Syrian volunteers demand action to stop barrel bombs


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
The people who witness the results of these barrel bombs must be horrified at the carnage.

Syrian volunteers demand action to stop barrel bombs

Combat between Assad's army and IS fighters in Idlib, Syrie, on 28 March 2015.
REUTERS/Mohamad Bayoush

By Alexandra Waldhorn

While the United Nations Security Council has vowed to take action against those behind deadly chemical weapons in Syria, members of the Syrian Civil Defense volunteers tell RFI that the grim situation requires swift action.

“People are dying every day and Syria is being destroyed every day,” said Ola Suliman, the media coordinator for the May Day Rescue which trains volunteers with the Syrian Civil Defense, in a phone interview. “The last thing we want to wait for is an investigation leading to nothing. We don’t have time for that.”

The renewed call for action comes on the heels of testimony given by Syrian doctors on Thursday to the UN Security Council. The closed-door meeting included footage of doctors trying to resuscitate several young children suffering from an apparent chlorine gas bomb attack on 16 March near the north-western town of Idlib.

Six people died that day, including the three young children.

In the weeks since a string of similar attacks have occurred in and around Idlib, raising questions over the ability of a UN Security Council resolution passed on 6 March condemning the use of chemical weapons to stave off attacks.

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