Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Trump admin warned Assad against it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out ... Approved, if true, different from ...Used.


Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Oh so the CIA controlled press said this so that makes it true? comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg: fake news at its best as always from the CIA.:biggrin:

the Baathist dogs have already written the propaganda
Trump admin warned Assad against it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out ... Approved, if true, different from ...Used.


Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

What is this? LIke the fifth time that Assad has allegedly used chemical weapons and all of them have been proven to be lies?

none have been proven lies
Trump admin warned Assad against it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out ... Approved, if true, different from ...Used.


Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

What is this? LIke the fifth time that Assad has allegedly used chemical weapons and all of them have been proven to be lies?

none have been proven lies

Ummm, yes, Ma'am.....indeed they have.
Actually, no they haven’t. And only the Russians claim they haven’t.
US has no evidence of Syrian use of sarin gas, Mattis says
Syrian President Bashar Assad denies his government has used chemical weapons.

Mattis says it is clear that Assad’s government has weaponized and used chlorine gas in the Syrian civil war.

“We’re even more concerned about the possibility of sarin use,” he said. Sarin is a colorless and tasteless toxin that can cause respiratory failure leading to death.

Last April, the U.S. launched several dozen Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian air base in response to what it called illegal Syrian use of chemical weapons. President Donald Trump said the attack was meant to deter further Syrian use of illegal weapons.

In his remarks Friday, Mattis alluded to the April attack, saying, “So they’d be ill-advised to go back to violating” the international prohibition on the use of chemical weapons.

On Thursday, the Trump administration accused Assad of producing and using “new kinds of weapons” to deliver deadly chemicals. Administration officials said Trump has not ruled out additional military action to deter chemical attacks or to punish Assad, though they did not suggest any action was imminent. They emphasized that the United States was seeking a new way to hold users of chemical weapons accountable and wanted cooperation from Russia, Assad’s patron, in pressuring him to end the attacks.
Trump admin warned Assad against it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out ... Approved, if true, different from ...Used.


Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

What is this? LIke the fifth time that Assad has allegedly used chemical weapons and all of them have been proven to be lies?
Trump admin warned Assad against it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out ... Approved, if true, different from ...Used.


Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Before I click the link, it's AP or Rueters, amirite?

Oh! Look at that down at the bottom: "The Associated Press contributed to this report"

It's the AP beating the war drums to make money for the MIC. Don't fall for this bullshit. It's lies.

Russia, Iran, and Syria are decimating ISIS.
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Trump admin warned Assad against it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out ... Approved, if true, different from ...Used.


Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says
BS likely. The Neocons and neoliberals ALWAYS want war. War enriches the ruling class like nothing else.

Assad is the newest bogeyman invented by the CIA media,a non threat just like kadaffi of afghanistan. or however its spelled.
So, Assad, who is within a hair's breath of taking out the rebels, is now going to deliberately gas attack a small number of them? Knowing FULL WELL that this will bring a MASSIVE retaliatory strike from America/Israel/etc.?


How stupid/naive are you people? Where is the friggin' motive? There is none.

But the rebels have a GIGANTIC motive...they are desperate and are trying to get the West involved so that Assad does not wipe them out (militarily).

This whole nonsense is nothing but a false flag.
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So, Assad, who is within a hair's breath of taking out the rebels. is now going to deliberately gas attack a small number of them? Knowing FULL WELL that this will bring a MASSIVE retaliatory strike from America/Israel/etc.?


How stupid/naive are you people? Where is the friggin' motive? There is none.

But the rebels have a GIGANTIC motive...they are desperate and are trying to get the West involved so that Assad does not wipe them out (militarily).

This whole nonsense is nothing but a false flag.

yep just so the bankers can make money. the sheep here are too brainwashed by the CIA media unable to comprehend none of our wars were started by whom we were taught in history classes,that they were all started by the bankers and still are so they can profit. this sheep obviously doesnt get it that war is big business and big profits for the corporations,bankers and Isreal.
Trump admin warned Assad against it. Will be interesting to see how this plays out ... Approved, if true, different from ...Used.


Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Syria's Assad approves gas attack in Idlib despite warning, report says

Before I click the link, it's AP or Rueters, amirite?

Oh! Look at that down at the bottom: "The Associated Press contributed to this report"

It's the AP beating the war drums to make money for the MIC. Don't fall for this bullshit. It's lies.

Russia, Iran, and Syria are decimating ISIS.

You nailed it, IMO.

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