Taiwan's Highly Successful COVID-19 Response: Schools and Businesses Stay OPEN


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.

Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.

It also helps that you're an island and you won't allow Chinese to enter unless they're screened properly.
Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.

It also helps that you're an island and you won't allow Chinese to enter unless they're screened properly.

The point is that Taiwan has contained and greatly limited the spread of the virus without shutting down half of its economy, closing its schools, and banning large gatherings. If anything, given how many people traveled to and from China to/from Taiwan before the virus was detected, it is nothing short of amazing that Taiwan has done such a good job of containing it.
Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.


Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.



The reason Taiwan does not have domestic lockdowns that way the United States does is because UNLIKE the United States, they acted EARLY to prevent the disease from coming into the country and successfully contained any breakthrough in their defenses. THEY PREVENTED COMMUNITY SPREAD! Once community spread starts, that forces the country or region to go into lockdowns!

Taiwan took this seriously early and acted swiftly, and they are now enjoying the benefits of having done so as the virus rages across the United States.
Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.

It also helps that you're an island and you won't allow Chinese to enter unless they're screened properly.

The point is that Taiwan has contained and greatly limited the spread of the virus without shutting down half of its economy, closing its schools, and banning large gatherings. If anything, given how many people traveled to and from China to/from Taiwan before the virus was detected, it is nothing short of amazing that Taiwan has done such a good job of containing it.

Taiwan doesn't have to do domestic shutdowns like the United States does because they acted early to prevent community spread within the country with FOREIGN TRAVEL BANS and TESTING, TESTING, TESTING! Those two things combined prevented community spread.

Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.

It also helps that you're an island and you won't allow Chinese to enter unless they're screened properly.

The point is that Taiwan has contained and greatly limited the spread of the virus without shutting down half of its economy, closing its schools, and banning large gatherings. If anything, given how many people traveled to and from China to/from Taiwan before the virus was detected, it is nothing short of amazing that Taiwan has done such a good job of containing it.
It's called common-sense.....something the left severely lacks these days. Common-sense is called racism in this country.
If cops tested for coroners virus as often as they checked for license, tag expiration, bad turn signals, INSURANCE !. They might catch a fault worth catching and send the positives home under self quarantine until retested in a couple weeks before OK'd to go out. Revenuers would never hear of such a thing. Plus the blue and brown shirts unions would demand "hazardous duty" pay

Great Thread.

I am also watching this one closely.
If the media was honest the Democrat Party would be finished now.....because their open-borders policies helped make this pandemic a reality.

Taiwan has open borders, but they closed them when the crises hit in January. Trump did not do that. Now the United States must stay in lockdown because we have community spread in the country.

Great Thread.

I am also watching this one closely.

Taiwan is not the same as Sweden. Taiwan was way ahead of the problem. Sweden has one of the highest case levels per capita of coronavirus on the planet. One thing Sweden may have is more widespread testing than the United States and quarantining of those that test positive. But here in the United States, we don't have that testing capability yet thanks to Trump.
If the media was honest the Democrat Party would be finished now.....because their open-borders policies helped make this pandemic a reality.

Taiwan has open borders, but they closed them when the crises hit in January. Trump did not do that. Now the United States must stay in lockdown because we have community spread in the country.
Yeah, like that would have happened. The Dem’s had conniption fits when he restricted travel from China originally. Remember? He was xenophobic!
Shame our leaders didn’t take this seriously enough and follow a similar path.
If the media was honest the Democrat Party would be finished now.....because their open-borders policies helped make this pandemic a reality.

Taiwan has open borders, but they closed them when the crises hit in January. Trump did not do that. Now the United States must stay in lockdown because we have community spread in the country.
Yeah, like that would have happened. The Dem’s had conniption fits when he restricted travel from China originally. Remember? He was xenophobic!

The President has the authority to do it. All he has to do is declare a national emergency. He has executive power and control of the Senate. Trump could easily have done what Taiwan did. He FAILED TO ACT! TRUMP said it would suddenly just disappear.
Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.


Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.



The reason Taiwan does not have domestic lockdowns that way the United States does is because UNLIKE the United States, they acted EARLY to prevent the disease from coming into the country and successfully contained any breakthrough in their defenses. THEY PREVENTED COMMUNITY SPREAD! Once community spread starts, that forces the country or region to go into lockdowns!

Taiwan took this seriously early and acted swiftly, and they are now enjoying the benefits of having done so as the virus rages across the United States.

Uh, because people like you howled and screamed when Trump just banned travel from China. Dem presidential candidates accused him of "xenophobia" and "racism" and claimed the ban was an "over-reaction."

As for our slowness in testing, you can thank federal red tape for that debacle:

Sounds like a sane healthy response.

It is a sane healthy response if you live on an island and you stopped almost all travel 3 months ago and had mass testing ready to use when necessary.
Taiwan's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been praised worldwide. Taiwan has one of the lowest infection rates in the world. Therefore, it is interesting to learn that Taiwan has not closed its schools and has allowed nearly all businesses to remain open. Taiwan has also refrained from absolute bans on large and small gatherings, which is why nearly all Taiwanese businesses have been able to stay open. And, as of 19 hours ago, Taiwan has had fewer than 300 COVID-19 cases out of a population of 24 million.

So what measures has Taiwan taken? Taiwan has imposed very strict travel bans and has been very aggressive and proactive in testing its citizens. Taiwan has also required all citizens who have returned from overseas travel to stay home for 14 days. Taiwan has urged citizens to practice social distancing whenever feasible, but, again, has not imposed outright bans on gatherings. Taiwan delayed the resumption of its school year for only two weeks in February, and all of Taiwan's schools have been open since February 25. Why? Because Taiwan's health authorities realized fairly quickly that the virus poses such an extremely small risk to children that there was no sound reason to close schools.

Now, although Taiwan has allowed schools to remain open, it has imposed some measures on its schools. When children arrive at school, they are checked for fever, and are sent home if they have a fever. Schools with more than 1,000 students are required to have at least 10 entrance lanes for temperature checks, and dividers are placed on students’ desks to separate them.

It also helps that you're an island and you won't allow Chinese to enter unless they're screened properly.

The point is that Taiwan has contained and greatly limited the spread of the virus without shutting down half of its economy, closing its schools, and banning large gatherings. If anything, given how many people traveled to and from China to/from Taiwan before the virus was detected, it is nothing short of amazing that Taiwan has done such a good job of containing it.

Everyone wore a mask unlike what are CDC recommended. It only makes sense for everyone to wear one even if it's just 50% protection. What keeps droplets out will keep droplets in. Now Dr Fauci seems to agree with that and many scientists.

Great Thread.

I am also watching this one closely.

Taiwan is not the same as Sweden. Taiwan was way ahead of the problem. Sweden has one of the highest case levels per capita of coronavirus on the planet. One thing Sweden may have is more widespread testing than the United States and quarantining of those that test positive. But here in the United States, we don't have that testing capability yet thanks to Trump.

I am watching it because they are not shutting down.

I am not saying it is good or bad. I was just pointing it out.

When you have a small population, like Sweden a few changes can throw statistics way off.

Their death toll was nothing yesterday, but it appears they may not have reported it as it is up to 36 already today.

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