Systemical Racism

yes, the fact that people like you ABSOLUTELY FREAKED OUT because a black man got elected made things a lot worse.

We freaked out because this clown was a radical himself, and the most leftist President in our lifetime.

The Titanic was making excellent time until it hit the iceberg. The fact is, with TRUMP PLAGUE, minorities were hardest hit. They were more likely to work in the kind of businesses that had to be shut down.

Making up your own stories again, huh Doctor Joe?

Given how badly Trump has fucked this all up, no one wants his help.

Good, then let their cities keep getting destroyed. Let more of their citizens get killed. Less Democrat voters for us to be concerned about in November.

Uh, the only people bringing these folks in are white republicans who hire them. Not that Americans of any color want to do this shit work.

Look, man, you guys ran on racism for the last decade, and now it's blowing up in your faces because you doubled and tripled down on it.

We don't bring up race--you people do, especially people like you. You thrive on it, promote it, and race bait every chance you get. The Republicans treat everybody of race the same way. You on the left have a special category for them like the kids on the short bus. According to you on the left, they need special treatment, special laws, special considerations, special perks because in your minds, they are not like everybody else.
Then you should have no problem quoting a single fucking person saying that. Please go ahead.

Your evil anger is showing. Barack Obama said he would bring America back together, time and time again. He also said "You (Republicans) can ride in the bus with us but you have to get in the back."
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." - Barack Incompetent Obama

Your vulgarity is as sickening and destructive as your hostility and ignorance.
I will not read another word from your ignorant mouth. Ignore List for you.

ciao brutto
That's kind of the point. We on the right don't divide Americans, and then decide who we like and who we hate. Trump's (and Republicans) motto is a rising tide lifts all boats. We don't believe in treating blacks (or any other group) like short bus riders who need special programs or advantages because they are mentally challenged.

Oh, please, he just shoots them with rubber bullets and promotes hateful statues.

People are seeing through Trump... it's why he's behind by double digits...
We freaked out because this clown was a radical himself, and the most leftist President in our lifetime.

OH, please. LBJ was more radical than Obama. Obama was a moderate..

You guys freaked when he implemented the health care reform you had been advocating for years.

Good, then let their cities keep getting destroyed. Let more of their citizens get killed. Less Democrat voters for us to be concerned about in November.

Guy, the person losing voters in TRUMP RIOTS is Trump. He's lost control of the country. Nobody has riots on his watch and then says what a good job he's doing, ask LBJ or Bush.

We don't bring up race--you people do, especially people like you. You thrive on it, promote it, and race bait every chance you get. The Republicans treat everybody of race the same way. You on the left have a special category for them like the kids on the short bus. According to you on the left, they need special treatment, special laws, special considerations, special perks because in your minds, they are not like everybody else.

NO, we just recognize you don't get rid of 400 years of institutionalized racism by not talking about it. That would be silly.

The GOP has been race-baiting since Tricky Dick. Reagan's Welfare Queens, Bush's Willie Horton Ads, Trump's "Birther" claims, it's how they get stupid white people like you to vote against your own economic interests. The problem is, while it did work for a while, minorities are a larger part of the electorate and they don't buy that shit anymore.

Trump is the last Republican President. We'll all be better off for it.
OH, please. LBJ was more radical than Obama. Obama was a moderate..

You guys freaked when he implemented the health care reform you had been advocating for years.

We never advocated for government takeover of healthcare. I believe Newt brought it up once because Bill allowed Hillary to try and takeover it.

Guy, the person losing voters in TRUMP RIOTS is Trump. He's lost control of the country. Nobody has riots on his watch and then says what a good job he's doing, ask LBJ or Bush.

You think people on the fence are as stupid as you Democrats. You really think they are going to blame Trump for Democrats destroying Democrat cities all across the country, because of a cop, in a Democrat city, killed a black career criminal?

Are they going to blame Trump for Democrats defunding and dismantling their police departments that will result in huge crime increases in their cities too?

The problem here is any one of these commie Mayors could have asked the President for help (which is required before a President can so anything) and the President would have restored peace in their city within 48 hours. Democrats are failures, every one of them.

NO, we just recognize you don't get rid of 400 years of institutionalized racism by not talking about it. That would be silly.

