T/F: Hillarys numbers can only go down; Trump's can only go up

Hillary is a terrible candidate. She sounds like every guy's ex and has the people skills of a block of stone. People like the idea of Hillary, but the more they see of her, the less they like the reality.
Yep, Hillary IS a terrible candidate (not to mention a fucking scumbag of a person) and yet at this point it looks like she's going to win the general election, which (if she does indeed win) is like getting the shit kicked out of you by a 2 year old Hobbit....

Way to go Republicans! just when one thought you couldn't embarrass yourselves any more than you already have you manage to surprise to the downside.:rolleyes:
They should have able to beat her easily, and had the elites been paying attention to the voters, would have been.
Hillary is a terrible candidate. She sounds like every guy's ex and has the people skills of a block of stone. People like the idea of Hillary, but the more they see of her, the less they like the reality.

You don't need one iota of "people skills" when the alternative is Donald Rump.
Think about it.
Actually, you do. We know that negative politics works, and the Trumpster is the king of negative, perhaps on par with the Clinton slime machine. Bill would be immune, Hillary not so much.

:::::: wwwwhhhhoooossshhhhh::::::

What an airball.
Hillary is a terrible candidate. She sounds like every guy's ex and has the people skills of a block of stone. People like the idea of Hillary, but the more they see of her, the less they like the reality.

You don't need one iota of "people skills" when the alternative is Donald Rump.
Think about it.
Actually, you do. We know that negative politics works, and the Trumpster is the king of negative, perhaps on par with the Clinton slime machine. Bill would be immune, Hillary not so much.

:::::: wwwwhhhhoooossshhhhh::::::

What an airball.
LOL. Do you actually believe that Hillary has Bubba's charm? You're in the minority if you do.
Hillary is a terrible candidate. She sounds like every guy's ex and has the people skills of a block of stone. People like the idea of Hillary, but the more they see of her, the less they like the reality.

You don't need one iota of "people skills" when the alternative is Donald Rump.
Think about it.
Actually, you do. We know that negative politics works, and the Trumpster is the king of negative, perhaps on par with the Clinton slime machine. Bill would be immune, Hillary not so much.

:::::: wwwwhhhhoooossshhhhh::::::

What an airball.
LOL. Do you actually believe that Hillary has Bubba's charm? You're in the minority if you do.

You really need this point spelled out to a toddler reading level?

Look --- the original point was about personality: "people skills", the idea being that Hillary doesn't have them.

Still with us? Need to take a break?

OK we're back. So I then pointed out that the other person compared (Rump) has negative people skills (e.g. "rapists"... "losers".... "pigs" ..... "low energy"..... "little Marco" ..... "can't satisfy her husband" ..... "disgusting" ..... etc etc ad nauseum).

Now take those two together. Write 'em down if you need to....

.... If A has no people skills, and B has negative people skills ------- guess who's got the advantage.

Get it yet? Take your time.
Is this woman Hillary a vampire? Where the fuck is she? Trump is on being interviewed every single night and she talks incessantly about being the transparent candidate :ack-1::ack-1:.........but how can that be when she is rarely seen in public and never gets interviewed?:dunno:
My opinion......we've known Hillary for 25 years now. Trump? New to politics.

My opinion now is.....

If you don't like Hillary by now....you NEVER will.
If you don't HATE Trump by now....you NEVER will.

So....Hillarys numbers can only stay even or go down.
And....Trump's numbers can only stay even or go up.

As time goes...some who lean Hillary may begin to change their minds. And some who dislike Trump...may change their mind.

But I just don't see how anyone who doesn't already like Hillary all of a sudden sees her and likes her. We've seen and heard it all. So.....all she can do is lose voters.

And I don't see how someone who doesn't already hate Trump...begins hating him. If you don't by now....you wont. So...he's lost what he'll lose already. All he can do is gain voters.

Thoughts?? I think this thing is slowly but surely gonna drift to a deadlock in November. I believe this could be the closest election maybe in US history.
The numbers are against the GOP.

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Hillary is a terrible candidate. She sounds like every guy's ex and has the people skills of a block of stone. People like the idea of Hillary, but the more they see of her, the less they like the reality.

