlfriend is the real reason.

I wouldn't know, since the OP didn't see fit to substantiate his accusations with any sort of source. I have no intention whatsoever of going out and doing his job for him, so as far as I'm concerned, he did nothing except to basically fart online.
Most of the factual issues raised can be answered from a single news story:

Tea Party rep. Joe Walsh sued for $117K in child support - Reid J. Epstein - POLITICO.com

Does Walsh in fact owe child support?

Walsh does not deny that he owes substantial child support. His statements and his attorney's seem to concede that fact.

Why does Walsh owe child support for adult offspring?

Because it's back child support which accrued while the offspring were minors.

Are Walsh's actions criminal?

While nonpayment of child support can be a crime, there has been no indication that criminal charges are forthcoming in Walsh's case.

Now to the nonfactual question: Why is it the public's business?

Because it speaks to his responsibility, his honesty, and his morality. These are all relevant issues for a Congressman.

WELL, if that journalistic giant, Politico, says so, that settles it. :cuckoo:

Do I even have to tell you to shut the hell up with this triumphant "sourcing" of something that's not worth the bandwidth it sucks up? You might as well link us to your favorite porn site. It's about as meaningful.
Yep! One of American's sweet heart Tea Party Freshman owe is ex-wife $117,000 in child support. Since he was voted in last year he has still refused to pay his child support although he is making over six figures a year.

This man needs to be put in jail. He needs to step up and support his children. Maybe he thinks that the rest of us should pay for his kids.

Here is yet another example of -- the do as I say not as I do mentality.

How does one get away with not paying child support so long? Shouldn't they take his drivers license or revoke his passport?

and that is YOUR GAWDDAMN business.........HOW
some of you people are SNAKES . You will CRAWL TO ANY low.
And then we got Miss Dotty, crawling right in there. tsk tsk

It is my business. If a member of congress hasn't paid his child support one can question his charactor. He may be more likely to take a bribe.

Also, how come the State hasn't revoked his drivers license or pass port yet?

If the People don't pay their child support the state would saction them. He he getting special treatment by the state? He he above the law?

How the hell should WE know, dipshit? You didn't bother to link your source, so it's really hard to tell anything about this story from your unsourced, empty rumormongering.

And no, "It's been out there a month, you should just KNOW" is not sufficient. YOUR bullshit OP, YOUR responsibility to substantiate. Learn how to post properly or shut the hell up.
Tea Party Lawmaker Questioned After Reports Of Unpaid Child Support | Fox News
Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh, a rising star in the Tea Party movement best known for his blistering lectures of President Obama for "spending like a drunken sailor," is now being peppered with questions about his own financial responsibility after reports surfaced that he's being sued for more than $100,000 in unpaid child support.

And while we're quoting the article you shitstains FINALLY coughed up after four pages of "Take our word for it!", the NEXT paragraph gives us the REAL reason behind this:

Experts say whatever political star power the 49-year-old Republican previously emanated has been dimmed, if not extinguished, because for at least the immediate future it will be impossible for him to talk about anything other than his personal problems.

"Whenever he wants to go out and talk about the debt limit, they are going to want to talk about whether (he) is a deadbeat dad," said Kent Redfield, a professor emeritus of politics at the University of Illinois-Springfield. "His individual problems become the story and he never gets to another issue."

What is it with Obama that every time he gets challenged politically, he runs out and starts digging through people's divorce files? He's like a sleazy private investigator or porn director: always looking for the money shot.

Google it yourself. I am not doing your homework for you.

It's YOUR homework, shitbrick. YOU started the thread about the story, so it's YOUR job to show us the fucking story. Please try to understand that no one gives a shit what YOU say did or didn't happen, because YOUR word for things just means that we're all slightly LESS likely to believe it.

"Such-and-so Republican did [fill in the blank], and no, I don't have a link, Google it because I'm not doing your homework for you" is just another way of saying, "Ignore my threads because they're empty and pointless." Not that I don't believe that's true, but out of the goodness of my heart, I feel compelled to instruct newbie asswipes on the correct posting protocols at least the first time they step on their johnsons and embarrass themselves.

Link your source or go screw yourself.
Guilty till proven innocent with the phony outrage mob i guess. No link provided has proven he's guilty of anything. And i'm sure this is a personal dispute between him and his wife anyway. Us grown ups know how that can be. But please do go on with the bad Drama-Queen act. But there's no Oscar or Emmy in your future.

Being a Republican is prima facie evidence of guilt. Didn't you know?
The man is not guilty of anything. Maybe you phony outrage Drama-Queens should read some of the links you provide. Just a suggestion anyway.

$117,000 is a lot of back child support to owe. He may or may not be facing criminal sactions now, but my point was more to his Moral Charactor as a representitive.

Furthermore, there is no reason he is not paying his child support due to the fact he makes roughly six figures a year.

Don't the Republican have any morals these days?
Are Republicans proud to say that Walsh is one of them, knowing his children go without?

All he's facing now is a court battle, because all these are are accusations by his ex-wife, fuckwit. I realize that leftists seem to think that ex-wives are THE most truthful, unbiased, objective sources of information, but that's only because one apparently must be lobotomized to be a leftist these days.

Being asked about morals by Democrats, who apparently pride themselves on espousing no morals whatsoever (so that at least they can't be called hypocrites) is particularly rich. The party of Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd should zip its lip on the "M" word.

Are Democrats proud to say that YOU are one of THEM, knowing that you singlehandedly lower the nation's collective IQ by existing?

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