Tax Dollar Privileges


Sep 23, 2010
If you include the United Nations,

it now turns out that Common Core is much worse than just another assault on the public purse by the parasite class:

A professor at Granite State College and chair of the history department at the Derryfield School in Manchester, New Hampshire admitted to writing the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts in order to end white privilege. According to the response heard on the video, Dr. David Pook shocked the audience at an event at New Hampshire Institute of Politics when he made the following statement:

ā€œThe reason why I helped write the standards and the reason why I am here today is that as a White male in society I am given a lot of privilege that I didnā€™t earn,ā€​

And isnā€™t it odd that anyone in the education industry can possibly think their privileges are not paid for with tax dollars? Tax dollar privileges permeate society, while the education industry is by far the worst of the parasites because of how they use the tax dollars they absorb.

Iā€™d like to see every educator at least admit this:

. . . the real problem with public education is caused by liberalism.

March 9, 2015
Teacher Admits He Wrote Common Core To End White Privilege
By Patricia L. Dickson

Blog Teacher admits he wrote Common Core to end white privilege
Former governor Jeb Bush, and Ohio governor John Kasich, currently lead supporters for Common Core. Before conservatives get behind any of the mediaā€™s choices who advocate Common Core they should look back at establishment Republicans who were once considered presidential timber.

Common Core was not an issue for these three from the Senate, Lamar Alexander, Trent Lott, and Richard Lugar. My point: Itā€™s easy to say I stand for the Constitution and Momā€™s apple pie, while conservatives, now more than ever before, should know what every Republican candidate stands AGAINST. Never forget that being against the right things like Common Core is just as positive as it is to stand for something. This country is in trouble since the LBJ years because Republicans were afraid to stand against anything lest the media get on their case.

Conversely, every Democrat candidate marches in lockstep against the same things on the domestic front, and in foreign policy ā€”ā€” the Constitution, sovereignty, closing the borders, dismantling the welfare state, and withdrawing from the United Nations.
Have you looked into Common Core? It's a serious question....I teach high school ELA and have never thought that the material sought to end white privilege. This year my state's off common core, and started its own common core (it's basically the same thing though). The only literature that high school students read with any topic relating to white privilege is "To Kill a Mockingbird", and even in that book the most noble person and biggest hero is white (Atticus).

There are MANY reasons as to why Common Core sucks. I assure you that I know know of them than you do....but this isn't one of them.
Have you looked into Common Core? It's a serious question....I teach high school ELA and have never thought that the material sought to end white privilege. This year my state's off common core, and started its own common core (it's basically the same thing though). The only literature that high school students read with any topic relating to white privilege is "To Kill a Mockingbird", and even in that book the most noble person and biggest hero is white (Atticus).

There are MANY reasons as to why Common Core sucks. I assure you that I know know of them than you do....but this isn't one of them.

To mgh80: Patricia L. Dicksonā€™s observation made an interesting case even if you disagree.

And your incomplete analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird does not move me. Every other white character was out to hang an innocent black guy. Conversely, how many novels and movies did you ever see where a ā€˜nobleā€™ white guy convicted a guilty black guy?

I am curious though. As a teacher, do you also disagree with a Muslim college being seated at the public trough with all of the other institutions of ā€˜higher learning.ā€ For the record, the federal government has no constitutional authority being in education; less so when tax dollars go to a religion ā€”ā€” any religion.

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges has bestowed ā€œinitial accreditationā€ on Zaytuna College, a Muslim institution in Berkeley, California, making it the first accredited Muslim college in the nation. The association will permit the college to offer an accredited ā€œBachelor of Arts in Islamic Law and Theology,ā€ according to the College Fix.

First Muslim College in US to Gain Accreditation
by William Bigelow11 Mar 2015

First Muslim College in US to Gain Accreditation - Breitbart
Have you looked into Common Core? It's a serious question....I teach high school ELA and have never thought that the material sought to end white privilege. This year my state's off common core, and started its own common core (it's basically the same thing though). The only literature that high school students read with any topic relating to white privilege is "To Kill a Mockingbird", and even in that book the most noble person and biggest hero is white (Atticus).

There are MANY reasons as to why Common Core sucks. I assure you that I know know of them than you do....but this isn't one of them.

To mgh80: Patricia L. Dicksonā€™s observation made an interesting case even if you disagree.

And your incomplete analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird does not move me. Every other white character was out to hang an innocent black guy. Conversely, how many novels and movies did you ever see where a ā€˜nobleā€™ white guy convicted a guilty black guy?

I am curious though. As a teacher, do you also disagree with a Muslim college being seated at the public trough with all of the other institutions of ā€˜higher learning.ā€ For the record, the federal government has no constitutional authority being in education; less so when tax dollars go to a religion ā€”ā€” any religion.