You don't need one iota of "people skills" when the alternative is Donald Rump.
Think about it.
Actually, you do. We know that negative politics works, and the Trumpster is the king of negative, perhaps on par with the Clinton slime machine. Bill would be immune, Hillary not so much.

:::::: wwwwhhhhoooossshhhhh::::::

What an airball.
LOL. Do you actually believe that Hillary has Bubba's charm? You're in the minority if you do.

You really need this point spelled out to a toddler reading level?

Look --- the original point was about personality: "people skills", the idea being that Hillary doesn't have them.

Still with us? Need to take a break?

OK we're back. So I then pointed out that the other person compared (Rump) has negative people skills (e.g. "rapists"... "losers".... "pigs" ..... "low energy"..... "little Marco" ..... "can't satisfy her husband" ..... "disgusting" ..... etc etc ad nauseum).

Now take those two together. Write 'em down if you need to....

.... If A has no people skills, and B has negative people skills ------- guess who's got the advantage.

Get it yet? Take your time.
When A also has decades of political sleaze and baggage she's carrying around, and B not only excels in fights, but is not afraid to meet A in the mud where she prefers to fight, it's a fairly even battle.
Is this woman Hillary a vampire? Where the fuck is she? Trump is on being interviewed every single night and she talks incessantly about being the transparent candidate :ack-1::ack-1:.........but how can that be when she is rarely seen in public and never gets interviewed?:dunno:
Maybe it's getting harder to find sycophantic interviewers?
My opinion......we've known Hillary for 25 years now. Trump? New to politics.

My opinion now is.....

If you don't like Hillary by now....you NEVER will.
If you don't HATE Trump by now....you NEVER will.

So....Hillarys numbers can only stay even or go down.
And....Trump's numbers can only stay even or go up.

As time goes...some who lean Hillary may begin to change their minds. And some who dislike Trump...may change their mind.

But I just don't see how anyone who doesn't already like Hillary all of a sudden sees her and likes her. We've seen and heard it all. So.....all she can do is lose voters.

And I don't see how someone who doesn't already hate Trump...begins hating him. If you don't by now....you wont. So...he's lost what he'll lose already. All he can do is gain voters.

Thoughts?? I think this thing is slowly but surely gonna drift to a deadlock in November. I believe this could be the closest election maybe in US history.
The numbers are against the GOP.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You need to be brought up to speed here, Marc. Read Hillary and Sanger thread. It's an education you cannot afford to miss.
Moot point.
The FBI, soon to be called "CORRUPT REP HACKS" by the Clinton ass lickers on this forum, will be recommending a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary to the AG.
Lynch has political ambitions far beyond being the AG.
I believe she will proceed with filing the charges. She is looking a long way down the political road.
If she is seen to be dragging her feet then her life in politics is over.
The fact that Hillary's political life will be over when the FBI recommends charges, whether Lynch goes ahead or not is a forgone conclusion.
There is a 100% certainty the FBI will recommend some charges against Hillary.
My record of being correct on these matters is 99.999%.
Take it to the bank.
The Perfect Storm Circling Hillary Clinton
When the President of the United States calls what Hillary did "careless" in handling government emails she has a big fucking problem that's not going away.
Moot point.
The FBI, soon to be called "CORRUPT REP HACKS" by the Clinton ass lickers on this forum, will be recommending a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary to the AG.
Lynch has political ambitions far beyond being the AG.
I believe she will proceed with filing the charges. She is looking a long way down the political road.
If she is seen to be dragging her feet then her life in politics is over.
The fact that Hillary's political life will be over when the FBI recommends charges, whether Lynch goes ahead or not is a forgone conclusion.
There is a 100% certainty the FBI will recommend some charges against Hillary.
My record of being correct on these matters is 99.999%.
Take it to the bank.
The Perfect Storm Circling Hillary Clinton
When the President of the United States calls what Hillary did "careless" in handling government emails she has a big fucking problem that's not going away.

Dude I hope you are right but I am skeptical. The powerful protect the powerful and back-room deals ensure it.......the stuff the public never see's. Not to mention what we know happens out there. Look what happened to Robert Deniro with the whole autism vaccinations thing.........was dropped like a hot potato. Tens of billions of $$ at stake. Shit happens. Think the guy just suddenly lost interest?:up:. Lynch will be delivered the message in a manner as old as dirt.

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