Taylor-Greene compares mask rules to the Holocaust

I see THIS is the route you've chosen to identify with leftist Jews because you've taking a beating over for the last full year. Good luck with that
I’ll identify with sane people over the right wing trolls any day.
LOL let me guess. The cultists think this is worse than saying the zip tied "attack" on the capitol was the worst attack to happen to it in 200 years? Or that "attack" was comparable to the civil war? Or a multi million dollar campaign to push NAZI propaganda against people that wanted to focus on America first? Or how a cop defending himself against a thug is akin to lynching blacks for the color of their skin?
She is your new boogeyman. IDK how she could break you guys more than trump, but she very well could do it.
Democrats are jealous they don't have a rising star in their party like Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Looking forward to seeing her defenders here.
Great. I don't think Botox Nan's mask rules are exactly like the Holocaust except perhaps in principle
and I don't think Taylor-Green would dispute that.

In fact if you look at her words and jump off the partisan train for a moment she explains exactly how
Pelosi's rules are like the Holocaust in intent and effect (the intent being to identify and marginalize
groups of people that oppose Nan's ideology).

No one goes to the Zyklon B showers. No one is kept within barbed wire fences. No one was put on rail cars
by Nazi troops and brought to death camps. No one!

Marjorie Taylor-Green's rhetoric is hyperbolic and over the top but you take it one step further by
reacting to her rhetoric as if it were literal. And that's even more insane!
So you win. You are the most unbalanced of all.
The overblown pearl clutching from the usual suspects after they threw out Nazi insults on a daily basis for 4 years. They use their Star of David (their precious masks) to know who to harass. Seems most people are waking up and tossing the masks. Much to the left’s chagrin.
That was a good attempt at deflection. The earlier comparisons between trump and Hitler were accurate and are still accurate. The statement by the lunatic MTG are an illustration of how far the GQP has fallen. Her statements are a slap in the face for anyone who lost loved ones in Nazi Germany. But you and McCarthy don't care. They fear attacking her will open them to attacks from the twice impeached, loser of the House, the Senate and the Presidency....trump.

The GQP is content in bowing to a loser. That works for me!
Deflection? Try truth you Stage 4 TDS suffering blowhard. Accurate? Fuck off you BlueAnon retard. You said Q! This is where we point at you and laugh at your utter stupidity. Bowing? That’s you idiots when you see Xi or Putin. Make sure you keep your knee pads clean.
Your forfeit is recorded. Now get back on your knees for Xi and Putin.
The Republican party has become the Jerry Springer show of politics.
And the Dems are the party of what ??
Open borders , massive deficits , gangs , illegals , drugs and kill the white guy ?? Party of China and woke
Take your old azz back to the 50s
Lighten up, bud. I agree with you. But I think both political parties are worthless.

I'm an Independent and I actually vote for the candidates I think are best, regardless of party.
The Republican party has become the Jerry Springer show of politics.
And the Dems are the party of what ??
Open borders , massive deficits , gangs , illegals , drugs and kill the white guy ?? Party of China and woke
Take your old azz back to the 50s
Lighten up, bud. I agree with you. But I think both political parties are worthless.

I'm an Independent and I actually vote for the candidates I think are best, regardless of party.
Ok sorry, I get so many leftist vermin on here
Yes the GOP did zero when they had the power . Only T did what had to be done until he lost a rigged election
I am not making this up, and I guess it was inevitable. But this is sick.

MTG, evidently auditioning to be the female Trump, thinks that Pelosi's mask rules are EXACTLY like the Holocaust. My guess is that the millions who suffered and died, and their families, might disagree a bit.

"You know, we can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were definitely treated like second-class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany," Greene said. "And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about."

Progressive Fascist, but I repeat myself, might require people get their vaccination status tattooed on their forearm.
I am not making this up, and I guess it was inevitable. But this is sick.

MTG, evidently auditioning to be the female Trump, thinks that Pelosi's mask rules are EXACTLY like the Holocaust. My guess is that the millions who suffered and died, and their families, might disagree a bit.

"You know, we can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were definitely treated like second-class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany," Greene said. "And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about."

Progressive Fascist, but I repeat myself, might require people get their vaccination status tattooed on their forearm.
Yes, wearing a face mask during a pandemic is comparable to yellow stars sewn on Jews' clothing so everyone knew who to cart off to the gas chambers to execute.

MTG is an imbecile and so are all of you.
Not as imbecilic as you'd like to think. It's obvious now that masks haven't been a necessity for quite awhile
yet Rachel Maddow and up and coming quisling David Hogg are bemoaning the fact that people can't be
pigeon holed (compliant/noncompliant) when the CDC finally admits this has all been a farce
and masks aren't required most of the time anymore anyway.

So when walking down the street or in a park you can't quickly identify who you should fear and loathe and
who is a virtue signaling ally.

I'm afraid the masks for the most part have been more about seeing how far people can be herded
and managed and not always about stopping covid (which they obviously did not do very well anyway).
I'm not claiming this has always been the intent but that's how it all looks now.

Don't worry. You can still wear your mask while cuddling your Anthony Fauci plush toy if it makes you feel all safe and secure.
Democrats are afraid to stop wearing masks because they will be viewed as conservatives. Just tells you that the masked were used as a political tool and still are
Jewish Americans have been attacking her
You mean liberal Jews who have voted exclusively democrat their entire lives
Yes. The ones that Republicans think is okay to be anti-Semitic towards.
It’s not the republicans beating them in the streets of NY. And throwing Anti Semitic propaganda about. That would be the left. But you are okay with that...just not rhetoric about masks.
Far more hate from the left ..
90 percent from left
Towards MTG? You're probably correct. The right seems to love her bigoted idiocy.
She's non-stop now, and a heroine to the Trumpsters. She's clearly trying to be the female Trump. Same level of ignorant, arrogant buffoonery.
MTG should be made the poster child representing Trump supporting imbeciles.
Anything to take the focus off the highly anti Semitic “ squad “...huh.

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