Tea Party Activists To Rep. Perriello: Move Closer To Where We're Protesting


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Note: This is not a story from The Onion

Tea Party Activists To Rep. Perriello: Move Closer To Where We're Protesting

A Christian civil liberties organization on Thursday asked centrist Virginia Rep. Tom Perriello (D) to move his home district office to a location more favorable to protesters.

The Rutherford Institute, which was founded by conservative constitutional lawyer John W. Whitehead, penned a letter to the freshman Perriello citing the concerns of a local tea party group and the University of Virginia College Republicans that the location of his Charlottesville office interferes with their right to protest there.

"Unfortunately, it is your choice of office location that has hindered the ability of citizens to effectively communicate concerning issues of the utmost importance to you, Congress and the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia," wrote Whitehead.

Good to see that this tea party is spending their time well. :lol:


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