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges has bestowed ā€œinitial accreditationā€ on Zaytuna College, a Muslim institution in Berkeley, California, making it the first accredited Muslim college in the nation. The association will permit the college to offer an accredited ā€œBachelor of Arts in Islamic Law and Theology,ā€ according to the College Fix.

First Muslim College in US to Gain Accreditation
by William Bigelow11 Mar 2015

First Muslim College in US to Gain Accreditation - Breitbart

Every other white character? Go re-read the book, or better take a class that reads it and you might learn something. Here's a list of the WHITE characters that are NOT for hanging Robinson.

Atticus, Jem, Scout, Miss Maudie, Miss Stephanie, Dill, Boo, Nathan Radley, Sheriff Tate, Mr. Raymond, Judge Taylor.

Any questions?

PS: Lee gave Ewell the full name of Robert E. Lee Ewell as a juxtaposition of the general. I'll let you look up the definition if juxtaposition and figure out why that's significant.

For the record don't think that the government should fund any religious educational institution. I haven't looked into that incident enough to comment on it though. I don't comment or give my opinion on things that I'm unversed in.
Every other white character? Go re-read the book, or better take a class that reads it and you might learn something. Here's a list of the WHITE characters that are NOT for hanging Robinson.

Atticus, Jem, Scout, Miss Maudie, Miss Stephanie, Dill, Boo, Nathan Radley, Sheriff Tate, Mr. Raymond, Judge Taylor.

Any questions?

PS: Lee gave Ewell the full name of Robert E. Lee Ewell as a juxtaposition of the general. I'll let you look up the definition if juxtaposition and figure out why that's significant.

For the record don't think that the government should fund any religious educational institution. I haven't looked into that incident enough to comment on it though. I don't comment or give my opinion on things that I'm unversed in.

To mgh80: My mistake. I should have said ā€œmost of the charactersā€ because they defined MOST white southerners from Leeā€™s perspective. If that is not the premise there would have been no book to begin with.

Aside from selling books, Lee's goal was to give moral guidance to the white race. Indeed, she invented ā€˜racial courageā€™ for whites. Of course, non-whites are born with it according to liberalismā€™s intelligentsia.

I read the novel ON MY OWN shortly after it was published. I thought it was a piece of crap then, and it is now. After all, it is nothing but fiction. See the thread for my views on fiction. Be forewarned should you look it up. Punctuation marks were transformed into numbers after USMB updated its format.

p.s. I do not need parasite teachers interpreting anything for me. Fiction least of all. Confine your B.S. to your students.
Every other white character? Go re-read the book, or better take a class that reads it and you might learn something. Here's a list of the WHITE characters that are NOT for hanging Robinson.

Atticus, Jem, Scout, Miss Maudie, Miss Stephanie, Dill, Boo, Nathan Radley, Sheriff Tate, Mr. Raymond, Judge Taylor.

Any questions?

PS: Lee gave Ewell the full name of Robert E. Lee Ewell as a juxtaposition of the general. I'll let you look up the definition if juxtaposition and figure out why that's significant.

For the record don't think that the government should fund any religious educational institution. I haven't looked into that incident enough to comment on it though. I don't comment or give my opinion on things that I'm unversed in.

To mgh80: My mistake. I should have said ā€œmost of the charactersā€ because they defined MOST white southerners from Leeā€™s perspective. If that is not the premise there would have been no book to begin with.

Aside from selling books, Lee's goal was to give moral guidance to the white race. Indeed, she invented ā€˜racial courageā€™ for whites. Of course, non-whites are born with it according to liberalismā€™s intelligentsia.

I read the novel ON MY OWN shortly after it was published. I thought it was a piece of crap then, and it is now. After all, it is nothing but fiction. See the thread for my views on fiction. Be forewarned should you look it up. Punctuation marks were transformed into numbers after USMB updated its format.

p.s. I do not need parasite teachers interpreting anything for me. Fiction least of all. Confine your B.S. to your students.

I'm a "parasite"? That's funny because you know nothing about my finances other than I teach...I'm probably worth more than you are (I run my own business).

And for the record the significance of Robert E. Lee's name is because Lee (Harper) wanted to juxtapose what a true white southern gentleman should be (the general) with what they shouldn't be (Bob Ewell). I assure you it's not a book against white people at all. The title "To Kill a Mocking" refers to people who suffer from the hand at others when they don't deserve it/don't do any harm to people. There are 3 mockingbirds in the book (symbolically). 2 of them are white. Once again it's about context. You shouldn't need a "parasite" teacher to tell you this-you should have been able to pick that up on your own. If you weren't able to...I guess you're either A) not bright enough, or B) lack reading comprehension skills.
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I'm a "parasite"? That's funny because you know nothing about my finances other than I teach...I'm probably worth more than you are (I run my own business).

