Takeover complete


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
Delegates are the name of the game.

Relevant reading...


Watch for other states to operate this way with their delegate rules as well.

The duopoly wants and very much needs a Trump/Biden circus. They're just passing the baton back and forth at this point...


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My best recollection was somewhere around Reagan, when he decided that making multimillion dollar companies richer and killing labor groups would somehow help the middle class.
Yeah. Nixon was a peach.
Ronna McDaniel is not gonna do that. She's a Trumpie.
I never said it would happen. I said it had to happen, or the remnants of the republican party would no longer exist.
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
^^ It’s so amazing to see lefties defending the neocon GOP. All those years screaming about corporatism and unnecessary wars…..now you all defend that shit.

President Trump proved we don’t need the Establishment GOP or the Democrats.
We had four years of peace and no new wars, no reason we can’t keep doing that.
We had four years of not kissing the CCP’s ass, and we brought back 500,000+ manufacturing jobs alone.
We don’t need millions of illegals.

Meanwhile Dems fully support government colluding with Big Tech and other corporations to infringe on people’s rights.
They support stupid wars like Ukraine.
They fully support open borders and human trafficking.

This has all those Dems and GOP terrified, and dopes like Bulldog believe all their propaganda.
My best recollection was somewhere around Reagan, when he decided that making multimillion dollar companies richer and killing labor groups would somehow help the middle class.
I like unions. I was a member of a few of them. However, in many unions they protect bums as employees and still let others who had their ways, take a lot of verbal and even physical abuse from their union brothers. Lots of lawsuits from those affected costing the consumer and/or taxpayer. There are people overcompensated and people undercompensated in this nation. Intelligence and abilities are more and more blurred in this era of equity even though it existed decades ago.
^^ It’s so amazing to see lefties defending the neocon GOP. All those years screaming about corporatism and unnecessary wars…..now you all defend that shit.

President Trump proved we don’t need the Establishment GOP or the Democrats.
We had four years of peace and no new wars, no reason we can’t keep doing that.
We had four years of not kissing the CCP’s ass, and we brought back 500,000+ manufacturing jobs alone.
We don’t need millions of illegals.

This has all those Dems and GOP terrified, and dopes like Bulldog believe all their propaganda.
MAGA disregard for the RNC and it's history is noted. Thanks for reinforcing the point of my post.
I like unions. I was a member of a few of them. However, in many unions they protect bums as employees and still let others who had their ways, take a lot of verbal and even physical abuse from their union brothers. Lots of lawsuits from those affected costing the consumer and/or taxpayer. There are people overcompensated and people undercompensated in this nation. Intelligence and abilities are more and more blurred in this era of equity even though it existed decades ago.
Unions ended child labor and gave us safety on the job and the five day work week. Sure, we don't need stuff like that any more.
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.

You think about Donald Trump A LOT. Are you lonely?
MAGA disregard for the RNC and it's history is noted. Thanks for reinforcing the point of my post.
Neocons sucked ass and hurt Americans. Fuck 'em!

Unnecessary wars, crashing the housing market, expanding government exponentially,

Congress voting themselves The Lords of America, you want that?!

Owait! You're a leftist ShitLord! Of course you want that stuff!
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was.

Yes, if the Republicans play their cards right - they'll be lying us back into illegal wars in the Middle East and spying on Americans via the FISA court in no time!

And don't forget when they attempted to sell our port security off to the A-RABS!

Yeah, we really want THAT Republican Party back.

It's too late.

The Cheney wing and all its ilk has been irreversibly absorbed into the Democrat globalist mind meld.

It's over.

Sorry you didn't get the memo.

It'll be hand delivered to your door step, top priority mail Tuesday November 5th, 2024.

Until then keep on dreamin'.

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