Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership here's why it doesn't have mass shootings

Maybe the Swiss aren’t crazy?


they also have gun regs that would put your average nra nutter in the hospital

Living with guns the Swiss way

This is how dumb this story is....

"I'm always amazed how the National Rifle Association in America points to Switzerland - they make it sound as if it was part of southern Texas!" he says.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes. There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street. To shoot someone who just looks at you in a funny way - this is not Swiss culture!"

The only thing keeping them from having mass shootings is their citizens don't do it...they have guns, they have ammo...they don't shoot each other...again, culture and values...
So if your argument is that Americans are naturally violent...why would you give them easy access to guns?
Are we? Or is there a certain segment that is skewing our numbers?

View attachment 184713

Is there a link to your attachment?If there is one earlier in the thread never mind, I just haven't go there yet.

I'm betting the number is even lower for whites when hispanics and others who identify as 'white' are also culled form the data for white.
The number of crimes by race came from the FBI crime and statistics reports. 2013. You can google that. The population numbers came from wiki. I had to combine the two to get the per 100,000 number which seems to be the popular measure to compare to other countries.

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