Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

if you have evidence of this I will pay you $10,000. Bet???

What kind of evidence do you want? Why else are they doing corporate inversions? There's no economic benefit to it, so these guys do it for what reason?
So then you'd better call Ireland and tell them that if they want to help their economy they need to find a new tax policy that will drive thousands of corporations out rather than attract them in!!!

Ireland's unemployment rate is higher than most western democracies, including ours. We have a 4.5% unemployment rate at a 35% corporate tax rate. Ireland has a 6.4% unemployment rate at a 12% corporate tax rate they've had for 11 years!


you have learned 12 times what a scientific experiment is. Shall we shoot for 13 times??
if you have evidence of this I will pay you $10,000. Bet???

What kind of evidence do you want? Why else are they doing corporate inversions? There's no economic benefit to it, so these guys do it for what reason?

if you had evidence you could be a consultant for $100k a day. You are so stupid you think you are smarter than the Harvard Ph.D finance consultants who advise inversion.
so does the libcommie want govt to compete in every industry to undercut the greedy for profit industries????

Why not? If the government can provide the same service as the private sector, but do so cheaper and more efficiently, I say let the government compete! Medicare would crush private insurance if it was allowed to compete with them. Why? Because Medicare does the exact same thing private insurers do, but does it for a fraction of the overhead for the sickest people in society!

What's the matter...scared of a little competition? You chicken???

you have learned 12 times what a scientific experiment is. Shall we shoot for 13 times??

You are the dumbass who submitted Ireland into this debate. So if you did so knowing that you can't compare it scientifically to anything why did you enter it into the debate in the first place!?

Seriously, you're like the human equivalent of jerking off.
if you had evidence you could be a consultant for $100k a day. You are so stupid you think you are smarter than the Harvard Ph.D finance consultants who advise inversion.

They advise inversion because they want to increase their shares. No physical or infrastructure parts of these companies moved to Ireland. Just the address for their DBA's, and just to make the Board of Directors even richer. There is no economic benefit to inversion; it creates no jobs, it creates no demand, it drives up deficits, and it's unpatriotic. So I can see why it's so appealing to Conservatives.
for the obvious economic benefit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that economic benefit is...? Not for society. Not for workers. Not for the economy. You are conflating what's good for rich folks who sit on the Board of Directors with what's good for working folks, who could give a shit less about profit expectations. If a corporation is doing inversion, it's only doing it because its revenues have stagnated or declined and it needs to maintain high profit margins to please the majority shareholders/Board of Directors. That's not a failure of the US tax code, that's a failure of corporate leadership. Probably because all those MBA's and PhD's were fed loads of shit by the likes of frauds such as Carmen Reinhoff and Kenneth Rogoff. You know those two right? They're the two who lied about debt's affect on the economy, and got all you idiots to believe them because they told you what you wanted to hear. Such snowflakes!!!

So there is no economic benefit to it because trickle-down/supply side/voodoo economics isn't good policy. Plain and simple.
private insurers collect taxes?????? Who knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medicare doesn't collect taxes, you stupid asshole. Medicare administers reimbursement to your provider for your medical care from the pool of premiums. Which is the exact same function as a private insurance company. Yet a private insurer takes as much as 20% of your premium for themselves. Medicare's overhead is less than 3%.

Hmmm...20% vs. 3%...which is the better deal...hmmmm....
if you had evidence you could be a consultant for $100k a day. You are so stupid you think you are smarter than the Harvard Ph.D finance consultants who advise inversion.

They advise inversion because they want to increase their shares. No physical or infrastructure parts of these companies moved to Ireland. Just the address for their DBA's, and just to make the Board of Directors even richer. There is no economic benefit to inversion; it creates no jobs, it creates no demand, it drives up deficits, and it's unpatriotic. So I can see why it's so appealing to Conservatives.

lots and lots of financial ramifications. Often it makes it cheaper to expand in the USA because you then bring in capital from offshore entity rather than use domestic capital, for example. Best policy is to eliminate business tax( passed on to employees and customers anyway) so business can focus on being efficient rather than on dodging taxes. 100 miles over your head I know.
They tried it 132 countries and 120 million slowly starved to death. Make sense???

Of course, they didn't. But whatever, Putin is paying you in Russian hooker pee to spread lies, and because we have a First Amendment here in America, you can do so with no accountability. It's fine. We both know who you are and what kind of person you are. Someone who has to actually be paid to think the way you do. SAD!
lots and lots of financial ramifications

None of which benefit the economy, just the majority shareholders and Board of Directors. There is no economic benefit to inversion because it does nothing to increase demand.
Medicare doesn't collect taxes, you stupid asshole. ....

The Medicare payroll tax is 2.9%. It applies only to earned income, which is wages you are paid by an employer, plus tips. You're responsible for1.45% of the tax, and it's deducted automatically from your paycheck. Your employer pays the other 1.45%.
Often it makes it cheaper to expand in the USA

The only reason a business expands is because of increased demand...and increased demand is determined by increased revenues, not increased profits. So you can oink like a barnyard animal all you want about business expansion, if there's no demand, then there's no point in expanding. The United States already provides corporations with tons and tons of incentives and tax breaks for expansion. Inversion does nothing to assist that, nor does it do anything to increase revenues. It's just an accounting trick to make the wealthy shareholders even wealthier.
The Medicare payroll tax is 2.9%. It applies only to earned income, which is wages you are paid by an employer, plus tips. You're responsible for1.45% of the tax, and it's deducted automatically from your paycheck. Your employer pays the other 1.45%.

Medicare doesn't collect those taxes, moron. Medicare administrates reimbursement from that which the government collects via payroll taxes.

I don't expect you to know this because you're, you know, from Russia.
lots and lots of financial ramifications

None of which benefit the economy, just the majority shareholders and Board of Directors. There is no economic benefit to inversion because it does nothing to increase demand.

i just explained to you that it can make it cheaper for an American company to expand here. So when Burger King, for example, wanted to expand, inversion gave them a cheaper source of capital without which they would not have expanded or would have expanded less. 100 miles over your communist head -right???
The Medicare payroll tax is 2.9%. It applies only to earned income, which is wages you are paid by an employer, plus tips. You're responsible for1.45% of the tax, and it's deducted automatically from your paycheck. Your employer pays the other 1.45%.

I'm also very glad you pointed this out because it gets to the core of what I am saying; that government-run health insurance is cheaper and better. The average worker spends close to $5,000 a year as their share of employer-provided plans. The average wage in this country is $53K. The Medicare Tax is 1.45% which comes to a whopping $768 a year. So which is less, $5,000 a year or $800 a year? Take your time. Don't rush.
The Medicare payroll tax is 2.9%. It applies only to earned income, which is wages you are paid by an employer, plus tips. You're responsible for1.45% of the tax, and it's deducted automatically from your paycheck. Your employer pays the other 1.45%.

Medicare doesn't collect those taxes, moron. Medicare administrates reimbursement from that which the government collects via payroll taxes.

I don't expect you to know this because you're, you know, from Russia.
oh I see, the govt collects the Medicare payroll tax but its not really a Medicare payroll tax because Medicare does not really collect taxes????

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