Take Sides - Israel or Hamas Terrorists - Choose ONLY ONE!

Since 1948 Israel has been attacked. The Muslim Brotherhood has VOWED TO DESTROY ISRAEL.

Since 2005 when they gave Gaza back, Hamas has fired almost everyday at them. The mass attack initiated a War. And the IDF have been VERY RESTRAINED as they could have just turned Gaza into a parking lot
You merely proved once again with that post, how terribly uninformed you are.
Past the biblical baloney, it was no more than one of our military interventions , which we excel at on this rock, that ended badly eagle

CIA ,M15, Mossad related machinations aside, we've no more allegiance to Israel than any other country in our hx of global "interventions", nor have they been much an ally given our history with their neighbors

Our relationship w/Israel is all 'one way' which should be rethought

They're nothing more than a nation of grifters

Your Anti Semitism shows there. They have as much right there as the Muzzies.

The Muzzies have vowed to kill them all.

You would have them just roll over and die.

Hamas drew 1st Blood

Time and time and time again, just like Hezbollah and the rest of the
evil animals. And the "gentle set" try to equate the two? And scream "genocide by Israel"? How many German civilians did the U.S. burn to death in firebombings of Dresden and other cities? How many Japanese civilians did the U.S. kill with fire bombings and two atomic bombs?
We warned them to surrender or face utter catastrophe. They thumbed their noses, and so do Israel's enemies. There are consequences to intransigent stupidity.
Past the biblical baloney, it was no more than one of our military interventions , which we excel at on this rock, that ended badly eagle

CIA ,M15, Mossad related machinations aside, we've no more allegiance to Israel than any other country in our hx of global "interventions", nor have they been much an ally given our history with their neighbors

Our relationship w/Israel is all 'one way' which should be rethought

They're nothing more than a nation of grifters


So you just make stuff on the go to fit the narrative?

Israel won the war of independence during US arms embargo in 1948.
It lasted for 20 years until Israelis alone defeated the Soviet backed armies.
Time and time and time again, just like Hezbollah and the rest of the
evil animals. And the "gentle set" try to equate the two? And scream "genocide by Israel"? How many German civilians did the U.S. burn to death in firebombings of Dresden and other cities? How many Japanese civilians did the U.S. kill with fire bombings and two atomic bombs?
We warned them to surrender or face utter catastrophe. They thumbed their noses, and so do Israel's enemies. There are consequences to intransigent stupidity.
I agree. Had this Mexico attacking us we would have bitch slapped them so hard the Incas would have felt it in their graves
Time and time and time again, just like Hezbollah and the rest of the
evil animals. And the "gentle set" try to equate the two? And scream "genocide by Israel"? How many German civilians did the U.S. burn to death in firebombings of Dresden and other cities? How many Japanese civilians did the U.S. kill with fire bombings and two atomic bombs?
We warned them to surrender or face utter catastrophe. They thumbed their noses, and so do Israel's enemies. There are consequences to intransigent stupidity.
It really is alarming how many liberal Jew-haters were just under the surface and came bubbling over after the Jews suffered the worst single-day massacre since the Holocaust.

The antisemites were already running “anti-Israel” protests within a week after October 7th - before Israel even responded. Just think of it: over 1,000 Jews tortured to death in unspeakable ways, including children and babies, and 200 hostages taken to endure Lord-knows-what, ALSO including children and babies - and the liberals are out in force condemning Israel.

We are living in a sick world.
The only people expected to roll over and accept deliberate torture and murder are the Jews. Can‘t figure out why.
The Devil hates the Jews. Bible says they will defeat the Devil in the end of days. Also says the whole world will be against them for a GREAT DECEIVER.

Which may be the WEF.
Time and time and time again, just like Hezbollah and the rest of the
evil animals. And the "gentle set" try to equate the two? And scream "genocide by Israel"? How many German civilians did the U.S. burn to death in firebombings of Dresden and other cities? How many Japanese civilians did the U.S. kill with fire bombings and two atomic bombs?
We warned them to surrender or face utter catastrophe. They thumbed their noses, and so do Israel's enemies. There are consequences to intransigent stupidity.
The dirty little secret is that Hamas WANTS as many "innocent" deaths as possible. That's good "PR" for them. The people here siding with terrorists are being used, and they're fine with it
The dirty little secret is that Hamas WANTS as many "innocent" deaths as possible. That's good "PR" for them. The people here siding with terrorists are being used, and they're fine with it
It’s not really a secret. They know they’re being used to advance hatred against Jews - and happy to do it.

ANYONE who says Israel is committing genocide is an antisemite, or terribly ignorant.
So you just make stuff on the go to fit the narrative?

Israel won the war of independence during US arms embargo in 1948.
It lasted for 20 years until Israelis alone defeated the Soviet backed armies.
The USofA sanctioned it via UN (the one you now disagree with) , re> Truman , & we've been their big stick ever since rylah

We're the only reason the rest of the muslim world hasn't eaten them alive , and the only reason they crossed the line from defense to annihilation

Lol. You’re much too far gone. It’s likely everything you KNOW is wrong.

To support the mass murder of thousands of children yet cry about one Israeli woman’s death, is a sure indication of something.

To support the mass murder of thousands of children yet cry about one Israeli woman’s death, is a sure indication of something.

