Take that kasich...take that romney...take that george w., and medved, and jonah goldberg...assholes


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes......all the people who stood against Trump...some having taken an oath to support him and breaking it...after they insisted that he take the oath to support them........

Fuck em.....kasich, romney, george w., michael medved, jonah goldberg....and all the fucking never trumpers...screw you.......
I'm not a Trumper, but I share your sentiments. The republicrats failed.

The Bushes and their minions did not live up to the standard. Trump isn't what I wanted, but he's better than what could have been.

Long live the Republic, the Constitution and the American individual.

Fuck global collectivists in their face.

I'm not a Trumper, but I share your sentiments. The republicrats failed.

The Bushes and their minions did not live up to the standard. Trump isn't what I wanted, but he's better than what could have been.

Long live the Republic, the Constitution and the American individual.

Fuck global collectivists in their face.

Trump was my last pick...well.....except for Christie and Pataki.......I voted for Ted Cruz, and wanted to vote for Scott Walker, who was out in the early part of the primary........

But....I never lost the focus of defeating the democrats, and especially the crime family of the rapist and his wife......

God Bless America...and thank you for your help....
George W. Bush abstained. What a fucking jerk. Some patriot, huh?
I'll give him a pass for defending his brother's honor.

He put his brother over his country......and his brother took an oath to support the Republican nominee........and broke it.....
Blood runs thick. W already got enough undeserved abuse from Demoncrats. No need to pile-on.
Fuck Bush, if his brother would have gotten the nomination and Trump abstained, he would have had something to say about it. He proved he has no class.
I'll give him a pass for defending his brother's honor.
You talking about little Jebbie?

George W. Bush abstained. What a fucking jerk. Some patriot, huh?
I'll give him a pass for defending his brother's honor.

He put his brother over his country......and his brother took an oath to support the Republican nominee........and broke it.....
Blood runs thick. W already got enough undeserved abuse from Demoncrats. No need to pile-on.

I supported Bush and his invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and along with others endured the attacks on Bush and those of us who supported him......and then we learned that they found stock piles of WMDs and simply didn't want to relitigate the issue...leaving us out to dry....and then he refused to pardon Scooter Libby...someone targeted by a democrat prosecutor, patrick fitzgerald......even though he did not out plame.....and then....when it was between hilary and our guy........he didn't support him.....

Screw him.
Yes......all the people who stood against Trump...some having taken an oath to support him and breaking it...after they insisted that he take the oath to support them........

Fuck em.....kasich, romney, george w., michael medved, jonah goldberg....and all the fucking never trumpers...screw you.......
Ya gotta give it to the guy, he fought the mainstream media, the Democrat fraud party, the rigged system, the crooked Clinton Mafia machine, FOX News, and even his own republican party...and he won.

Moral of the story: don't let the left wing media tell you what to think.
Yes......all the people who stood against Trump...some having taken an oath to support him and breaking it...after they insisted that he take the oath to support them........

Fuck em.....kasich, romney, george w., michael medved, jonah goldberg....and all the fucking never trumpers...screw you.......
Ya gotta give it to the guy, he fought the mainstream media, the Democrst party, the crooked Clinton Mafia machine, and even his own party...and he won.

Moral of the story: don't let the left wing media tell you what to think.

He was also openly Pro-life...when the establishment republicans keep telling us Pro-lifers can't win.......
Yes......all the people who stood against Trump...some having taken an oath to support him and breaking it...after they insisted that he take the oath to support them........

Fuck em.....kasich, romney, george w., michael medved, jonah goldberg....and all the fucking never trumpers...screw you.......
Ya gotta give it to the guy, he fought the mainstream media, the Democrat fraud party, the rigged system, the crooked Clinton Mafia machine, FOX News, and even his own republican party...and he won.

Moral of the story: don't let the left wing media tell you what to think.
That's more of a reflection of how bad Hillary, obama and the Democrats are. With all of that advantage they still couldn't win.
Yes......all the people who stood against Trump...some having taken an oath to support him and breaking it...after they insisted that he take the oath to support them........

Fuck em.....kasich, romney, george w., michael medved, jonah goldberg....and all the fucking never trumpers...screw you.......
Ya gotta give it to the guy, he fought the mainstream media, the Democrst party, the crooked Clinton Mafia machine, and even his own party...and he won.

Moral of the story: don't let the left wing media tell you what to think.

He was also openly Pro-life...when the establishment republicans keep telling us Pro-lifers can't win.......
Also let's not forget that he did it single handedly without spending any money. It was truly a Herculean effort. For a man his age to campaign the way he did and out-hustle everybody. It's a lesson for all Americans that hard work pays off.
Yes......all the people who stood against Trump...some having taken an oath to support him and breaking it...after they insisted that he take the oath to support them........

Fuck em.....kasich, romney, george w., michael medved, jonah goldberg....and all the fucking never trumpers...screw you.......
Ya gotta give it to the guy, he fought the mainstream media, the Democrat fraud party, the rigged system, the crooked Clinton Mafia machine, FOX News, and even his own republican party...and he won.

Moral of the story: don't let the left wing media tell you what to think.
That's more of a reflection of how bad Hillary, obama and the Democrats are. With all of that advantage they still couldn't win.
The biased left wing media are totally missing and in denial that this was a total rejection of the Obama presidency.
Yes......all the people who stood against Trump...some having taken an oath to support him and breaking it...after they insisted that he take the oath to support them........

Fuck em.....kasich, romney, george w., michael medved, jonah goldberg....and all the fucking never trumpers...screw you.......
Ya gotta give it to the guy, he fought the mainstream media, the Democrat fraud party, the rigged system, the crooked Clinton Mafia machine, FOX News, and even his own republican party...and he won.

Moral of the story: don't let the left wing media tell you what to think.
That's more of a reflection of how bad Hillary, obama and the Democrats are. With all of that advantage they still couldn't win.
The biased left wing media are totally missing and in denial that this was a total rejection of the Obama presidency.

The American people said no more
With a Repub congress there are no excuses. I expect a balanced budget.

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