Take a Good Look Democrats, At What You Have Unleashed Upon America

All the Democrats who either voted for Joe Biden or manipulated votes to get him elected, need to take a good look at our March 2022 America. For that matter, just look at the whole world, and the state that it is in, after a little more than a year of Biden mismanagement, weakness, carelessness, corruption, and downright unconcern.

We now have:
1. the threat of nuclear war (which I haven't felt since the Cuban Missle Crisis in 1962),
2. astronomical inflation like has never been seen,
3. reckless opening of the Mexican border, with millions of unvetted, unvaccinated illegal aliens pouring in, and then being flown around the country on the taxpayer dollar,
4. energy crisis (after being world #1 energy producer)
5. Supply fiasco, with hundreds of cargo ships stalled
6. the Biden "American Rescue Plan (which be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white)
7. plenty more disasters you can add to this list
But but but Orange man bad. He calls people names.
And you think that the threats of nuclear war are because of Democrats? Here is another Pootin apologist on USMB...Yet, the North Koreans threatened nuclear war ever since they gotz da nukes which is about twenty-five years. So, you as per usual forgot about the truth in yer propaganda.
Strange way of putting thoughts together- but to be expected from the left loon world. Being Putin apologist connects with Democrats. All Biden actions/inactions a paved road for Putin. He's been waiting 4 years for somebody like Biden to come along.
Did I assert that ? I don't recall it. Concerns, but not to this level.
All the Democrats who either voted for Joe Biden or manipulated votes to get him elected, need to take a good look at our March 2022 America. For that matter, just look at the whole world, and the state that it is in, after a little more than a year of Biden mismanagement, weakness, carelessness, corruption, and downright unconcern.

We now have:
1. the threat of nuclear war (which I haven't felt since the Cuban Missle Crisis
in 1962),

You are clearly blaming Biden for Putin's attack on Ukraine and Putin's Nuclear threats.

You can't explain how Biden did that, but suppposedly all the Democrats like myself should be sorry for voting for Biden because of it.

As if Biden NOT being elected would make Russia-Ukraine conflict disapear. As if a descisive American allied response to Putin's agression is somehow the wrong policy, because he is now squirming and desperately bringing up the nuclear bluff.

It's pure nonsense. Biden is doing exactly what we Democrats want him doing (or very close to it), why the hell would we be regretting our vote? It's the opposite - we thank god everyday Biden is in office during these times, and not a crazy assclown like Trump.
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I said what I meant.

Not sure what to say
College Graduates' Ignorant Grammar Proves That Their "Education" Should Not Be Rewarded

A permissive dictionary is a contradiction in terms. For your information, "contradiction in terms" is the opposite of the true meaning of "oxymoron." The fact that copycat Americans have been led to believe that "oxymoron" means "a contradiction in terms" proves they have a slavish respect for the media they pretend to oppose, or for "their own side's" yackers, who prove they are on the same side as the opposition by copying its grammar verbatim. If every single talk-show guru spoke with the same regional accent, it'd really be stupid to choose which faction of that exclusive clique to follow unless you're from that region yourself.

"Equity" is a financial term and has nothing to do with equality. It comes from a word meaning "horse," as does "equestrian." The reason for that is the rarely told fact that only Romans who owned businesses had enough money to own, train, and equip warhorses. As an interesting aside (Low-IQ definition of "factoid") that is fatal to our imposed system of government, Roman businessmen ("knights") were forbidden from holding political office.

Senator Schumer got perfect SAT scores, but his ignorant and faddish pronunciation of "processes" as "prah-sess-eezes" proves that the university dumbs down even the highest IQs, turning them into narrow-minded conformists.
Oh really, you really are uninformed!

You see, Pooty knew what Biden was going to do before Biden knew what he was going to do. What has Pooty in trouble is...........he miscalculated what Germany, Poland, and France would do. Germanys response would have been totally different if Angela was still in there.

But that is ok. We need someone to lead NATO while this old fool is in office.

By the way, a lot of foreign policy and domestic policy is intertwined, like it or not.