The ugly and bigoted Zionist belief that Jewish lives are more valuable than non Jewish lives dates back to the Talmud and is the basis for every equally bigoted Hasbara script I've read.

The Talmud is the holiest book (collection of books) in Judaism (1) it is especially dear to bigoted Zionists because it condones lying to non Jews and through Baba Kamma 113a: Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile." (1)

That's why Israel's Hasbara trolls can so easily tell the most outrageous lie without the slightest hesitation.

Another racist myth espoused by the holy Talmud is that all non Jews are "...non human animals" (1) while Jews are considered "divine":

"Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God."(1)

This bigoted myth that Jewish lives are somehow of greater value than non Jews is clearly expressed by the same Zionist right wingers who believe that the deaths of 1,200 Jews requires the systematic extermination of well over 35,000 non Jews.

With a kill ratio of about about 30 non Jewish Palestinians, and counting, for each Jewish Israeli killed, genocidal Zionists are still not satisfied

Some of the more disturbing comments I've read would not be satisfied with a 100 to 1 kill ratio and unfortunately, the pages of this forum are replete with sentiments at least as bigoted as the quote below:

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."
—Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994

The ugly and irrational bigotry expressed by a tiny number of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls and professionally brainwashed, selectively outraged pro Zionist rubes is precisely the "something" you mentioned in your comment.

Finally, there is hope for Americans who in spite of being inundated by pro Israel MSM are waking up to Netanyahu's genocidal agenda.
For the first time since I can remember, enough Americans have wised up so that over half of Americans oppose "...Israel's military action..." in Gaza. (2)

When can we deport AIPAC & etc so Americans can have their own Middle East policy?

Good luck on your Easter egg hunt,

(1). "A Closer Look at the Talmud"​

(2) "Israel faces growing U.S. ire on war in Gaza"

EXCERPT "Sheline's decision to follow suit came as a Gallup poll released Wednesday found that growing numbers of Americans now oppose Israel’s military action in Gaza, an apparent shift in U.S. views.

The poll, conducted from March 1 to March 20, found that 55% of respondents said they disapprove of Israel's actions in Gaza, compared with 45% who expressed disapproval in November.

The share of those in favor of Israel's actions fell from 50% in November to 36% in March, while the percentage of those who said they had no stance rose from 4% to 9%.

The poll, which surveyed 1,016 adults living across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points." CONTINUED

Biden claims he is a lifelong friend of the Jewish people and a Zionist, but these empty words are cover for a decades-long antipathy.​

For some American Jews, the months since Oct. 7 have felt like a horror movie, as they watch, with increasing alarm, as our president—for whom many voted, and in whom many placed inviolable trust—seemed to, moment after crucial moment, throw Israel under the bus.

Earlier this month, a U.N. report from its Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General revealed what Israel has been saying for months, namely that Hamas committed the most vile sexual violence and torture on Oct. 7, and such treatment likely continues to be perpetrated on hostages. Experts from the U.N.—an organization that is routinely hostile to the Jewish state—actually found “clear and convincing information that some [hostages] have been subjected to various forms of conflict-related sexual violence including rape and sexualized torture and sexualized cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and it also has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing.”

In reaction, Joe Biden’s State Department chose to level the charge of sexual abuse—at Israel. Recently, IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi recounted his meeting with a senior State Department official—since identified as Jill Hutchings, director of the Office of Israeli and Palestinian Affairs—who proceeded to accuse Israel of “systematically sexually abusing Palestinian women.” The State Department’s claim was based on information from Hamas pushed by Al Jazeera—which ended up deleting the story after it proved to be fabricated.


Biden claims he is a lifelong friend of the Jewish people and a Zionist, but these empty words are cover for a decades-long antipathy.​

For some American Jews, the months since Oct. 7 have felt like a horror movie, as they watch, with increasing alarm, as our president—for whom many voted, and in whom many placed inviolable trust—seemed to, moment after crucial moment, throw Israel under the bus.

Earlier this month, a U.N. report from its Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General revealed what Israel has been saying for months, namely that Hamas committed the most vile sexual violence and torture on Oct. 7, and such treatment likely continues to be perpetrated on hostages. Experts from the U.N.—an organization that is routinely hostile to the Jewish state—actually found “clear and convincing information that some [hostages] have been subjected to various forms of conflict-related sexual violence including rape and sexualized torture and sexualized cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and it also has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing.”

In reaction, Joe Biden’s State Department chose to level the charge of sexual abuse—at Israel. Recently, IDF Brig.-Gen. (res.) Amir Avivi recounted his meeting with a senior State Department official—since identified as Jill Hutchings, director of the Office of Israeli and Palestinian Affairs—who proceeded to accuse Israel of “systematically sexually abusing Palestinian women.” The State Department’s claim was based on information from Hamas pushed by Al Jazeera—which ended up deleting the story after it proved to be fabricated.

Obama threw Israel under the bus, too, in his parting F-U vote at the U.N., and I have no doubt that Obama is very active in directing things behind the curtain at the current time. He is very pro-Muslim and was indoctrinated in a Midrasha (or whatever they’re called).

Enriching the state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, allowed it to fund its proxy massacre against the Jews - and the bribe money for the Iranian hostages just reeks of Obama.

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