Tampa teen wins right to abortion without parental consent

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021
"That is huge for these ladies that petition the court for this," said Parwani. "They do have futures, they understand that having a child may limit those futures in different ways."

When considering a judicial bypass, a judge is to consider seven factors regarding the petitioner, including "overall intelligence; emotional development and stability; credibility and demeanor as a witness; ability to accept responsibility; ability to assess both the immediate and long-range consequences of the minor’s choices; and ability to understand and explain the medical risks of terminating her pregnancy and to apply that understanding to her decision."

Judge Jared Smith denied her request, citing concerns she wasn't being forthcoming about her GPA.

So, if you're under 18 in Florida, you have to go before a judge and convince the judge that the abortion is necessary.

In this case, the first judge turned the girl down, but she won appeal.

She had to get a lawyer and everything.

This was for the abortion pill.

She told the judge that she had plans to go to college to get a nursing degree and having a baby would make that way more difficult.

What do you think? Should girls younger than 18 have to convince a judge that they need an abortion?
"That is huge for these ladies that petition the court for this," said Parwani. "They do have futures, they understand that having a child may limit those futures in different ways."

When considering a judicial bypass, a judge is to consider seven factors regarding the petitioner, including "overall intelligence; emotional development and stability; credibility and demeanor as a witness; ability to accept responsibility; ability to assess both the immediate and long-range consequences of the minor’s choices; and ability to understand and explain the medical risks of terminating her pregnancy and to apply that understanding to her decision."

Judge Jared Smith denied her request, citing concerns she wasn't being forthcoming about her GPA.

So, if you're under 18 in Florida, you have to go before a judge and convince the judge that the abortion is necessary.

In this case, the first judge turned the girl down, but she won appeal.

She had to get a lawyer and everything.

This was for the abortion pill.

What do you think? Should girls younger than 18 have to convince a judge that they need an abortion?
Well, yeah....can't be at the big party the next weekend carrying a kid. Kill it and get back to the action!

So long as the judge emancipates them at the parents request also.


IDK if i agree with this and i am as "pro-choice" as they come.
The article also says she didnt even ask her parents for it?
"That is huge for these ladies that petition the court for this," said Parwani. "They do have futures, they understand that having a child may limit those futures in different ways."

When considering a judicial bypass, a judge is to consider seven factors regarding the petitioner, including "overall intelligence; emotional development and stability; credibility and demeanor as a witness; ability to accept responsibility; ability to assess both the immediate and long-range consequences of the minor’s choices; and ability to understand and explain the medical risks of terminating her pregnancy and to apply that understanding to her decision."

Judge Jared Smith denied her request, citing concerns she wasn't being forthcoming about her GPA.

So, if you're under 18 in Florida, you have to go before a judge and convince the judge that the abortion is necessary.

In this case, the first judge turned the girl down, but she won appeal.

She had to get a lawyer and everything.

This was for the abortion pill.

She told the judge that she had plans to go to college to get a nursing degree and having a baby would make that way more difficult.

What do you think? Should girls younger than 18 have to convince a judge that they need an abortion?

Based on this the parents won't even be freaking notified.

They boyfriend and the boyfriends mother will be the ones helping out?

The parents still contribute to part of the girls upkeep?

Sorry, but unless you move the age of majority to lower than 18, a 17 year old should not be able to leave out parents STILL INVOLVED IN HER LIFE of something like this.
IDK if i agree with this and i am as "pro-choice" as they come.
The article also says she didnt even ask her parents for it?

Evidently not, but the boyfriend and the boyfriends mother know and support her choice.

Seems like self interest at play here on the boyfriends part.
So removing the parental right of protecting your child from a decision that will crush her spirit for the rest of her life. Awesome.
Under California law, minors can access reproductive health care, obtain birth control, and receive abortion services without parental notification or parental consent.

In California, a teen doesn't need parental consent.

I wonder if most Florida teens just drive North until they get to a state that allows teen abortions?
What do you think? Should girls younger than 18 have to convince a judge that they need an abortion?

No one "needs" an abortion. Maybe the girl wanted an abortion because she was being pressured by her boyfriend, pimp or religious pastor (if she belongs to a anti-life denomination, e.g.)

Makes me wonder if they will take DNA samples from the dead baby so they can investigate who committed this atrocity. Child molestation is a serious crime around here.
Under California law, minors can access reproductive health care, obtain birth control, and receive abortion services without parental notification or parental consent.

In California, a teen doesn't need parental consent.

I wonder if most Florida teens just drive North until they get to a state that allows teen abortions?
Yeah, sure, whatever is most convenient and requires no self responsibility, right? Dimmers hate to be responsible for their own actions.
"That is huge for these ladies that petition the court for this," said Parwani. "They do have futures, they understand that having a child may limit those futures in different ways."

When considering a judicial bypass, a judge is to consider seven factors regarding the petitioner, including "overall intelligence; emotional development and stability; credibility and demeanor as a witness; ability to accept responsibility; ability to assess both the immediate and long-range consequences of the minor’s choices; and ability to understand and explain the medical risks of terminating her pregnancy and to apply that understanding to her decision."

Judge Jared Smith denied her request, citing concerns she wasn't being forthcoming about her GPA.

So, if you're under 18 in Florida, you have to go before a judge and convince the judge that the abortion is necessary.

In this case, the first judge turned the girl down, but she won appeal.

She had to get a lawyer and everything.

This was for the abortion pill.

She told the judge that she had plans to go to college to get a nursing degree and having a baby would make that way more difficult.

What do you think? Should girls younger than 18 have to convince a judge that they need an abortion?

Unless they're emancipated, the ones who should be convinced are the parents...
Its shocking that this girl has to justify her actions to a court. She hasnt broken any laws. The state should butt out.

Obstruction of Justice isn't a crime in your view, Tommy? Someone committed this atrocity, and the girl needs to speak up to save others.

Remember, Child Molestation is against the law.
If the girl is being given a legal “out” from the consequences of her actions, and behaviors. The men should have similar legal recourse absolving them of the same inconvenience.

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