By the way, Ukraine and NATO have both decided they will not enter NATO now, so then, I guess the war has ended?!?!?!?!?!?!
We Should Follow Putin's Example and Attack Mexico, Venezuela, and Cuba

This war will end only when the Ukraine absolutely can't join Napoleonic NYETO because it will once again be totally part of Russia. The next war will only be prevented when the other countries bordering Russia decide it would be safer for them if they got the hell out of NYETO. All Putin has to do is agree not to nuke Berlin if NYETO doesn't nuke Moscow and then fight the border wars using conventional weapons. The Eurine Union's military is a pushover and can't defend its members against a big-power military.
I know... Lucky they got in when they did or Trump would have really fucked it up....

Democrats have the usual job of cleaning up after one GOP guy or another...

Threat of Nuclear War has been explained many times as a result of appeasement to Russia..Democrats have to stand up to the bully, Trump was a coward in front of him...

Inflation is a result of the bounce back from the Trump Virus... If we were still in shit there would be no inflation..

Please explain what Biden did that opened the border... Trump cut funding to central American Countries and now surprised that people don't want to live there...

Energy Crisis: There is a fucking war going on..

Supply problem originated with Trump... As usual like a child you are giving out that Daddy is't cleaning up you mess fast enough...

6. No comment, there is no evidence to your statement

7... Please name some more as most of your complaints are that Biden can't fix Trump mistakes fast enough and GOP is successfully blocking progress under a Democratic President...
The Race Card Is a Joker

If you can't sell all that jazz, you can always fall back to blaming everything on RAY SIZZUM!!! That guy has the power to end all debate, because nobody wants to be accused of being his adopted son, RAY CYST!!!
You are clearly blaming Biden for Putin's attack on Ukraine and Putin's Nuclear threats.

You can't explain how Biden did that, but suppposedly all the Democrats like myself should be sorry for voting for Biden because of it.

As if Biden NOT being elected would make Russia-Ukraine conflict disapear. As if a descisive American allied response to Putin's agression is somehow the wrong policy, because he is now squirming and desperately bringing up the nuclear bluff.

It's pure nonsense. Biden is doing exactly what we Democrats want him doing (or very close to it), why the hell would we be regretting our vote? It's the opposite - we thank god everyday Biden is in office during these times, and not a crazy assclown like Trump.
Your last paragraph shows why you Democrats are incurably nuts, and MUST be defeated at the polls in November, and in 2024. Now let's unravel your Post # 166 ball of confusion mess.

1. Of course I am blaming Biden for the Ukraine/Russia mess, because he DESERVES to receive that blame.

2. I have already explained how Biden gets blame for the Ukraine/Russia war numerous times in other threads, + at least 3 times in THIS THREAD as well (Post # 81, 83, 159).

3. The proof that Biden not being elected would have there not be a Russia/Ukraine war is that it already been tested for 4 years. The entire time that Trump was president and his toughness with Putin, kept Putin at bay, and there was no attacks or war. As soon as Biden showed up with his obvious weakness, and Putin laughing at him, the war started. Not rocket science.

4. Why would you be regretting your vote ? Why ask, when the answer is clearly itemized for you in the OP ?
View attachment 619158

I said what I meant.

Not sure what to say about your drivel. Half of Democrats are white. No democrat wants to hurt white men or straight people. It’s your reflex that anything that helps someone by definition must hurt someone else. It’s a bullshit position to take but that’s what you see.
You can call it a "reflex" or use any other word you like, but there is no denying that for 58 years, Affirmative Action, has been (and still is) the # 1 racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest number of people (whites). It is the embodiment of INEQUITY in America, which has unfairly, unjustly, taken jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc. away from innocent & well-qualified whites based on the color of their skin.

It is a deranged abomination, that purports that it's OK to racially discriminate, as long as the beneficiares are black, and the victims are white.