To mgh80: Teachers constitute the largest group that make up the parasite class. I assume you teach in the public school system. That makes you a parasite irrespective of your business.

For your edification, wealth does not invalidate the definition. Parasite is defined by anybody whose majority income is derived from tax dollars. Parasites include government employees who are not necessary to government. ā€œEmployeesā€ in unnecessary and bloated bureaucracies, tax dollar subsidies, grants, bailouts, and so on are the best known examples. Anyone with income derived from tax dollars who are not necessary to the operation of ā€”ā€” LIMITED ā€”ā€” government are parasites. Some of the wealthiest people in the country are tax dollar parasites. Hence, there are parasites on every economic level of society.

NOTE: SS recipients who paid into SS, legitimate civil servant pensioners, military pensioners, and so on are not parasites.
I'm a "parasite"? That's funny because you know nothing about my finances other than I teach...I'm probably worth more than you are (I run my own business).

To mgh80: Teachers constitute the largest group that make up the parasite class. I assume you teach in the public school system. That makes you a parasite irrespective of your business.

For your edification, wealth does not invalidate the definition. Parasite is defined by anybody whose majority income is derived from tax dollars. Parasites include government employees who are not necessary to government. ā€œEmployeesā€ in unnecessary and bloated bureaucracies, tax dollar subsidies, grants, bailouts, and so on are the best known examples. Anyone with income derived from tax dollars who are not necessary to the operation of ā€”ā€” LIMITED ā€”ā€” government are parasites. Some of the wealthiest people in the country are tax dollar parasites. Hence, there are parasites on every economic level of society.

NOTE: SS recipients who paid into SS, legitimate civil servant pensioners, military pensioners, and so on are not parasites.

Let's look at YOUR definition, NOT mine:

"Parasite is defined by anybody whose majority income is derived from tax dollars. "

The majority of my income is NOT from tax dollars, it's from the business that I run. Therefore according to YOUR definition I would NOT be a parasite. That's assuming that you're actually able to comprehend your own definition.

I assure you that I pay more in taxes every year than most posters on USMB gross in a year. I accomplished this based on hard work and dedication to my business that I've been running for over two decades now. I didn't receive the government's help whatsoever, and I'm probably closer to you politically than you'd care to admit.

So you think that public sector teachers aren't necessary for society? Fine. What would you replace them with? How would you implement your ideas realistically?

Also, I work at a poverty stricken school to try and give students the tools that they could use to pull themselves out of poverty-just like I did when I was a teenager.

However public education is one (not the only) way out for people in poverty. I'm trying to help the next business people, who add to society rather than see them live off of the government (and be "parasites").

So if your case against me is I'm trying to get people off of the dole and making them self-sufficient...if that's being a "parasite", then I'm guilty as charged.

Don't make the mistake in thinking I'm a union-loving, liberal teacher who wants to indoctrinate the youth with's a lazy way of thinking. It's those teachers (and there's not as much as you'd think to be honest) who give the rest of us a bad name, and load the ignorant with wrong ideas of teachers.
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The majority of my income is NOT from tax dollars, it's from the business that I run. Therefore according to YOUR definition I would NOT be a parasite. That's assuming that you're actually able to comprehend your own definition.

To mgh80: Presumably, you could have been a lot wealthier had you devoted all of your time to your business. Oh, I forgot. Your kind want to give something back.

I assure you that I pay more in taxes every year than most posters on USMB gross in a year. I accomplished this based on hard work and dedication to my business that I've been running for over two decades now. I didn't receive the government's help whatsoever, and I'm probably closer to you politically than you'd care to admit.

To mgh80: Your soft touch dollar job, vacation time, overtime pay, etc, made your business possible. And letā€™s not forget devoting full time to your business when you retire on a fat pension.

So you think that public sector teachers aren't necessary for society? Fine. What would you replace them with? How would you implement your ideas realistically?

To mgh80: Tax dollar teachers should be restricted to teaching the Three Rā€™s. No teacher should be allowed to teach their ideas, their morality, or anything except the three Rā€™s.

So if your case against me is I'm trying to get people off of the dole and making them self-sufficient...if that's being a "parasite", then I'm guilty as charged.

To mgh80: Fascinating. You are deeply entrenched in the most voracious tax dollar industry in the country, the industry that designed the welfare state for their benefit, now you tell us you teach kids so they can get off the dole. That makes no sense. The evidence of the results your kind achieve can be seen in every failed school and in every child.
The majority of my income is NOT from tax dollars, it's from the business that I run. Therefore according to YOUR definition I would NOT be a parasite. That's assuming that you're actually able to comprehend your own definition.

To mgh80: Presumably, you could have been a lot wealthier had you devoted all of your time to your business. Oh, I forgot. Your kind want to give something back.

