CDZ Systemic racism is not the problem, fatherless homes are the problem...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Larry Elder takes on the lie about systemic racism being the problem for black American problems......he points out fatherless homes causes the problems, not racism...

Blacks have lower IQ's and higher testosterone levels on average
I think Black exploitation films are to blame. All the Black Dads of the 60s and 70s watched Shaft and SuperFly and decided to become Playuhs.
It comes from the thousands of years living in tribes and everyone having sex with each other and nobody knowing or caring whos the babies daddies are
2aguy how do you feel about this thread about now?

How do I feel starting a thread looking at the concept of systemic racism vs. broken homes as the problem of poverty in the black community? Fine......if you want to contribute feel free....did you watch the video? Did you listen to the discussion by Larry Elder on the that...then tell me what you think, not what you feel...
Fatherless homes are problematic in all social categories, yet few have the guts to study this issue and publish their findings.
Iceland has sky high out of wedlock births too, but rock bottom murder rates.
How come?

Odds minority social tensions created by that dynamic....if you look at the countries of Europe, the ones driving the higher crime rates are foreign immigrants and minorities.......and Iceland's social structure and culture can probably still civilize young males even when they don't have fathers......
2aguy gets it right for a change.

Racism plays a role but its minuscule compared to single parent households and the lack of a male role model of ANY kind.
2aguy gets it right for a change.

Racism plays a role but its minuscule compared to single parent households and the lack of a male role model of ANY kind.

I get it right every time....I have posted about this over and over particular about crime...both here and in Europe....
Iceland has sky high out of wedlock births too, but rock bottom murder rates.
How come?

There is a difference between unmarried parents and absent parents.

On this....I just recently finished a book called "Life at the Bottom" about the British lower classes....and they have the same problem with single teenage mothers.......and it is increasing their crime problems there...
Larry Elder takes on the lie about systemic racism being the problem for black American problems......he points out fatherless homes causes the problems, not racism...

Systemic....from Google
  1. 1.
    relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.
    "the disease is localized rather than systemic"
    • (of an insecticide, fungicide, or similar substance) entering the plant via the roots or shoots and passing through the tissues.
I DO believe fatherless homes to be a problem. A big one. No need to debate, I agree that part 100%

I do believe there is a problem with racism in some organizations (systems). The one I work for has a small problem with it. Black folks are less likely to get hired but it is not impossible. The last company I work for was similar. Same for the one before that. So I guess I believe there is a problem where white folks in those corporate systems are less likely to hire black folks.

Does it doom blacks to poverty? No. Maybe after affirmative action is taken into account its still maybe 10% more difficult for blacks to get interviews and jobs.

If I stuttered it would be similar in a way I suppose.

BUT, you know how teenagers are all angsty or angry and rebellious? Black teens get information from white teens on how white folks talk about them. This makes some black teens work harder to make it. However, when a some people feel a teacher or boss is out to get them it is easier to sleep in and miss work. People also act like you expect them to.

So it compounds and swirls like water, or lives, going down the drain.
Iceland has sky high out of wedlock births too, but rock bottom murder rates.
How come?
Lack of a negroid population?
Your argument seems to point to that... gasp! you are a racist?

Considering the fact that african tribes are matriarchal, and entirely rapist... I guess we know you are a racist now.

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