Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

Nah. And if they do, voters will pin on that on the corrupt Trump court, not Biden.

You need a new talking point.
"on that on the corrupt Trump court?" Have you been speaking English long?

What's corrupt about the so-called "Trump Court?" It couldn't be 1/10th as corrupt as Biden himself.

Real Americans get on their knees and thank God every day for the Trump nominations to the court.
So you think your idea of good elections for America is to register thousands of kids who
don't know shit about the candidates, issues, or world and all they care about is
who gives them the biggest gift to bribe them with? :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, that's BOUND to work well!
Those are ideal Democrats. The dumber they are, the more the DNC likes them
Vote.org, where Swift was directing people to.

The leader of it is also the leader here:


Oh boy, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is going.

It's a big Democrat voter promotion/cheat gimmick.

The claim that "Vote.org" is nonpartisan has to be a lie when the head of it is a Social Justice Warrior.
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Trump isn't a celebrity. When Swift runs for office I'll care about her political opinions. Until then shut up and sing.
Unless you agree with the celebrity...

Oh and Maher is only under fire because more and more he is bucking leftist ideology & indoctrination.
Just this past Sunday he told SJW's to fuck off and for lefties to grow a spine.
Vote.org, where Swift was directing people to.

The leader of it is also the leader here:


Oh boy, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this is going.

It's a big Democrat voter promotion/cheat gimmick.

The claim that "Vote.org" is nonpartisan has to be a lie when the head of it is a Social Justice Warrior.
Cry harder, bitch.
This is how you use your celebrity. She's going to end up getting hundreds of thousands of new, young voters registered by election day. I wonder who those legions of young voters will vote for, the guy who's trying to eliminate student debt or the guy who is going around bragging that he ended Roe v Wade? 🤔

Taylor Swift Instagram post prompts record-breaking voter registration

An Instagram post from Taylor Swift prompted a record 35,252 new voters to register Tuesday, according to Vote.org.

The “Only the Young” singer participated in Tuesday’s National Voter Registration Day by urging her fans to make sure they were eligible to cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

“I’ve heard you raise your voices, and I know how powerful they are,” Swift wrote, along with sharing a link to the nonprofit voter registration platform. “Make sure you’re ready to use them in our elections this year!”

Later that day, Vote.org communications director Nick Morrow reported just how much of an impact Swift had.

“Fun fact: After @taylorswift13 posted on Instagram today directing her followers to register to vote on @votedotorg, our site was averaging 13,000 users every 30 minutes. 13!” he wrote on social media. “Let’s just say her reputation for being a mastermind is very well-earned!”
Unless they're REALLY stupid...they should have figured out by then that Biden has always known that he doesn't have the Constitutional authority to eliminate student debt! He just tells the naive that he's going to and they think he's wonderful. Goes to show you what idiots our colleges are turning out these days!
So, if you're a celebrity who is not actually running for office, you lose your 1st amendment right to free speech?
No but ask the Dixi Chics how running your mouth works out.
Just look at the total collapse of the silver screen. Look at all the actors who have been canceled. Look at the same in the music industry or on the comedy circuit.
These idiots think their opinions are somehow important because they are on the TV or radio or big screen.

Shut up and act/sing. I voice my opinions all the time but not to my customer base. That's just ignorant.

If all she is doing is getting kids to sign up so be it. If she is injecting ideology then fuck her

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