Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

an 80 year asking for another term
and a man who was unable to vote in his own
state because he did not live there since 1977
as found by a court
He and his wife had to use their son's address to register and vote
for this election

that kind of politician should have left a long time ago
regardless of party

Gee, I hope that there isn't a point in your life where people decide that you have no worth because you are old.
As a practical matter, Lugar would have won easily. Mourdock is only running about even with his Democratic Challenger.

That's what the New Health care does. Fifteen board members who will decide what is cost worthy and what is not.
Gee, I hope that there isn't a point in your life where people decide that you have no worth because you are old.

As a practical matter, Lugar would have won easily. Mourdock is only running about even with his Democratic Challenger.

If this was his first time
your bogus point might sell a little better

He had 36 years in....
and the guy did not even live in the state
it was time to go

Does either side really want that kind
of politician in gov't

He had 36 years because for 36 years, he did a good job.

That was before the inmates took over the asylum at the GOP.

Well that is what the left says
to make themselves feel better about the Tea Party
when compared to their creation, the OWS,
trying to blow up bridges
Gee, I hope that there isn't a point in your life where people decide that you have no worth because you are old.

As a practical matter, Lugar would have won easily. Mourdock is only running about even with his Democratic Challenger.

If this was his first time
your bogus point might sell a little better

He had 36 years in....
and the guy did not even live in the state
it was time to go

Does either side really want that kind
of politician in gov't

He had 36 years because for 36 years, he did a good job.

That was before the inmates took over the asylum at the GOP.

waaa...the Rinos were "warned" after the 2010 election when we helped them get the House, get back to the principles of the party or else..now I think they see THE PEOPLE mean business..
an 80 year asking for another term
and a man who was unable to vote in his own
state because he did not live there since 1977
as found by a court
He and his wife had to use their son's address to register and vote
for this election

that kind of politician should have left a long time ago
regardless of party

Gee, I hope that there isn't a point in your life where people decide that you have no worth because you are old.
As a practical matter, Lugar would have won easily. Mourdock is only running about even with his Democratic Challenger.

That's what the New Health care does. Fifteen board members who will decide what is cost worthy and what is not.

Ah yes
but that is better because the gov't is doing it

It never stops to surprise me how willing the Left
is to prostrate themselves before big gov't
Well that is what the left says
to make themselves feel better about the Tea Party
when compared to their creation, the OWS,
trying to blow up bridges

I think both parties have become radicalized...

But none of the bombers are going to be on the ballot with a D behind their names.

When someone like Lugar gets run out the door because he wasn't "conservative" enough with a 71% ACU rating, then yes, guy, the inmates have taken over the asylum.
Lugar is a fine gentleman. Time for some new blood.

He's pushing Obama's LOST treaty through the Senate.

He's helping him give away our mineral rights in the Gulf, so he had to go.

Btw, John Kerry is trying to recruit GOP support for this treaty.

It takes away US soverenty over our seas and gives it to the UN.

Sovereignty: Even if he's not re-elected, the president hopes to leave behind a treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and to which we'd be required to give half of our offshore oil revenue.

The Law Of The Sea Treaty (LOST) has been lurking in the shadows for decades. Like the Kyoto Protocol that pretended to be an effort to save the earth from the poisoned fruit of the Industrial Revolution, LOST pretends to be an effort to protect the world's oceans from environmental damage and remove it as a cause of potential conflicts between nations.

Like its Kyoto cousin, LOST is an attempt at the global redistribution of power and wealth, the embodiment of the progressive dream of the end of the nation state as we know it and the end of political freedom by giving veto over all of mankind's activities to a global body — in this case something called the International Seabed Authority, located in Kingston, Jamaica.

The ISA would have the power to regulate 70% of the earth's surface, placing seabed mining, fishing rights, deep-sea oil exploration and even the activities of the U.S. Navy under control of a global bureaucracy. It even provides for a global tax that would be paid directly to the ISA by companies seeking to develop the resources in and under the world's oceans.

As Heritage Foundation senior fellow Peter Brookes notes, the U.S. government now can collect royalty revenues from oil and gas companies that wish to drill on our extended continental shelf — the undersea areas beyond 200 miles of our coast. But if we ratify LOST, we'd have to fork over as much as 7% of that revenue to the ISA for redistribution to poorer, landlocked countries.

Maritime and jurisdictional disputes would be settled by the ISA, which presumably would tell the U.S. Navy where it could and could not go. Freedom of navigation has been guaranteed by the U.S. Navy and, before it, the British Royal Navy. Now it would be the ISA. This meets perfectly the definition of the "global test" Sen. John Kerry, a backer of LOST, said in 2004 that our actions must meet.

