Taunted for being Black, a student fought back, civil rights complaint says. The 30-second fight derailed her life.

The white kids acting like that should receive the greatest possible sanctions for that outrageous behavior., up to and including expulsion

If we get to a point that we expel teenagers from school for making hateful or cruel comments ...
And blame the institutions for not doing whatever upset parents expect ...Then we can save millions in taxpayers dollars.

There won't be a reason or need for having High Schools ... Because I doubt anyone will make it past Junior High.

Slaton administrators sentenced her to 45 days in an alternative school for students with severe disciplinary problems, according to the complaint and records reviewed by NBC News. Distraught and convinced that her future was ruined, Autumn’s family said she ran away from home last month and made a plan to kill herself. Now out of the hospital and recovering, the girl who’d entered this school year hoping to be named valedictorian is no longer sure she’s going to graduate on time.

“They took my beautiful baby girl — who my husband and I worked so hard to mold and love and support — and they broke her,” Autumn’s mother, JaQuatta Manahan, said in an interview. “They didn’t protect her. They cast her aside like she was trash.”
Are you more concerned about the bullying or the racist points??
No, its the call of the constitution.

Society says the same thing. No word can be offensive for some and not others. You can't function as a society like that. That violates free speech rights. No American has a right to say something that another American can't. Doesn't work that way.

It has nothing to with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private entities.

Black Americans opposing the use of racist terms and condemning white racists for using racist terms doesn’t ‘violate’ the ‘free speech’ of white racists.

If government were to enact legislation making hate speech illegal where rightwing racists were arrested, prosecuted, and punished for using hate speech, then and only then would there be a free speech violation.
Happens all the time. A freak with penis in a tutu violates a girl in a bathroom and the institution is more concerned about pronouns with a penis that want to wear tutus. See Loudon County, Va.
Except the comment referenced institutional racism. Not your straw man whaddabout.
Except the comment referenced institutional racism. Not your straw man whaddabout.
Your comment referenced the institution not doing anything about it. Whether it is the institution not doing anything about racist bullying or dudes wearing tutus violating girls in the bathroom, it’s still, the institution not doing anything.
Not if we apply common sense

If we have the whole story then the white kid was using a racial slur

Thats not good for the black girl or for him

Much like the events of the “Summer of Love” black riots followed by the 6-1 conservative protest, the obama’s of this world are going keep prodding whites and hoping for a reaction that they can exploit

This white kid needs to learn self control
No disagreement here. I just don't like extra punishment for perceived "intent". It's led to all this silly "hate crime" addition to the actual crime.

It has nothing to with the Constitution or ‘free speech.’

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private entities.

Black Americans opposing the use of racist terms and condemning white racists for using racist terms doesn’t ‘violate’ the ‘free speech’ of white racists.

If government were to enact legislation making hate speech illegal where rightwing racists were arrested, prosecuted, and punished for using hate speech, then and only then would there be a free speech violation.

Schools represent the government since that's who they work for.
Most black folks don't want to live around your racist, pasty white ass. If the accomadations and services were the same in black areas as they are in white what would be the need.

Sorry. It's your people that destroy businesses in their areas and once destroyed, they feel the need to move to white areas that are not destroyed. That's our fault?
Reports of racist bullying at Slaton High School are part of a pattern of discrimination in and around Lubbock, Texas, civil rights groups say. They’re filing complaints and calling on the federal government to investigate.

SLATON, Texas — The Black girl’s hands were shaking as she approached a white classmate in gym class.

“I told you,” Autumn Roberson-Manahan said, her voice quivering, “to stop using that word.”

Autumn, a 17-year-old senior at Slaton High School, said she’d asked the boy four days in a row to stop saying the N-word in class. And for four consecutive days, according to Autumn and a half-dozen other students later interviewed by the school principal, the boy had disregarded her pleas.

He’d said the slur while talking trash on the basketball court, Autumn recalled: “Oh! I’m ballin’ on y’all n----s.” And while cleaning up at the end of class: “These dumb n----s left the balls out again.” That day, Oct. 27, he’d said it again, smirking after having dribbled past a student and hitting a jump shot, Autumn said.

By then, Autumn, a straight-A student and one of only two dozen Black students at her small-town high school outside Lubbock, had been complaining about racial harassment involving three other classmates since the second week of school, according to interviews with Autumn and her family, messages they sent to administrators and a civil rights complaint filed Monday with the U.S. Department of Education. In September, she’d secretly recorded two boys in class calling her the N-word. When the alleged harassment continued, Autumn told administrators she was struggling to focus on her schoolwork. Her parents tried to intervene, demanding to speak with the principal and writing to the superintendent.

But the racist comments didn’t stop, according to the federal complaint.

This is in 2022, unbelievable.

Keep telling us though there is no racism in America anymore, all of that ended in the 60s.

Struth what do you think about this story?
Lock her black ass up for life.
Reports of racist bullying at Slaton High School are part of a pattern of discrimination in and around Lubbock, Texas, civil rights groups say. They’re filing complaints and calling on the federal government to investigate.

SLATON, Texas — The Black girl’s hands were shaking as she approached a white classmate in gym class.

“I told you,” Autumn Roberson-Manahan said, her voice quivering, “to stop using that word.”

Autumn, a 17-year-old senior at Slaton High School, said she’d asked the boy four days in a row to stop saying the N-word in class. And for four consecutive days, according to Autumn and a half-dozen other students later interviewed by the school principal, the boy had disregarded her pleas.

He’d said the slur while talking trash on the basketball court, Autumn recalled: “Oh! I’m ballin’ on y’all n----s.” And while cleaning up at the end of class: “These dumb n----s left the balls out again.” That day, Oct. 27, he’d said it again, smirking after having dribbled past a student and hitting a jump shot, Autumn said.

By then, Autumn, a straight-A student and one of only two dozen Black students at her small-town high school outside Lubbock, had been complaining about racial harassment involving three other classmates since the second week of school, according to interviews with Autumn and her family, messages they sent to administrators and a civil rights complaint filed Monday with the U.S. Department of Education. In September, she’d secretly recorded two boys in class calling her the N-word. When the alleged harassment continued, Autumn told administrators she was struggling to focus on her schoolwork. Her parents tried to intervene, demanding to speak with the principal and writing to the superintendent.

But the racist comments didn’t stop, according to the federal complaint.

This is in 2022, unbelievable.

Keep telling us though there is no racism in America anymore, all of that ended in the 60s.

Struth what do you think about this story?

I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked. When will black people grow up and get a pair and realize that sticks and stones, but words can never hurt you!
Yep and that is why we have adults around to put an end to it, but when you are a racist you encourage the kids to keep putting it on.

Spoken like a true racist POS.

So who's encouraging it? Both kids were wrong. One was more wrong than the other and got punished for it. Now your outrage is the one that was most wrong is paying the price for it but I'm the true racist POS?
The pure propaganda is the garbage racist like you have been spewing since this country was founded.
This Country was founded by White Christians. After a couple hundred years of trading African slaves, those same white men chose to stop. To this day, there are still African slaves in Africa. Prove me wrong on anything I just said.

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