The GOP has been race-baiting since Tricky Dick. Reagan's Welfare Queens, Bush's Willie Horton Ads, Trump's "Birther" claims, it's how they get stupid white people like you to vote against your own economic interests. The problem is, while it did work for a while, minorities are a larger part of the electorate and they don't buy that shit anymore.

Trump is the last Republican President. We'll all be better off for it.

Democrats always had the black vote our entire lives. As long as you people treat blacks like children, tell them they will fail without your help because they are too stupid to make it on their own, the more educated blacks will be drifting towards our side.
That's kind of the point. We on the right don't divide Americans, and then decide who we like and who we hate. Trump's (and Republicans) motto is a rising tide lifts all boats. We don't believe in treating blacks (or any other group) like short bus riders who need special programs or advantages because they are mentally challenged.

Oh, please, he just shoots them with rubber bullets and promotes hateful statues.

People are seeing through Trump... it's why he's behind by double digits...

Just like he was with Hillary. Guess what? The election is over four months away. I'm glad Trump is standing up to the commies who think they're accomplishing anything by tearing down statues. Now they will be facing a ten year minimum sentence for their fun. They will get out of prison, and will only be able to get minimum wage jobs because nobody will hire them for a good paying job. You Democrats are so brilliant.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

― George Orwell, 1984
We never advocated for government takeover of healthcare. I believe Newt brought it up once because Bill allowed Hillary to try and takeover it.

No, you keep forgetting we had this discussion. Hillary proposed a Government Option, the GOP proposed insurance mandates and government subsidies. (Because you guys are all for "Socialism" for the rich). Mitt Romney did it in Massachusetts, and you guys were all for it. People were more worried about his Mormonism in 2008 than his socialized medicine.

Then the black guy got in, and pretty much, you guys, including Mitt, ran away from your own plan because he did.

You think people on the fence are as stupid as you Democrats. You really think they are going to blame Trump for Democrats destroying Democrat cities all across the country, because of a cop, in a Democrat city, killed a black career criminal?

Uh, yeah, I think that people do blame Trump for his incendiary rhetoric... which is why no one is showing up to his rallies anymore.


Are they going to blame Trump for Democrats defunding and dismantling their police departments that will result in huge crime increases in their cities too?

No one is going to "dismantle" the cops, and most Americans support police reform now.

The problem here is any one of these commie Mayors could have asked the President for help (which is required before a President can so anything) and the President would have restored peace in their city within 48 hours. Democrats are failures, every one of them.

The thing is, every last one of those mayors know anything Trump would do will just make things worse. Because Trump fucks up everything he touches. In November, the people will have their say and gone he'll get.

Democrats always had the black vote our entire lives. As long as you people treat blacks like children, tell them they will fail without your help because they are too stupid to make it on their own, the more educated blacks will be drifting towards our side.

Here's why the "Educated" black will still vote Democrat. Because he knows damned well that no matter how much you earn, there'll be some racist with a badge ready to harrass him if the GOP had it's way.

Again, buddy, after Trump is gone, your party is going to lose a lot of people of all races... I expect a long time in the political wilderness for you...

Just like he was with Hillary. Guess what? The election is over four months away. I'm glad Trump is standing up to the commies who think they're accomplishing anything by tearing down statues. Now they will be facing a ten year minimum sentence for their fun. They will get out of prison, and will only be able to get minimum wage jobs because nobody will hire them for a good paying job. You Democrats are so brilliant.

Trump was never behind Hillary by double digits. To put in in perspective, in the RCP average, Trump is down by 9.5%, only because RCP is right wing and includes polls they shouldn't.

By the same token, RCP at this point in 2016 had Hillary up by 5 points.

Nobody is going to jail for tearing down a racist statue.. This is more of Trump's bluster.
No, you keep forgetting we had this discussion. Hillary proposed a Government Option, the GOP proposed insurance mandates and government subsidies. (Because you guys are all for "Socialism" for the rich). Mitt Romney did it in Massachusetts, and you guys were all for it. People were more worried about his Mormonism in 2008 than his socialized medicine.

Then the black guy got in, and pretty much, you guys, including Mitt, ran away from your own plan because he did.
Uh, yeah, I think that people do blame Trump for his incendiary rhetoric... which is why no one is showing up to his rallies anymore.

