Taiwanese news report about Oregon "militia"

so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?

It's civil disobedience. I thought Libs supported civil disobedience.
What they are doing IS NOT civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is when protesters invite arrest and are will to pay the consequences of breaking the law. The Bundy terrorists have vowed violence if law enforcement tries to arrest them. That is a key factor of differentiating them as terrorist instead of practitioners of civil disobedience.
Yeah ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago.
Neither the riots nor the Bundy situation fits the definition of civil disobedience. Only a very dishonest partisan or desperate one not educated enough to know definitions of the terms being used would make such claims. No academic source defines civil disobedience the way you are trying to define it. You are just parroting some rw talk show persons talking point that was made to fool suckers like you.
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?

It's civil disobedience. I thought Libs supported civil disobedience.
What they are doing IS NOT civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is when protesters invite arrest and are will to pay the consequences of breaking the law. The Bundy terrorists have vowed violence if law enforcement tries to arrest them. That is a key factor of differentiating them as terrorist instead of practitioners of civil disobedience.
Yeah ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago.
Neither the riots nor the Bundy situation fits the definition of civil disobedience. Only a very dishonest partisan or desperate one not educated enough to know definitions of the terms being used would make such claims. No academic source defines civil disobedience the way you are trying to define it. You are just parroting some rw talk show persons talking point that was made to fool suckers like you.
When a baseball game is stopped due to civil disobedience it is
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?
I actually have no idea what's going on, the only thing I do know is to not believe the media is going to tell me the truth.

When the media calls them terrorist for taking over an empty building but won't say the same of people sawing off the heads of christians...
That was not an empty building and you should know that by now. "They", plural, include irreplaceable historical buildings filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts in the museum and equipment in the garage and yard, staff residences, storage buildings and other maintenance buildings.
But no humans right? So did not inconvenience anyone. Hmmm empty
It has inconvenienced lots of people, and temporarily unoccupied is not the same as empty. Why do you argue the same lame arguments over and over?
I think we can all agree because of the responses in this thread that republicans fully support these wacko "militia" men. And also from this thread, by endlessly trying to compare them to the Ferguson rioters and the occupy movement they must, by default, support those also. Man, these republicans are a piece of work.
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?
I actually have no idea what's going on, the only thing I do know is to not believe the media is going to tell me the truth.

When the media calls them terrorist for taking over an empty building but won't say the same of people sawing off the heads of christians...
That was not an empty building and you should know that by now. "They", plural, include irreplaceable historical buildings filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts in the museum and equipment in the garage and yard, staff residences, storage buildings and other maintenance buildings.
But no humans right? So did not inconvenience anyone. Hmmm empty
It has inconvenienced lots of people, and temporarily unoccupied is not the same as empty. Why do you argue the same lame arguments over and over?
Cause I'm right ask the store owners in ferguson who got looted buildings burned, cop cars burned but that's just an everyday thing there right?
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?
I actually have no idea what's going on, the only thing I do know is to not believe the media is going to tell me the truth.

When the media calls them terrorist for taking over an empty building but won't say the same of people sawing off the heads of christians...
That was not an empty building and you should know that by now. "They", plural, include irreplaceable historical buildings filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts in the museum and equipment in the garage and yard, staff residences, storage buildings and other maintenance buildings.
But no humans right? So did not inconvenience anyone. Hmmm empty
It has inconvenienced lots of people, and temporarily unoccupied is not the same as empty. Why do you argue the same lame arguments over and over?
Cause I'm right ask the store owners in ferguson who got looted buildings burned, cop cars burned but that's just an everyday thing there right?
No, and no doubt the merchants would have preferred acts of civil disobedience instead of rioters. There were those who attempted civil disobedience and peaceful protest, but the criminals took control. You just are unable to separate the two different factions because of you dishonesty coupled with your racist hatred and dimwittedness.

Oregon governor defies feds to slam inaction on militants’ ‘spectacle of lawlessness’

“This situation is absolutely intolerable and it must be resolved immediately,” Brown said, in a press conference where she also laid out policy proposals. “The very fabric of this community is being ripped apart.”
Brown said the residents of Harney County have been “overlooked and underserved by federal officials’ response thus far.”
Brown added the “spectacle of lawlessness must end.”
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?

It's civil disobedience. I thought Libs supported civil disobedience.

Not when it's non-liberals being disobedient. They now demand law and order.
You dumb fuck, civil disobediance does not involve guns,.
Just violence and looting right asshole?
That's not civil diobediance either. You're not very good at this, are you?
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?

