Take the pill.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The mechanics of the Bill and Hillary Clinton money machine are not a new phenomenon. The influence- peddling scheme of the Clinton Foundation reflects the historical modus operandi of corrupt politics almost as a trademark since the beginning of politics itself. What makes this example so dangerous is that the perpetrators have control of the agencies that police the corruption. Let's not forget that Al Capone actually had running poverty programs in Chicago to legitimize his activities. He was seen by many as doing “good” for the community. And then there is Rod Blagojevich, the former Governor of Illinois, currently serving time for corruption in a pay for play racket that mirrors the activities of the Clintons.

Neither Capone nor Blagojevich operated any differently than the Clintons; the only distinction is that Capone and Blagojevich were never able to ascend to a position to infect the apparatus that watches over the public trust to ensure that no one is above the law. The Clintons have elevated themselves to a global level of corruption that has a sinister comparison to the HIV Virus in biology. They have succeeded in contaminating the process that attacks corruption which leaves them an open road to continue the corruption and in doing so place the health and welfare of a free nation at considerable risk.

The Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation with the aid of a mostly compliant mass media have become so compromised that they no longer protect the host. They in fact have become politically complicit in attacking the host much like the Aids virus attacks the human immune system. The Clintons are not just a political disease they have become a super disease and unless a change is made the result can only be fatal for the way of life many Americans have taken for granted.

The average American cannot allow the political infestation of the Clintons to go untreated. The symptoms are mounting-politically orchestrated violence in our cities, the abandonment of national sovereignty and the importation of ideological hatred directly into our communities, the corruption of Clinton-connected Wall Street and the manipulation of fuel prices and interest rates, skyrocketing healthcare costs resulting from centrally-planned government interference in the system, rising joblessness and vanishing pension benefits due to offshoring of manufacturing industry that have been the heart of the middle class.

The Clintons are a political and ideological disease that is death a knell for the US Constitution because that document is implacable with a globalist agenda that is well underway to drive America to the status of a third world country. The Clintons are spearheading an effort to lower the standard of living in America to create an even playing field for foreign interests at the expense of American exceptionalism. They of course have become filthy rich in the process because as has always historically been the case, selling out your own people pays very well.

Now we come to the cure and the cure is a bitter pill to swallow. The tentacles of diseased corruption are long and powerful and they reached deeply into the Republican Party where professional parasites had joined the effort to abandon the American people for their own preservation and personal enrichment. This left the people with only one reasonable option to get a cure. They had to turn to an imperfect antihero in the form of a television personality with a history of womanizing. Yes Donald Trump is a bitter pill to swallow but when the medicine is your only chance you have to take it. Sometimes a certain kind of poison is the only ingredient that can fight and eradicate the disease. In this case it’s a calculated risk that’s definitely worth taking because the alternative is a certain death of a way of life that is disappearing. Take the pill.
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It's a tough job but someone's got to do it. :dunno:
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It's understandable. But we must realize that this candidate not running for God. Trump is actually in good company like JFK and Bill Clinton who still rate high among presidents. Maybe some are waiting for this WikiLeaks revelation. Maybe I should have. One this is clear; this time around we have to pick our poison. It's a good day to die.
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Where is the edit feature on this forum?

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