I assure you that I pay more in taxes every year than most posters on USMB gross in a year. I accomplished this based on hard work and dedication to my business that I've been running for over two decades now. I didn't receive the government's help whatsoever, and I'm probably closer to you politically than you'd care to admit.

To mgh80: Your soft touch dollar job, vacation time, overtime pay, etc, made your business possible. And letā€™s not forget devoting full time to your business when you retire on a fat pension.

So you think that public sector teachers aren't necessary for society? Fine. What would you replace them with? How would you implement your ideas realistically?

To mgh80: Tax dollar teachers should be restricted to teaching the Three Rā€™s. No teacher should be allowed to teach their ideas, their morality, or anything except the three Rā€™s.

So if your case against me is I'm trying to get people off of the dole and making them self-sufficient...if that's being a "parasite", then I'm guilty as charged.

To mgh80: Fascinating. You are deeply entrenched in the most voracious tax dollar industry in the country, the industry that designed the welfare state for their benefit, now you tell us you teach kids so they can get off the dole. That makes no sense. The evidence of the results your kind achieve can be seen in every failed school and in every child.

-I don't have a "my kind". I don't group people into categories. Maybe you do-and kudos to you.

-I ran my business BEFORE teaching. Once again I suggest that you improve your reading comprehension skills.

-Don't be jealous of my pay, pension, etc. You had every opportunity to become a teacher yourself. That's what great about America.

-I don't (and am not allowed to) teach my ideas or morality whatsoever in the classroom. When we talk about current events I'm VERY careful NOT to push my ideas onto them-that's not my job and I find it unprofessional. At the end of the year I ask my students if they know what my views are...some guess I'm a D, some guess I'm a R....most of them don't give a flying crap.

-The education system did NOT design the wellfare state, I'm not sure where you got that idea from?

-Answer this question: it my goal is to make students successful later in is getting them off of the dole NOT my ambition?

-Actually my results are VERY high. I teach students at a school with a very high ELL population, and my test/exam scores across the board are always at least 7-8 points higher than the district average, and even more than my school's average. I help students get jobs (as a reference), give them advice on employment (ONLY when they ask me specific questions), and stress real world responsibilities in my classroom.

My argument is based on experiences and knowledge...your argument is based on what other people tell you and assumptions (and we both know what that means).

Like I said I probably pay more in taxes than you make in a who is the REAL "parasite"?

"Your kind" keeps on blaming others for their failures. It's a teacher's fault why you're unsuccessful right? Teachers just suck up all of your money and don't help the community right?

Time and time again in this thread I'm beating you with YOUR own words. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Next.
Thank God for the parasites then. Someone has to deal with Americas ilk problem children who are born from apathetic parents. I love the parasites that plow my road in the winter. I'm happy those parasites exist and make a decent, albeit small wage. Thank you for making me fl ALOT alot better about parasites.
Mgh remember those that complain so much about teachers could never in a million years do the job. Education is in fact the ONLY way to success... except for a very minute percentage of people. Those who are so critical of teachers should have gone into it themselves to fix the situation... but they won't... hypocrites.
Thank God for the parasites then. Someone has to deal with Americas ilk problem children who are born from apathetic parents. I love the parasites that plow my road in the winter. I'm happy those parasites exist and make a decent, albeit small wage. Thank you for making me fl ALOT alot better about parasites.

To initforme: Try separating necessary public employees from federal government, tax dollar, parasites.

Mgh remember those that complain so much about teachers could never in a million years do the job. Education is in fact the ONLY way to success... except for a very minute percentage of people. Those who are so critical of teachers should have gone into it themselves to fix the situation... but they won't... hypocrites.

To initforme: You obviously do not know the difference between imparting wisdom and brainwashing. The failed public education system that you call ā€˜educationā€™ proves it.
Thank God for the parasites then. Someone has to deal with Americas ilk problem children who are born from apathetic parents. I love the parasites that plow my road in the winter. I'm happy those parasites exist and make a decent, albeit small wage. Thank you for making me fl ALOT alot better about parasites.

To initforme: Try separating necessary public employees from federal government, tax dollar, parasites.

Mgh remember those that complain so much about teachers could never in a million years do the job. Education is in fact the ONLY way to success... except for a very minute percentage of people. Those who are so critical of teachers should have gone into it themselves to fix the situation... but they won't... hypocrites.

To initforme: You obviously do not know the difference between imparting wisdom and brainwashing. The failed public education system that you call ā€˜educationā€™ proves it.

1) If you would get rid of the current public educational system, what would you put in its place? Nothing?

2) I don't "brainwash" anybody. I'm not really sure where you get that idea from...probably from some lunatic sitting in their parent's basement posting on a blog.

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