It's civil disobedience. I thought Libs supported civil disobedience.
What they are doing IS NOT civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is when protesters invite arrest and are will to pay the consequences of breaking the law. The Bundy terrorists have vowed violence if law enforcement tries to arrest them. That is a key factor of differentiating them as terrorist instead of practitioners of civil disobedience.
Pearls before swine, my friend.
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?

It's civil disobedience. I thought Libs supported civil disobedience.

Not when it's non-liberals being disobedient. They now demand law and order.
You dumb fuck, civil disobediance does not involve guns,.

True, you guys would know. Usually you guys use, rocks, bottles, feces, fire, etc., but usually not guns.
You have no clue what civil disobediance is...do you? May I suggest studying Henry David Thoreau, Ghanhi, & Martin Luther King Jr. If the reading isn't too hard.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?
I actually have no idea what's going on, the only thing I do know is to not believe the media is going to tell me the truth.

When the media calls them terrorist for taking over an empty building but won't say the same of people sawing off the heads of christians...
That was not an empty building and you should know that by now. "They", plural, include irreplaceable historical buildings filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts in the museum and equipment in the garage and yard, staff residences, storage buildings and other maintenance buildings.
But no humans right? So did not inconvenience anyone. Hmmm empty
It has inconvenienced lots of people, and temporarily unoccupied is not the same as empty. Why do you argue the same lame arguments over and over?
Cause I'm right ask the store owners in ferguson who got looted buildings burned, cop cars burned but that's just an everyday thing there right?
Do you really need me to tell you that those were crimes..and those caught were arrested?
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?
I actually have no idea what's going on, the only thing I do know is to not believe the media is going to tell me the truth.

When the media calls them terrorist for taking over an empty building but won't say the same of people sawing off the heads of christians...
That was not an empty building and you should know that by now. "They", plural, include irreplaceable historical buildings filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts in the museum and equipment in the garage and yard, staff residences, storage buildings and other maintenance buildings.
I'll repeat, I am paying no attention to this story.

but I'm gunna assume you are a lying pile of shit, b/c its a hobby to you.

It was an empty building, but to liars, it had stuff in it, and that stuff is important.

but it is nice to know that stuff is more important than people to you.
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?
I actually have no idea what's going on, the only thing I do know is to not believe the media is going to tell me the truth.

When the media calls them terrorist for taking over an empty building but won't say the same of people sawing off the heads of christians...
That was not an empty building and you should know that by now. "They", plural, include irreplaceable historical buildings filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts in the museum and equipment in the garage and yard, staff residences, storage buildings and other maintenance buildings.
I'll repeat, I am paying no attention to this story.

but I'm gunna assume you are a lying pile of shit, b/c its a hobby to you.

It was an empty building, but to liars, it had stuff in it, and that stuff is important.

but it is nice to know that stuff is more important than people to you.
Is your home empty when no one is home. You are funny. You start out saying you are not paying attention to this story and make comments about it. Why are you posting if you are not paying attenton to the story?
How does thinking property is important equal not thinking people are important too?
Never mind, you sound drunk
They want to return artifacts and keep the Land for their own Private Profit...these are armed squatters out to steal land..........

Militants claim they want to return Paiute artifacts from Oregon reserve in new video


Oregon governor defies feds to slam inaction on militants’ ‘spectacle of lawlessness’
so when the next riot hits, I can dig up insults from another country and you will support it.
Of course. Rioting is illegal and that's why so many were arrested.

Do you support the Bundy bird refuge takeover?
I actually have no idea what's going on, the only thing I do know is to not believe the media is going to tell me the truth.

When the media calls them terrorist for taking over an empty building but won't say the same of people sawing off the heads of christians...
That was not an empty building and you should know that by now. "They", plural, include irreplaceable historical buildings filled with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts in the museum and equipment in the garage and yard, staff residences, storage buildings and other maintenance buildings.
I'll repeat, I am paying no attention to this story.

but I'm gunna assume you are a lying pile of shit, b/c its a hobby to you.

It was an empty building, but to liars, it had stuff in it, and that stuff is important.

but it is nice to know that stuff is more important than people to you.
You certainly AREN'T paying attention to this story, are you? You are bereft of facts.
Its more than simply occupying an empty Building...they are disrupting the community to the point that children have missed days of school...they are causing a tax burden to fall on the community to pay for security costs caused by the presence of armed outsiders to the community occupying a Federal building and threatening to shoot anyone who tries to stop them... one of the tasks of Government is to "ensure domestic tranquility"...that is one of the things these armed bullies have stolen from the Oregon community they have stolen its tranquility to carry out a profit motive outsider political goal of gaining control of lands............

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