The reason they're not showing up at his rallies is in fear of catching the virus. If not for the virus, he would be packing them in as usual, with thousands standing outside just to be near him, watching his address on a big screen.

Democrats are the only people in the world that can see a wall in front of them, deny it's there, and try to walk through it.

No one is going to "dismantle" the cops, and most Americans support police reform now.

Try asking any one of those people what police reform even means. Those are the same people who don't know the name of George Floyd.

Here's why the "Educated" black will still vote Democrat. Because he knows damned well that no matter how much you earn, there'll be some racist with a badge ready to harrass him if the GOP had it's way.

Again, buddy, after Trump is gone, your party is going to lose a lot of people of all races... I expect a long time in the political wilderness for you...

Yes, I know. You said the same thing last presidential election.

Trump was never behind Hillary by double digits. To put in in perspective, in the RCP average, Trump is down by 9.5%, only because RCP is right wing and includes polls they shouldn't.

By the same token, RCP at this point in 2016 had Hillary up by 5 points.

Nobody is going to jail for tearing down a racist statue.. This is more of Trump's bluster.

Yep, they will be. Trump signed an executive order yesterday, and the people who were arrested for tearing down statues will be going to jail for 10 years.
The reason they're not showing up at his rallies is in fear of catching the virus. If not for the virus, he would be packing them in as usual, with thousands standing outside just to be near him, watching his address on a big screen.

His followers all think the virus is a hoax, because he told them it was.

Try asking any one of those people what police reform even means. Those are the same people who don't know the name of George Floyd.

I've heard some very sensible proposals for police reform. Point is, what we've been doing so far doesn't work.

Yes, I know. You said the same thing last presidential election.

We won the last election by 3 million votes... you guys haven't won a national election since 2004.

Yep, they will be. Trump signed an executive order yesterday, and the people who were arrested for tearing down statues will be going to jail for 10 years.

That's nice. Executive orders aren't the law. You still need to have trials... and guess what, the people on the juries will be the people who wished THEY tore down those statues.

Trump's impotence is becoming clearer each day. Even Tucker Carlson is breaking bad on him.
His followers all think the virus is a hoax, because he told them it was.

Nope, you're just another MSM slave. Me and my family all wear masks in public. Same with my friends who are all Republican. I avoid going anywhere I don't need to go. My hair looks like hell at this point.

Did you see those riots? Think all those people without masks on were Republicans? Apparently a lot of leftists think the virus is no real threat either.

I've heard some very sensible proposals for police reform. Point is, what we've been doing so far doesn't work.

There is a simple reason for that. You can't have peace when you have uncivilized people living in a civilized society. It doesn't work. Those people need to be flown out of the country to an uncivilized place of their choice.

We won the last election by 3 million votes... you guys haven't won a national election since 2004.

You won??? Well whatdiga win, watdiga win???

That's nice. Executive orders aren't the law. You still need to have trials... and guess what, the people on the juries will be the people who wished THEY tore down those statues.

Trump's impotence is becoming clearer each day. Even Tucker Carlson is breaking bad on him.

Nobody watches Fucker Carlson including you. They keep people like him around to show how fair and balanced Fox is.

Actually, the 10 year penalty for tearing down statues on federal property has been around long before Trump.
Nope, you're just another MSM slave. Me and my family all wear masks in public. Same with my friends who are all Republican. I avoid going anywhere I don't need to go. My hair looks like hell at this point.

Did you see those riots? Think all those people without masks on were Republicans? Apparently a lot of leftists think the virus is no real threat either.

Naw, they are just more worried bout racist bullets than a virus.

There is a simple reason for that. You can't have peace when you have uncivilized people living in a civilized society. It doesn't work. Those people need to be flown out of the country to an uncivilized place of their choice.

Nope. Look, man, you aren't going to get your racist utopia... you are just going to have to continue the freakout you've been having since 2008.

Nobody watches Fucker Carlson including you. They keep people like him around to show how fair and balanced Fox is.

Wow, amazing how none of you guys watch Fox News or listen to Hate Radio, but you keep repeating their daily talking points.
Systemic Racism is a just a Prog Dog Whistle that translates into White People Bad.

There is no argument that racism does exist. You may find it here or there from time to time. However systemic means it's everywhere, and can't be avoided. It's a ridiculous argument for anybody on the left to make.

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