I, myself, have been the victim of AA, since 1977, when I (and 17 other non-blacks) was denied an assistantship at my graduate school (Memphis State Univ). 5 years of college went right down the drain for me, as if those years and all that hard work never existed. I've spent the rest of my life struggling to find my way through a variety of substitute occupations, to make up for the complete loss of my chosen one (as did others who also had to drop out when the aid package was denied to them).

I look for the day when this monstrous "racial inequity" will have a policy to redress it.
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I will go back to the question you posed a couple days ago------------>why no threat of nuclear war, or wars in general under Trump.

Same damn reason there isn't an easily winnable war against a 3rd world country run by a bunch of inbreds in North Korea. Because they view Kim as crazy enough to do it!

Biden has been in government for somewhere around 50 years. All his decisions, his remarks, his votes, his suggestions to Obama when VP, can be seen just by anyone going to the internet. On the internet also, you can see what multiple defense secretary's thought of his stances. You can even see what the President he served under remarked, and it wasn't endearing at all.

Exact opposite with Trump. He was never in government, had no record on votes when there was a crisis, and was totally unpredictable, as unpredictable as the rest of the leaders who run these countries are. He made no qualms about going in to kill terrorists and admitting it after doing so, threatening terrorist leaders with certain death if they didn't toe the line, and addressing issues that for years, no American politician wanted to touch. How many of you remember that multiple cruise missile strike in the middle east he pulled while Xi was sitting at his dinner table at Mara Lago? Do people know that he killed as many Russians in that attack as the people he intended to kill because they were at that site helping them? What do you think Pooty and Xi thought about that!

Trump was an unknown quantity. They had no record, was brash, and they never knew what he might do if they did something.

We can debate if that is/was a good, or bad quality. But either way, it worked. Nobody wanted to play games, because they never could project how Trump was going to play the game.

Bidens own record hamstrings him. They already know what he is going to think before they do what they are going to do, to cause him to think it. That doesn't make him bad, that just makes him totally predictable. You can see by what Pooty did in Ukraine, what he figured Biden would do; so he cut a deal with China and others in advance to lessen the impact he already knew Biden would bring.

How many of you read what General Milly did and said when contacting China? Seems Milly had the same opinion of Trump, doesn't it! By the way, did you know the BRILLIANT Gen Milly said that Kyiv would fall 3 days after the Russians attacked? Man is a genius, isn't he!

So, tell me again if Trump would have been re-elected, who would the blackmailer be on the world stage by use of nuclear weapons by not saying a word. Love or hate the man, Trump had our adversaries afraid of us then, as much as the American public now fear them. To bad with Biden in there, it isn't reciprocal, because if it was, Pootys Ukraine excursion, would have had to wait till the next President, if then!
Nothing could be more clear than the contrast between Biden & Trump.

1. Trump - peace from strength.
2. Biden - war from weakness.
Your last paragraph shows why you Democrats are incurably nuts, and MUST be defeated at the polls in November, and in 2024. Now let's unravel your Post # 166 ball of confusion mess.

1. Of course I am blaming Biden for the Ukraine/Russia mess, because he DESERVES to receive that blame.

2. I have already explained how Biden gets blame for the Ukraine/Russia war numerous times in other threads, + at least 3 times in THIS THREAD as well (Post # 81, 83, 159).

3. The proof that Biden not being elected would have there not be a Russia/Ukraine war is that it already been tested for 4 years. The entire time that Trump was president and his toughness with Putin, kept Putin at bay, and there was no attacks or war. As soon as Biden showed up with his obvious weakness, and Putin laughing at him, the war started. Not rocket science.

4. Why would you be regretting your vote ? Why ask, when the answer is clearly itemized for you in the OP ?

"Trumps toughness kept Putin at bay"? Did you just seriously say that with a straight face?

Moron, what "toughness"??? What is it you think Putin was worried about? Was Trump going to flatter him to hard?

Trump's reaction to Putin's invasion was...to complement Putin on being a genius. This is who you think Putin was concerned about?

You are certifiably nuts.
All the Democrats who either voted for Joe Biden or manipulated votes to get him elected, need to take a good look at our March 2022 America. For that matter, just look at the whole world, and the state that it is in, after a little more than a year of Biden mismanagement, weakness, carelessness, corruption, and downright unconcern.