With a possible new White House occupant and Republican majority returning to the Senate in 2013, LOST is back on the front burner. Kerry is quietly working to recruit Republican votes needed to ratify the treaty. LOST is also backed by Sen. Richard Lugar. It will be brought up soon for ratification, perhaps as early as next month, and was delayed — analysts believe — by Lugar's belief it would hurt him in the Indiana primary. Obama Seeks Ratification Of Power-Grabbing Law Of The Sea Treaty - Investors.com
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Well that is what the left says
to make themselves feel better about the Tea Party
when compared to their creation, the OWS,
trying to blow up bridges

I think both parties have become radicalized...

But none of the bombers are going to be on the ballot with a D behind their names.

When someone like Lugar gets run out the door because he wasn't "conservative" enough with a 71% ACU rating, then yes, guy, the inmates have taken over the asylum.

For kicking out a guy who
didn't live in state
and didn't know what address he
had on his driver license

yeah, really radical
Sorry, JoeB, the party line is not working for you today
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Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

More to the point, if a republican lawmaker advocates responsible governance and pragmatic legislation predicated on the facts, he’s deemed by the TPM a heretic and targeted for defeat.

The TPM is not only a danger to what few responsible republicans are left, they’re a danger to the Nation as a whole.
No the Tea party is a danger to obama's agenda good by obama's agenda come nov.
Never ask a question, you don't know the answer
very amusing

Child Molester and Papa Obama supporter
Woody Allen
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Child Molester and Papa Obama supporter
Woody Allen

Woody Allen says President Obama should be granted dictatorial powers (seriously) « Entertainment

The “Scoop” director said it would be a cool idea for President Barack Obama to be dictator for for a few years.


So he could get things done without all the hassle of opposing views getting in the way.

In an interview published by Spanish language newspaper La Vanguardia (that we translated), Allen says “I am pleased with Obama. I think he’s brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him.”

But wait – there’s more!

The director said “it would be good…if he could be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly.”

Of course, Allen has a famously strange relationship with reality. The director took nude photos of his lover Mia Farrow’s teen-age adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn, and then ended up marrying her after separating from Farrow.

Farrow also said he molested their seven-year-old adopted daugther, Dylan. A judge refused to act on the charges, but called his relationship with Soon-Yi “grossly inappropriate.”
Repeat post:

He's pushing Obama's LOST treaty through the Senate.

He's helping him give away our mineral rights in the Gulf, so he had to go.

Btw, John Kerry is trying to recruit GOP support for this treaty.

It takes away US soverenty over our seas and gives it to the UN.

Sovereignty: Even if he's not re-elected, the president hopes to leave behind a treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and to which we'd be required to give half of our offshore oil revenue.

The Law Of The Sea Treaty (LOST) has been lurking in the shadows for decades. Like the Kyoto Protocol that pretended to be an effort to save the earth from the poisoned fruit of the Industrial Revolution, LOST pretends to be an effort to protect the world's oceans from environmental damage and remove it as a cause of potential conflicts between nations.

Like its Kyoto cousin, LOST is an attempt at the global redistribution of power and wealth, the embodiment of the progressive dream of the end of the nation state as we know it and the end of political freedom by giving veto over all of mankind's activities to a global body — in this case something called the International Seabed Authority, located in Kingston, Jamaica.

The ISA would have the power to regulate 70% of the earth's surface, placing seabed mining, fishing rights, deep-sea oil exploration and even the activities of the U.S. Navy under control of a global bureaucracy. It even provides for a global tax that would be paid directly to the ISA by companies seeking to develop the resources in and under the world's oceans.

As Heritage Foundation senior fellow Peter Brookes notes, the U.S. government now can collect royalty revenues from oil and gas companies that wish to drill on our extended continental shelf — the undersea areas beyond 200 miles of our coast. But if we ratify LOST, we'd have to fork over as much as 7% of that revenue to the ISA for redistribution to poorer, landlocked countries.

Maritime and jurisdictional disputes would be settled by the ISA, which presumably would tell the U.S. Navy where it could and could not go. Freedom of navigation has been guaranteed by the U.S. Navy and, before it, the British Royal Navy. Now it would be the ISA. This meets perfectly the definition of the "global test" Sen. John Kerry, a backer of LOST, said in 2004 that our actions must meet.

With a possible new White House occupant and Republican majority returning to the Senate in 2013, LOST is back on the front burner. Kerry is quietly working to recruit Republican votes needed to ratify the treaty. LOST is also backed by Sen. Richard Lugar. It will be brought up soon for ratification, perhaps as early as next month, and was delayed — analysts believe — by Lugar's belief it would hurt him in the Indiana primary. Obama Seeks Ratification Of Power-Grabbing Law Of The Sea Treaty - Investors.com

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