"Systemic Racism" the Latest Leftist Lie


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The Left has been mightily distressed over the past few years because "inequality," as it pertains to Black Americans, has been pretty much explained by cultural factors, as opposed to racism. You are bound to be sucking at the hind teat - whether you are Black, white, or other - if you are born to a single mother, if you drop out of school, if you engage in petty criminality and dabble with "controlled substances." Or if your culture demonizes proper grammar, and any sort of academic or career diligence, calling it, "Acting white." In the current cultural climate, "inequality" has little or nothing to do with being Black. The Census Bureau supports this with its analysis of single-parent incomes, Black and white, and so on.

So the left has created the scourge of "systemic racism." Systemic racism is insidious because it cannot be seen, traced, documented, or explained coherently. It cannot be eliminated because the Systemic Racists (i.e., all white people) are not even aware of its existence, except in literature.

But there is a simple reason why it cannot be seen, traced, documented, or explained coherently: It doesn't exist.

As pointed out in the article, if systemic racism is responsible for "mass incarceration of Blacks," then the same logic proves that the criminal justice system is systemically sexist against men because there are ten times as many men in max-security prisons as there are women. And the NBA is systemically racist against whites.


The Left has been mightily distressed over the past few years because "inequality," as it pertains to Black Americans, has been pretty much explained by cultural factors, as opposed to racism. You are bound to be sucking at the hind teat - whether you are Black, white, or other - if you are born to a single mother, if you drop out of school, if you engage in petty criminality and dabble with "controlled substances." Or if your culture demonizes proper grammar, and any sort of academic or career diligence, calling it, "Acting white." In the current cultural climate, "inequality" has little or nothing to do with being Black. The Census Bureau supports this with its analysis of single-parent incomes, Black and white, and so on.

So the left has created the scourge of "systemic racism." Systemic racism is insidious because it cannot be seen, traced, documented, or explained coherently. It cannot be eliminated because the Systemic Racists (i.e., all white people) are not even aware of its existence, except in literature.

But there is a simple reason why it cannot be seen, traced, documented, or explained coherently: It doesn't exist.

As pointed out in the article, if systemic racism is responsible for "mass incarceration of Blacks," then the same logic proves that the criminal justice system is systemically sexist against men because there are ten times as many men in max-security prisons as there are women. And the NBA is systemically racist against whites.


Great post. However, you are attempting to reason with that which can never be reasoned with, sated, placated or satisfied. Postmodernism, through its ideological roots grown from Marxism, is what's driving the systemic racism meta-narrative in American politics and culture. The concept of systemic racism against blacks is a direct derivative of Marx's ideas about ancient class warfare repackaged as race warfare and wholly exploited by the American left for the reason of gaining lasting and total political and cultural power. You cannot reason the postmodernist out of his or her belief that America is systemically racist even with absolute proof or fact because they'll just claim said proof or fact is a social construct.
I agree with a lot of what is said about systemic racism being a problem- I don't agree with using it as a political tool to further a career- ALL politicians are systemic in their belief they are an anointed special person- they're mostly a bunch of drunks that have to be told to come in out of the rain- being a functional alcoholic doesn't make them special, but it makes voters appear stupid when they keep voting them into office- as far as "official" documentation I trust it about as much as I trust politicians- can you say "official 911 report"? Warren commission? Weapons of mass destruction- communist are taking over the world, ala the early 50's-

Oath of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Is that not official?
Systemic racism is actually very much a fact and has been mandated by law for decades, now.

It is called "affirmative action".

Affirmative Action only exists because white people make all the decisions about hiring.

So here's an idea. Instead of requiring all positions to take race into account, just make sure that all HR and Managers are people of color.

The problem of inequality will sort itself out.

Of course, the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, not people of color.
So the left has created the scourge of "systemic racism." Systemic racism is insidious because it cannot be seen, traced, documented, or explained coherently. It cannot be eliminated because the Systemic Racists (i.e., all white people) are not even aware of its existence, except in literature.

Actually, it can be easily defined.

Being white in this society is an E-ticket.

I give a great example of a very subtle thing. In 2012, we had three people leave our department.

A Chinese-American woman who had been with the company for 9 years
An African American woman who had been with the company for two years.
A white intern college girl who worked with us for three months.

Now, being a sociable group our team was at that time, we had going away lunches for each of them. Now, guess which one of these three people the General Manager, a White Male in his 50's, made time to actually show up at the lunch?

In short, beginning of her career, no real accomplishments, she was being shown more favor by management than people who had worked hard for years and had real achievements under their belts.
The only systemic racism in this country is the one our universities, MSM and the Democrat party falsely preach about. Racism has long been a Democrat talking point in lieu of a platform. Now that they have adopted full blown totalitarianism and chaos, they just use racism as an enhancement to blow things out of proportion.
Systemic racism is actually very much a fact and has been mandated by law for decades, now.

It is called "affirmative action".

Affirmative Action only exists because white people make all the decisions about hiring.

So here's an idea. Instead of requiring all positions to take race into account, just make sure that all HR and Managers are people of color.

The problem of inequality will sort itself out.

Of course, the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been white women, not people of color.

Like the post office and the DMV?
Like the post office and the DMV?

Not sure what your weird obsession with those two are. Frankly, I've never had an issue with either.

It's no weird obsession.
You walk into any of them here in Texas and everyone is black.
I wont say without exception but damn near.
And who do you think the bosses are?
It's kind of an on going joke in Texas.
Systemic racism ranks right up their with cops are bad, don't spank your kids, and being self sufficient is a white thing. I'm really, really glad nobody takes the shills on the news seriously anymore. Ben Shapiro has a pretty good take on the systemic racism sham.
It's no weird obsession.
You walk into any of them here in Texas and everyone is black.
I wont say without exception but damn near.
And who do you think the bosses are?
It's kind of an on going joke in Texas.

Okay.. Um,so what? I mean, it still seems like a weird bit of obsession. "Oh, my God a black person told me to take a seat and wait my turn!!!"
It's no weird obsession.
You walk into any of them here in Texas and everyone is black.
I wont say without exception but damn near.
And who do you think the bosses are?
It's kind of an on going joke in Texas.

Okay.. Um,so what? I mean, it still seems like a weird bit of obsession. "Oh, my God a black person told me to take a seat and wait my turn!!!"

WTF does that have to do with the subject?

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