We now have:
1. the threat of nuclear war (which I haven't felt since the Cuban Missle Crisis in 1962),
2. astronomical inflation like has never been seen,
3. reckless opening of the Mexican border, with millions of unvetted, unvaccinated illegal aliens pouring in, and then being flown around the country on the taxpayer dollar,
4. energy crisis (after being world #1 energy producer)
5. Supply fiasco, with hundreds of cargo ships stalled
6. the Biden "American Rescue Plan (which be renamed > ARP as long as you're not white)
7. plenty more disasters you can add to this list
We have unemployment at record lows
Incomes are rising
Biden's reduced the threat of nuclear war
Inflation? Blame Trump and 8 years of artificially low interest rates along with trump's dumping hundreds of billions into the economy to try to stay in office
Mexican border is no more open than under trump. Your inability to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants points to your bigotry.
Still #1 producer AND produced more in 1 year under Biden than in Trump's last 13 months. DOH!

I could go on but your inability to recognize reality would make it useless.
In your opinion, how could that have been avoided.

Trump could have taken a hard line on Russia and nuclear war would have been certain.

Trump could have taken an entirely different approach and worked out an agreement with Russia that could have satisfied both sides.

The first would have been completely impossible, while the second is highly likely.

You have to promote Trump for the right reason and then there will be some possibility of progress. Taking a hard line approach against Russia won't work and it will be shown to not work soon.

A mutually agreed upon peace is the only way forward now.
so you think Trump could unilaterally force Ukraine to surrender itself?

This is what happens when you elect folks like Xiden, Harris and the dem agenda....they are owned by foreigners and thus weak on the world stage....opening the door to this sort of chaos.
Precisely right. Dems are fundamentally communists (ie. INTERnationalists) who have no nationalist bones in their bodies. To them, the world is all one country. To them, the US is the same as Canada, Argentina, Tanzania, India, Syria, Romania, Finland, you name it. All the same to them. They see a map of the world as having no national borders, no national languages, no national cultures, and just a big mish-mash of multi-culturalism, which is exactly what Biden is turning the US into, with his open border lunacy.

Two quotations from 2 famous globalists are indicative >>

1. Karl Marx - "Workers of the WORLD, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains."

2. Barrack Obama -
in a speech in Germany, when he said >> "
"I am a citizen of the WORLD.", for which he was sharply criticized by 2012 conservative presidential candidate Virgil Goode, who said "You're supposed to be a citizen of the United States, and as a US president, representing the American people, not the world."

But Obama was too GLOBALIST-STUPID to even comprehend what Virgil Goode was telling him. Democrat-Globalist loons lost in a fog of globalist lunacy.
College Graduates' Ignorant Grammar Proves That Their "Education" Should Not Be Rewarded

A permissive dictionary is a contradiction in terms. For your information, "contradiction in terms" is the opposite of the true meaning of "oxymoron." The fact that copycat Americans have been led to believe that "oxymoron" means "a contradiction in terms" proves they have a slavish respect for the media they pretend to oppose, or for "their own side's" yackers, who prove they are on the same side as the opposition by copying its grammar verbatim. If every single talk-show guru spoke with the same regional accent, it'd really be stupid to choose which faction of that exclusive clique to follow unless you're from that region yourself.

"Equity" is a financial term and has nothing to do with equality. It comes from a word meaning "horse," as does "equestrian." The reason for that is the rarely told fact that only Romans who owned businesses had enough money to own, train, and equip warhorses. As an interesting aside (Low-IQ definition of "factoid") that is fatal to our imposed system of government, Roman businessmen ("knights") were forbidden from holding political office.

Senator Schumer got perfect SAT scores, but his ignorant and faddish pronunciation of "processes" as "prah-sess-eezes" proves that the university dumbs down even the highest IQs, turning them into narrow-minded conformists.
“Google” meant nothing until it did. “Equity” means what it means now.

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